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I'd like to spread and randomize the loot tables for my server...





I was wondering if this is even possible. I want to prevent players from practically living at military bases/airports/etc. I want to make it so that there's no higher chance of guns spawning at these places than anywhere else...basically I just want the military areas to be like any other area, so players have a reason to explore the rest of the map instead of just farming these few areas.


I've googled and googled and googled...all I can find are quickly-scribbled "tutorials" that are either outdated, or half-finished, or expect me to already know everything about my server to begin with.


If anyone here is willing to help me out with this, I would be eternally grateful. My server is basically just stock DayZ Epoch, latest version. No addons yet.


Also, if you're willing to help me further, I would really like to reduce the amount of spawned loot in my server overall...it's too easy to survive currently. Is this possible? I've googled this for the last several days as well, and found the same as above...outdated, incomplete advice on how to do it, but no current and complete tutorials on how to get this done. If someone would mind helping me, I'd be so appreciative.


Thank you very much.

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