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A few errors with centos

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I managed to get all of the packages installed, however, when I run ./install I get this error:   http://puu.sh/8Dvxm.png.  So I assumed that I would just run ./install to see what happens and I got this error:  http://puu.sh/8DvzH.png.  Can't find anything on these issues, however, I think that once I fix the ./install issue the other one will be resolved as well.  Thanks for your help!

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If you type in your name you will get the same error.
just means that it cannot find a command with that name
check if the gcc package is installed and if so check if it has a different name.

on my system for example it's gcc-4.7 .
Do a 'which gcc' to check or type gcc <tab><tab> for command completion to see if there is a program starting with 'gcc'.

if there is nothing install the gcc package: yum install gcc

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If you type in your name you will get the same error.

just means that it cannot find a command with that name

check if the gcc package is installed and if so check if it has a different name.

on my system for example it's gcc-4.7 .

Do a 'which gcc' to check or type gcc <tab><tab> for command completion to see if there is a program starting with 'gcc'.

if there is nothing install the gcc package: yum install gcc



Thanks, solved all the errors on the ./install, but when I try to run ./epoch.sh I am still getting this error.  http://puu.sh/8DvzH.png  It appears that I am missing a library, but I am not sure which one.  Again, thank you for your help!


EDIT:  I downloaded the 32 bit library which fixed the error now I am getting this error:  http://puu.sh/8DA7S.png  assuming it is another package which I am looking for now.  Thanks for the help!

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I have finally hit a wall, all of my other errors were package related, however, this error is baffling me.  I have seen all kinds of fixes but so far none of them have worked.  Thanks for the help!  


./epoch: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by ./epoch)
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Why are you posting these short texts as pictures?


I have no idea of centOS or the yum package manager. I searched for the package lib32stdc on my debian system (aptitude search lib32stdc).

Google: http://www.exelisvis.com/Support/HelpArticlesDetail/TabId/219/ArtMID/900/ArticleID/5276/5276.aspx


Google is your friend as I need to go to bed now ,)

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That was exactly my issue as debian has 'old' packages to be safer.




You need a newer version if gcc if I remember correctly. I got this from a testing repository. If you got this...the rest should work fine.


EDIT: hm, I am not sure about a newer gcc. Enter your error message in google and you find a lot of hints. Maybe adding something so the LD_Library path was enough. That was in january...I cannot really remember unfirtunately. I guess I've added a testing repo and installed the missing lib from there.


These sound good:




(...and it was related to a newer gcc...at least 4.6.2 or something.)

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That was exactly my issue as debian has 'old' packages to be safer.




You need a newer version if gcc if I remember correctly. I got this from a testing repository. If you got this...the rest should work fine.


EDIT: hm, I am not sure about a newer gcc. Enter your error message in google and you find a lot of hints. Maybe adding something so the LD_Library path was enough. That was in january...I cannot really remember unfirtunately. I guess I've added a testing repo and installed the missing lib from there.


These sound good:




(...and it was related to a newer gcc...at least 4.6.2 or something.)

Thanks, following that first guide and it has been compiling the gcc fix for about 2 hours now hopefully I didn't screw up.  I will check it when I get up in the morning.  Thanks for your help!

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