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Adding key descriptions? Possible? Ideas?


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It could be possibly by manipulating the gear menu with a custom text dialog in the location of the gear's text dialog, then listening for an event of which item is selected, and then get the classname (ItemKeyColor###) to display in the location of the gear description.

The gear display number is 106, which could be used with any of the display commands following:
findDisplay, closeDisplay, createDisplay, displayAddEventHandler, displaySetEventHandler, displayRemoveEventHandler, displayCtrl

User Interface Event Handlers: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Event_Handlers

Some related topics:

Some useful resources:

EDIT: I adjusted the below code to work with Arma 2, however, it acts funky in the editor for Arma 2. Have not tested this out any further than the editor.

handle = [] spawn {
    fnc_test = {
        _control = _this select 0;
        _selectedIndex = _this select 1;
        _data = format ["Data\n%1\n________\n",_control lbData _selectedIndex];
        _text = format ["Text\n%1\n________\n",_control lbText _selectedIndex];
        _value = format ["Value\n%1\n________\n",_control lbValue _selectedIndex];
        _pic = format ["Picture\n%1\n________\n",_control lbPicture _selectedIndex];
        hint format["Selected Uniform Index: %1,%2\n%3%4%5%6",_control,_selectedIndex,_data,_text,_value,_pic];
        //hint format["%1\n%2",_this select 0, _this select 1];
    while {true} do {
        waituntil {!(isnull (finddisplay 106))};
        hint "Inventory has been opened\nAdding event to uniform listbox";
        ((findDisplay 106) displayCtrl 105) ctrlSetEventHandler ["LBSelChanged", "_this call fnc_test"];
        waituntil {isnull (finddisplay 106)};

I have seen the command ctrlSetText used to change text on a dialog menu.
Maybe something can be done there if you can find the displayCtrl of the gear description?

I got curious and unpacked the UI.pbo inside of the Arma2oa/Expansion/Addons folder, and used the unRap program to decompile the config.bin from the UI.pbo
I was able to get the IDC (dialog) numbers for the gear menus.

Here are some:
CA_Item_Picture = 1104
CA_CustomDescription = 1106
G_GearItems = 160

CA_Gear_slot_primary = 107

CA_Gear_slot_secondary = 108

CA_Gear_slot_handgun = 121

CA_Gear_slot_item1-12 = 109-120

CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1-8 = 122-129

CA_ItemName = 1101
Gear_Title = 1001
Unit_Title = 101

Inside Expansion/dta/bin.pbo/config.bin is RscDisplayGear.hpp which lists:
RscDisplayGear = 106
Title = 101
B_Add = 146

B_Remove = 147
B_Rearm = 132
B_OpenBag = 157
B_CloseBag = 158
B_Close = 2
Pool = 105
Skill = 102
Vehicle = 103

It seems that the Weapons dialog is defined by IDC_GEAR_WEAPONS. The following are referenced:



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