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Question to server owners


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So, most of us run or manage a server, dedibox or whatever you use.

Few questions to feed my curiosity:


1. Why did you get into hosting?


2. What are your likes/dislikes?


3. What have you sworn never to do, only to do later thinking "Fuck it"?


4. What do you think of the Dayz community as a whole?

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1. I always wanted to host some sort of gameserver. I found dayz.st and I thought that it was rather cheap so I started there. My server rose to rank 43 quite quickly but lagged as shit, like most dayz.st servers did back then. I moved to a dedicated server and have not looked back since. 


2a. All the fucking tweaking and min-maxing of server settings, trader prices, minor bugs etc. I also dislike the attitude a lot of the players have. The attitude that is self-entitlement. You play on a server I pay quite alot for and then you complain that it does not have what you want or that it lags for 5 seconds. Sure, lag is annoying but 10 people spamming that it lags does not really contribute to solving it.


2b. What I like is, seeing a community grow and watching people build groups with each other, joining on my teamspeak and playing with people they've never met before.

3. Ban people because they argue or behave like twats. I wanted people to be able to discuss what they wanted and state their opinion. Now,  I may just ban them if they are annoying pricks who complain, argue, whine or are being general twats. I also never saw myself paying for a dedicated machine and antihack.

4. I like and dislike it. There is great customization and people share their ideas, scripts and plans with others. What I don't like is the abusive behavior amongst many admins and that some develop a rather large hubris. You are an admin and a player, being a dick and using your power to spawn items and ban/kick people who kill you is just stupid.

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1. Why did you get into hosting?

I kept trying server after server where everything was basically handed to me on a silver platter, and I didn't like it. Finding high end weapons in houses and firestations, tons of food in industrial locations, tons of food period, barely any zeds, and military compounds would make me rich instantly... So I decided I wanted to make something more challenging, where you have to search several houses to find a good stockpile of food, weapons are hard as hell to find, gas is limited so people can't drive endlessly, and so on. More then half complete my vision now, let's hope others like it and try it, lol.


2. What are your likes/dislikes?


- Challenge

- An experience that feels real

- A friendly community


- Drama

- Easy Servers


3. What have you sworn never to do, only to do later thinking "Fuck it"?

So far Safezones, I figured it might make players feel safe so they'd try more, but nope, still dead, lol. I will be removing it in time though, removing trader cities and spreading merchants out all over. Also starting packages, have had about a dozen people join server for short period and leave, some I think were in relation to fact I didn't give free stuff to start. So I've setup a start package as incentive for a short period, apparently it's failing too.


4. What do you think of the Dayz community as a whole?

Hard to say, I mostly played solo on servers I joined as the first 5 encounters I had where I tried to work with others turned into me getting shot and robbed. The community on this forum however is really good, I've received a fair amount of help from people, and they don't insult your lack of knowledge on a topic as I've encountered in so many places in the past.

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1. Why did you get into hosting?

I was asked by a friend to help install infistar about 2 months ago (without any prior experience), I found adding scripts to be satisfying and seeing them work after few modifications was a great reward. Month later my first script was created, week after that the emerald interior thingy. This got me into modding and now I am spending big part of my every day modding. Hosting a server just came naturally after setting up local server for testing. Now I am looking forward to dive into A3E PBOs and learn from the best.


2. What are your likes/dislikes?

Likes - Epoch modding community.

Dislikes - The rest of the community, but it has few exceptions. Mostly dislike the younger audience as they are complaining too much, everything is a script error and admin's fault. Beggars for TP or "refunds", because stupidity is now called a "glitch".


3. What have you sworn never to do, only to do later thinking "Fuck it"?

Well, no such thing for me, I am open to experimenting. Don't care about general atmosphere of "dayz survival walking simulator" anymore, this is an arma game and I don't mind introducing people to it.

Ban everyone that says admin abuse. It actually works pretty well. 

I'm with Defent on paying for AH -  Apart from keeping server safe, It is a huge help for starting modders/devs, makes my life so much easier.


4. What do you think of the Dayz community as a whole?

Without modding community dayz mod would have died long time ago or be plagued with same retards you find in rust or similar games. WIthout epoch being open source, we wouldn't have as many modders. Give DayZ: SA to modders and pocket another few millions watching someone else creating a better game for you.

Modders are only a small part of whole community, so I am drifting away from question, but to answer it shortly - I better keep it to myself.


@insertcoins: you will only find answers from personal experiences, this game is quite unique. It is never the same for everybody or even players themselves - every time you launch that .exe file it's a whole different experience. So you'll probably only get opinions as answers rather than actually reliable data.

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1. Why did you get into hosting?

I have hosted a minecraft server for the kids (3 of them) on my home lan for a while and see the satisfaction they get from playing in a safe and controllable environment.  I came to Epoch by way of DayZ SA (although played OFP extensively before that) and liked the way I can run my own server, set the enviroment the way I want it and be sure the admins aren't being abusive (it is just me so that one is currently easy).  I don't like the idea of spending hours of my time, the results of which are at the whim of a 3rd party and could vanish at any time and so try to make sure my server will be reliable and a safe haven for like minded people.


2. What are your likes/dislikes (with server hosting presumably)?


Setup the environment just the way I like it.

Meeting some great friendly and helpful people.

Sharing the experience.


People whos only purpose is to make others lives difficult (griefing, harrassing, bullying).

People from the over entitled generation who just whine constantly if they don't get what they want.



3. What have you sworn never to do, only to do later thinking "Fuck it"?

I host (will be) from home and have been looking to move to a 1Gbps fibre connection but have been waiting for the current 200Mbit connection contract to expire from another service provider.  I then found out that my wife recontracted for another two years with the 200Mbit provider without checking with me so ended up arranging for a second fibre feed which is only really to be used for hosting my Epoch server. 


4. What do you think of the Dayz community as a whole?

I have no real experience witht he DayZ community but the Epoch community is generally very good.  I help where I can and others take the time to offer ideas and suggestions when I am looking to solve a problem and have not thought of a solution.  It seems we can have a decent conversation on the forums here without decending in to insults or arguments even if people have different opinions which is fairly rare on the internet so it is pretty good from an Epoch point of view.

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