Jump to content with Base Building Mod PBOs Anyone? Pretty PLEASE :P

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Just a shout out to see if ANYONE has server/mission PBO's for epoch with base building working?

I've been trying to get this sorted lots, failed :( (I know - hangs head in shame!).

I've been checking out both the popular 'packs' that are out at the moment, but they seem buggy.

In the past I have been able to add/edit any mod I like, I just CANNOT get this one to work :(

If anyone has any working files for bb 1.2 with epoch, I would be SOOOO grateful!!!

If not, no stress, just asking in case anyone was kind enough to share them :D

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happyman - thanks for the reply :D


I hadn't tried that, as 3 days ago Exo said he was going to send me a beta update with fixes :P So kinda been awaiting that.


I'ts okay though, I've downloaded the asian server pack, and worked all night on a few tweaks, and... I HAVE IT WORKING :D YAY!!!


I'm going to test it today, make a few more tweaks to make sure all is working etc :D




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