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[TUTORIAL] Harvestable hemp, smoking weed, pot farms.


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Awesome Tutorial I smoke a Blunt in your honour. Thank You.


Curious if anyone figured out how to lower your Food & Drink levels...makes sense to me to give the tokers the munchies

as well is there a way to only smoke at the Hookah's? if so can someone tell me how or point me in right direction? 

How would we add green smoke effect when smoking also? Hmm Gotta try smoking while driving to see if that works..would love to see a green trail going down the road or throu the air while Fly'n High  8>)


"Ganja Airlines where we fly High"  currently that's my motto anyway as I always fly no higher than 100m usually only about 25m-50m.





That is just epic... Love it!


I'll see if I can script something to make your health and food lower, but not enough to kill ya hahah

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Anyone figure out the solution (or even part of it) to my inquiry?



Curious if anyone figured out how to lower your Food & Drink levels...makes sense to me to give the tokers the munchies

as well is there a way to only smoke at the Hookah's? if so can someone tell me how or point me in right direction? 

How would we add green smoke effect when smoking also? Hmm Gotta try smoking while driving to see if that works..would love to see a green trail going down the road or throu the air while Fly'n High  8>)


"Ganja Airlines where we fly High"  currently that's my motto anyway as I always fly no higher than 100m usually only about 25m-50m.



I was on a server a while ago that made green smoke and only allowed ya to smoke at the Water Pipe, can't find the info or the server again  8>(

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would proberbly be better if you changed it to check if players inventory is full instead ... tbh i think setting a limit to how many you can have in your inventory is a bit stupid, since you can just put some down and harvest more, however checking if inventory is full will make sure the player can not have more magazines than allowed in inventory.


also i made a little somethin-somethin here for everyone who does not know how to use the editor or if you are just tierd of the same old field in the same old spot:


this script will create a random amount of farms and plants each restart, plants are created "labyrinth style" so it will seem like its placed perfectly close no matter how many plants you want and where they end up, markers are automaticly set for each farm and there is an option to blacklist areas like tradecitys ... (as always in my scripts) there is a few settings you can customize a bit ...

you can set how many farms you want max/min, how many plants you want max/min, how far from roads you want it to spawn and blacklisted areas where weed will not spawn (areas for cherno and napf is preset).


have fun:




This works perfectly except for the markers do not work. Any ideas? Could this be an issue with Infistar?

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i need to figure the smoke part out 

And can som1 help to make the effect more mellow 

so that i can see where i go and there is just alittle collor change?

i did try to change some stuff in the smokeshit sqf

nothing helpt




I found out that when i use the post procces effect  on normal the effect is there .

but my screen is white with the color effect on the menus and text

and wheni put postprocces on low nothing happens no effect only the animation


I fixed it .

i did take out some effects and only kept the color corrections and the chromeamberation.

Works like a charm   

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not compatible with Emerald Interior Designer ??.

I would assume it is, if you setup the right click system good dude. You need to add your own options to it.

If you use Emerald interior Designer, it uses the extra_rc.hpp as well, so you need to merge files (add the parts of my tut to yours).

Do not call a script imcompatible when you are just too lazy to add it to it.

If it is indeed not compatible as in term of script (not in the right click part) let me know I will try to figure it out.

As of now it works fine for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little update for those who wants to make the script make your player hungry/thirsty etc. PLEASE NOTE THIS HAS NOT BEEN TESTED. I took this from a hack script that would set your hunger and thirst back to 0, so idk if it will work.


Simply add 

dayz_hunger	= dayz_hunger + 0.4;
dayz_thirst = dayz_thirst + 0.4;


Remove_Drug_effects =
    ppEffectDestroy _x;
    } forEach (_this select 0);
    ppEffectDestroy ppe2;
    ppEffectDestroy ppe3;
    setaperture 0;
    _time = time;
    _effects = [];
    player playMoveNow "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak01";
    while {true} do



it should look like this:


 [] spawn {
    hint "You just smoked a huge blunt! Feel the high kick in! (lasts 90 seconds)";
    player removeMagazine 'ItemKiloHemp';
    player setDamage 0;
    r_player_inpain = false;
    r_player_injured = false;
    dayz_hunger    = dayz_hunger + 0.4;
    dayz_thirst = dayz_thirst + 0.4;
    r_player_lowblood = 	false;
    dayz_sourceBleeding =	objNull;
    player setVariable ["USEC_injured",false,true];
   {player setVariable[_x,false,true];} forEach USEC_woundHit;
    player setVariable['medForceUpdate',true,true];
    Remove_Drug_effects =
    ppEffectDestroy _x;
    } forEach (_this select 0);
    ppEffectDestroy ppe2;
    ppEffectDestroy ppe3;
    setaperture 0;
    _time = time;
    _effects = [];
    player playMoveNow "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak01";
    while {true} do
	Flare = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position player;
	if (vehicle player != player) then { Flare attachTo [vehicle player,[0,0,0.]];}
	else {Flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0.]];}
    ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration", 1555];
    _effects = _effects + [ppe2];
    ppe2 ppEffectAdjust [random 0.25,random 0.25,true];
    ppe2 ppEffectCommit 1;
    ppe2 ppEffectEnable true;
    ppe3 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 1555];
    _effects = _effects + [ppe3];
    ppe3 ppEffectEnable true;
    ppe3 ppEffectAdjust [random 0.02,random 0.02,0.15,0.15];
    ppe3 ppEffectCommit 1;
    sleep random(1);
    if (_time + 90 < time) exitWith {[_effects] call Remove_Drug_effects;};

Or it might be

dayz_hunger	= 0.4;
dayz_thirst = 0.4;

But that last option would make it so you are set to 0.4, so if you were at something higher, you would then LOSE hunger and thirst. Waiting for someone to reply to this as I dont have a server to test it on atm.

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fragz how hard would it be to change this to a oil harvest script or a diamond harvest script 

you could easily convert this to harvest oil from whatever cursor target you choose

this already mines gold/silver and gems....... wasn't aware there are diamonds in epoch


for oil you could something like this



if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Land_Ind_Oil_Pump_EP1") then {
if (s_player_oil < 0) then {
            s_player_oil = player addAction [("<t color=""#39C1F3"">" + ("Fill Oil") +"</t>"),"custom\oil\oil.sqf",_cursorTarget,0,false,true,"", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_oil;
        s_player_oil = -1;



if (DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith {};
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;
player removeAction s_player_oil;
s_player_oil = -1;

if ("ItemFuelBarrelEmpty" in magazines player) then {
player playActionNow "medic";
player removeMagazine "ItemFuelBarrelEmpty";
player addMagazine "ItemOilBarrel";
cutText [format["You filled one barrel with oil!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
uiSleep 3;
} else {
cutText [format["You need empty 50 gal fuel barrel"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
DZE_ActionInProgress = false;

this is untested.

this uses the Land_Ind_Oil_Pump_EP1  for the cursor_target, you can use oil rig, oil pump, or really anything..



just like jerrycan filling

just changing  the cursor_target and the  remove empty can,  add full can....

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  • 2 weeks later...

you can use this to automaticly build random weed fields with markers on any map, each restart:






why dont you just add my script to your tutorial, so users dont needs to go in the editor and build them, unless they really want to?

I used your script but you have no instructions   I copied made it weedfarms.sqf   called it from init/server_functions.sqf   and nothing spawns   I have the weed in traders for sale you can buy or sell it but no fields..................what did I miss   ?    We used it before but had just one static field in same place but like this one.    Do I have to setup markers or are they in the script?



edit:  think its that I called it weedfarms.sqf and it doesn't have an s   hehe   will see if that fixes it.


another edit:   No it doesn't make a difference unless it takes more then an hour to grow a pot field.    Anyone have any ideas??????



FIXED:   I had weedfarm on server side so when I moved to mission side the markers work............duh   thanks for help

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I used your script but you have no instructions   I copied made it weedfarms.sqf   called it from init/server_functions.sqf   and nothing spawns   I have the weed in traders for sale you can buy or sell it but no fields..................what did I miss   ?    We used it before but had just one static field in same place but like this one.    Do I have to setup markers or are they in the script?



edit:  think its that I called it weedfarms.sqf and it doesn't have an s   hehe   will see if that fixes it.


another edit:   No it doesn't make a difference unless it takes more then an hour to grow a pot field.    Anyone have any ideas??????

look in your  arma2oaserver.RPT

for this


7:40:58 "[Random_Weed_Farm]: waiting for BIS_fnc_findSafePos"
 7:40:58 "[Random_Weed_Farm]: Function loaded ... Server Building 2 Weed Farm(s)"
 7:40:58 "[Random_Weed_Farm]: Found Location for a farm (136089) [13639.6,16120.6] with 6 plants"
 7:40:58 "[Random_Weed_Farm]: Found Location for a farm (128144) [12888.1,10613.6] with 4 plants"
 7:40:58 "[Random_Weed_Farm]: Weed Farm(s) Done ... Broadcasting locations for clients"

if you have that then the farms are spawning

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would proberbly be better if you changed it to check if players inventory is full instead ... tbh i think setting a limit to how many you can have in your inventory is a bit stupid, since you can just put some down and harvest more, however checking if inventory is full will make sure the player can not have more magazines than allowed in inventory.


also i made a little somethin-somethin here for everyone who does not know how to use the editor or if you are just tierd of the same old field in the same old spot:


this script will create a random amount of farms and plants each restart, plants are created "labyrinth style" so it will seem like its placed perfectly close no matter how many plants you want and where they end up, markers are automaticly set for each farm and there is an option to blacklist areas like tradecitys ... (as always in my scripts) there is a few settings you can customize a bit ...

you can set how many farms you want max/min, how many plants you want max/min, how far from roads you want it to spawn and blacklisted areas where weed will not spawn (areas for cherno and napf is preset).


have fun:



I would have fun except I put your script in my chernarus server and nothing spawns.   I had a predone sqf with fiberplants in it that used to work in Epoch build but now using Overpochins and neither work.  I have everything else working the knife to harvest right click and even put a mission in WAI but it doesn't spawn either.................see nothing in rpt

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I think adding his script to the mission pbo and calling it in the init.sqf is pretty standard stuff man. People who are stuck are just gonna have to do it the old fashioned way and read the comments. Kudos to you for detailing your specific problem and the solution you found, this will help anyone who is lost.

Standard if it works    problem is that his download has no instructions at pastebin or in his files.     Everyone isn't as smart as u

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