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Make a key for Unlocked vehicles



Hi! I am trying to make it possible for players to use some items (KeyMasterKit + Whaterver) to create a key while looking at an unlocked car. (even cars that were spawned on the map randomly)

I know this script exist somewhere because I saw it on a server.


This script would require to change the vehicle ''_activatingplayer'' and associate a key with the new car with this I suppose :


// First select key color

_keyColor = ["Green","Red","Blue","Yellow","Black"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

// then select number from 1 - 2500
_keyNumber = (floor(random 2500)) + 1;

// Combine to key (eg.ItemKeyYellow2494) classname
_keySelected = format[("ItemKey%1%2"),_keyColor,_keyNumber];

_isKeyOK = isClass(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _keySelected);

_config = _keySelected;
_isOk = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd;

waitUntil {!isNil "_isOk"};

if (_isOk and _isKeyOK) then {


And then attatch the new key to the players toolbelt.


I tried an admin script to create a key from a locked vehicle but it doesnt generate a key for a car that was spawned randomly on the map.


I need help selecting the vehicle ID and creating a specific key for it. that I can then add to the player's toolbelt.



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4 answers to this question

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As far as I am aware those vehicles has no characterID (ID is 0), thats why key can not be created. If you create ID, think you should be able to make a key for them, too.

Someone correct me if wrong.

   	_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
   	_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];
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Thanks to both of you! I saw this script Gr8Boi but I didnt realized that there was the option to claim witch is exactly what I am looking for! I am gonna try this out and let you know if this works! I also wanted the ability to swap all keys in only one so this script is perfect! Thanks

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Thanks to both of you! I saw this script Gr8Boi but I didnt realized that there was the option to claim witch is exactly what I am looking for! I am gonna try this out and let you know if this works! I also wanted the ability to swap all keys in only one so this script is perfect! Thanks


I tried to install this script, but the claim part didnt work for me :(

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