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Changing trader menus



I'm working in DayZ Epoch on Lingor using Navicat and Notepad++. I have my own test server.


I've created custom centralized trader camps, moved the existing traders into each camp, reskined them, and changed their humanity requirments. All of this works perfectly.

However, I need to change a couple of the menus.

This is were I run into issues. I found this online:


"Open your "server_traders.sqf" in you MPMISSIONS FOLDER (or PBO).
In Step one you found the classname of the trader, for me it was
"worder2" so in you server_traders.sqf just search the classname of the
trader you want.
for me it was :

// Aircraft Dealer 103
menu_Worker2 = [
[["Airplanes",517],["Helicopter Unarmed",519]],

At the end of the line [["Airplanes",517],["Helicopter Unarmed",519]], -
i just add this just before the "]," : ,["Building Supplies",693].

for me it is :

// Aircraft Dealer 103 <- i add 103 here to remember after
menu_Worker2 = [
[["Airplanes",517],["Helicopter Unarmed",519],[building Supplies",693]],


Through Navicat I found some unused TIDs and added these, using the guide as seen above, into my traders. So now I get the correct menu header, but when click on the menu, it flashes "Loading items" for a second then disappears without any actual items in the list. Obviosly I am missing a step. If anyone could point me in the right direct I would be very appreciative. Here is an example of one of the edits:


// Blackmarket Helis
menu_TK_Soldier_Crew_EP1 = [
    [["Helicopter Unarmed",39]],


Thanks in advance.

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Obvious question, but will still ask it... .


Did you add any trader_items with the tid 39? :)

I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that simply cutting and pasting the number would have pointed directly to the items. So, what excalty do I need to do? Step by step please if you don't mind, as I have never done this and I am learning as I go. Thanks so much though for the glimmer of hope.

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I do not need to create or add traders. I have plenty of traders on the map.


I don't even need to add to the menu. I need to change the menu completely. I.E., the parts guys need to sell helicopters INSTEAD of parts.


When I cut and pasted an unused tid for helicopters, the header for Helicopters Unarmed showed up, howerever there were no heliopters in the list. There is nothing in the list. No one has explained why this is or how to fix it. So I am "sharing" the helicopter menu with the existing heilicopter vendor. This is working. This does not seem an ideal fix, so I would be open on how to do this properly. Thanks.

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have you checked your database to make sure there are helicopters with the unused tid? if there is not then it wont show anything.

Looking in epoch.sql (I am guessing this is where  I look) I assume you mean Traders_DATA? I am learning this as I go so I am not postive where to look.


Would this be the correct line? And that last number would be the tid? If so, then no, there is no tid 39 in there, which was the one I was attempting to use.

INSERT INTO `Traders_DATA` VALUES(5272, '["Mi17_Civilian_DZ",2]', 11, '[2,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', '[1,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', 0, 519, 'trade_any_vehicle'


Ok, maybe I am getting somewhere! So HOW do I get it in there? Or can I simply leave as is, and have the traders share?

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Alrighty, doing some more research has just confused me further. I went and looked at the epoch.sql on github and I guess I just do not "get this". :(


Looking at the list, there are 176 traders total? Is that right?

Then there are lots and lots and lots of items. (I refuse to count them)

And the tids list is 1 through 692.


So digging around, it seems like for example, the Hero vendor is number 143, and that under his list the Helicopter Armed is number 493.

Ok so which number is a tid?! Because under the tid list number 39 is Helicopters Unarmed, and yet I see no 39 listed anywhere in the items database!

So, I am doing this wrong, how do I do this correctly?!  :huh:

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