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Posts posted by Bandus

  1. 1 hour ago, He-Man said:

    Have you forgotten to mark the ports as active?

    Oh my, can you imagine how embarrassed I'd be! I realize in the screenshot it appears those check boxes for to mark the rules as active, however, they are actually the checks to choose which rules to delete.

    Edit: I should also add, I have tried seeing the server through both the launcher browser and in the-game browser. I have also, of course, tried direct connecting to the server's external IP and port 2302, all to no effect.

  2. I greatly appreciate the responses! I went ahead and forwarded ports 2302 - 2306 as suggested. I also removed the @Epoch from serverMod=

    Unfortunately, I still am unable to see the server in the server list and cannot direct join it. I don't suppose there are any thoughts/ideas on what might be causing this?

  3. Greetings! Recently, I attempted to install and setup an Arma 3 server for Epoch. My issue is that the server does not appear in the server list and cannot be connected to directly, but I am not sure why. 

    As far as I am aware I have followed all the instructions for installation/setup properly. I have forwarded ports 2302-2303 (for the game itself) and 6379 (for redis).



    When I attempt to launch the server I receive the following:



    My config files appear as follows:


    hostname            = "MAGDY Epoch";
    password             = "******";
    passwordAdmin          = "******";
    serverCommandPassword = "******";
    logFile                = "A3Master.log";
    verifySignatures       = 2;
    BattlEye            = 1;
    requiredBuild = 136470;

    allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {:};
    allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"};
    allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"html"};

    disconnectTimeout = 10; // default 90

    // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")
    // It can be several lines, separated by comma
    // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval

    motd[] = {
        "Welcome to MAGDY Epoch!",
        "Server hosted by Magnetar Dynamics"
    motdInterval = 5;               // Time interval (in seconds) between each message

    maxPlayers = 10;        // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.

    // VOTING
    voteMissionPlayers    = 200;    // Prevents Votes.
    voteThreshold        = 2; // Prevents Votes.
    // DISALLOW VOTING since 1.39
    allowedVoteCmds[] = {};
    allowedVotedAdminCmds[] = {};

    disableVoN    = 0;            // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available
    vonCodecQuality = 30;       // Quality from 1 to 30
    forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; // Enforces the Advanced Flight Model on the server. Default = 0 (up to the player). 1 - forced AFM, 2 - forced SFM.
    persistent    = 1;            // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.

    // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) (epoch.Altis, epoch.Stratis, epoch.Chernarus, epoch.Bornholm)
    class Missions
        class Epoch {
            template = epoch.Altis; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS, IT WILL BREAK YOUR SERVER
            difficulty = "custom";    // difficulty settings: Recruit, Regular Veteran, Custom

    kickDuplicate = 1;
    equalModRequired = 0;
    requiredSecureId = 2;
    timeStampFormat = "short";

    onUserConnected = "";
    onUserDisconnected = "";
    doubleIdDetected = "";

    onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";    // unsigned data detected
    onHackedData =     "kick (_this select 0)";    //"ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected
    onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)";

    BattlEyePath = C:\Arma3Server\server\battleye
    InstanceID = NA123
    LogAbuse = 1
    LogLimit = 999
    IP =
    Port = 2306
    Password = *******

    IP =
    Port = 6379
    DB = 0
    Password = *******

    Logging = 0
    Key =
    VACBanned = 0
    VACMinimumNumberOfBans = 0
    VACMaximumDaysSinceLastBan = 0
    PlayerAllowOlderThan = 0

    RConPort 2306
    RConPassword ********

    MaxCreateVehiclePerInterval 72 1
    MaxSetPosPerInterval 2 1
    MaxSetDamagePerInterval 36 1
    MaxAddBackpackCargoPerInterval 12 1
    MaxAddMagazineCargoPerInterval 96 1
    MaxAddWeaponCargoPerInterval 24 1
    MaxDeleteVehiclePerInterval 48 1
    MaxAttachToPerInterval 4 1

    arma3server.exe -mod=@Epoch; -serverMod=@Epoch;@EpochHive; -config=C:\arma3server\server\SC\server.cfg -ip= -port=2302 -profiles=SC -cfg=C:\arma3server\server\SC\basic.cfg -name=SC -autoInit

    If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it!




  4. As it should be.  It's in an infantile state at the moment, simply a proof of concept.  It fits into the larger scheme of how it will all congeal together when it is fully implemented with all of the right pieces.

    You'll see ;)


    That is a refreshing and reassuring reply! Thank you very much! Me and mine will continue eagerly watching the development process. Thank you!

  5. If you are killed and you or your friend have a multi gun with a revive attachment you can be revived once. If not you can teleport to one of the starer trader cities.



    Shooting people back to life, and shooting wheel wells until a tire appears is exactly not what I'm looking for. We'll be able to easily remove the multi-tool right? None of the mod features need it? You can repair wheels the old normal way, right? Please don't crush my hopes and dreams after waiting so long for this...



    I have to agree that I really hope this can be disabled or some type of alternative for this. I very much enjoyed Epoch for ARMA II and when I heard that zombies were being removed from Epoch for ARMA III, I was definitely pleased and eager. While 90% of what is shown in that game play video look fantastic I was really turned off by the "magic gun of <insert what you need here>." It just seems really out of place for a survival based game in my opinion.

  6. That's fair. I still wonder how it is accomplished via vaults and storage sheds. They seem to keep their items after a restart. I just want to basically make an item, other than a vault that needs a combination and a giant storage shed, that writes to the DB.

  7. Unfortunately, I still have not been able to get this to work. I don't suppose anyone has any additional ideas on how to place crates, etc. that players can store items in that will persist after a restart. Due to the existence of vaults/safes and storage sheds it surely seems possible, I just can't figure out how it works. Thanks!

  8. I am not entirely sure where/how to download your mission .PBO. Can you provide a link? Thank for your help!

    Edit: I managed to get the PBO from your server by joining it and looking in my mpmissioncache folder. I hope that was what you intended and I apologize if not. I see you are using the BTC fast roping mod. I had looked at this mod and it seemed like when the soldiers left the chopper there were no visible ropes. Are the ropes actually visible with this mod? Thanks!

  9. So, I've seen several thread on the forums here indicating people are using Norrin's Fast Roping addon (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5791) on their Epoch server.


    I attempted to add it to mine with no success. The zip file itself for the mod comes without the structure intact, but, nevertheless I am confident I am putting the files in the proper place.  


    On the server in \Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\ I created a directory called @norrn_dbo_fastrope. Inside that folder I created two subfolders called \addons\ and \keys\. Within \@norrn_dbo_fastrope\addons\ I have placed the norrn_dbo_fastrope.pbo and norrn_dbo_fastrope.pbo.norrin.bisign files. Within the \@norrn_dbo_fastrope\keys\ folder I have placed the norrin.bikey file.


    Client machines get the same directory structure with the same files in it, however, when connecting to the server errors are received indicating "files are not signed by a key accepted by the server" despite the fact that the .bikey files are in the proper place.  


    I would appreciate if someone had ideas on what I might be missing.

  10. I am hoping this question will be easier than my last!


    Obviously, there are several items in DayZ Epoch that allow for persistent storage (i.e. the write to the database). These items include vaults, storage sheds, etc.


    My objective is to be able to place ammo crates/weapon boxes, etc. that can be used for storage at various locations. I have found a way to place boxes and items can be placed into them, however, upon a server restart the items are lost because they are not writing their contents to the database. Can anyone point me in the right direction to make this work? Thanks!

  11. I believe I have resolved this issue at long last. I was reading a post that was related in a way to this, located here: http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/840-donator-spawn-loadout-without-database-triggers/


    In my dayz_server.pbo, in the server_playerlogin.sqf file, the spawn setup lines (i.e. _inventory, _backpack, etc.) were not commented out, they were simply blank. However, I believe that was having an affect on the spawn loadout because after commenting these out the default loadout set in init.sqf appears to be working fine. 


    However, I will point out that Bungle's Custom Server pack nor vanilla Epoch seems to come with these lines commented out by default which means that the settings for default spawn loadout in init.sqf will not work by default. Thank you all for the ideas and thoughts and attempts to help. I appreciate it!

  12. Despite a lot of research and PMs to several folks on the forums that appear experienced with server config, I have still not managed to figure out this issue. I hate bumping my own post, but, I would like to renew my call to anyone who may have an idea of why this isn't working to reply or PM me. I really appreciate it!

  13. You need to edit your HiveExt.ini file with the following:


    ;Negative values will disable this feature

    ;0 means that ALL empty placed items will be deleted every server restart
    ;A positive number is how old (in days) a placed empty item must be, in order for it to be deleted
    CleanupPlacedAfterDays = -1

  14. I have continued to work on trying to figure this out without getting any traction unfortunately.


    Once thing I noticed that is odd, and probably a clue to the problem, is that sometimes when a new player logins in, the SQL database shows the default loadout I intend for them to have. However, the player reports that they only see 1x Bandage, 1x Painkiller, 1x Flashlight, 1x Patrol Pack, in their gear. When the player logs out and SQL refreshes, their inventory in SQL changes to indeed reflect only those 4 items.


    This is one of the last elements I'm working on to get the server exactly the way we'd like it so I would really appreciate any thoughts or ideas anyone may have. Thank you!

  15. In an effort to test this theory, I changed the lines in the init.sqf to this:


    // Default gear
    DefaultMagazines = ""; 
    DefaultWeapons = ""; 
    DefaultBackpack = ""; 
    DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";
    Upon spawning for the first time, characters still receive 1x Bandage, 1x Painkiller, 1x Flashlight, 1x Patrol Pack, just like before. It is almost as if that loadout is being pulled from somewhere else.
    Edit: I completely rebuilt the server from the ground up and decided to use Bungle's custom server pack found here: http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/431-release-custom-chernarus-server-pack-121/
    In this server pack, by default, the init.sqf contains the following lines:
    // Default Loadout Config for New Spawns
    DefaultMagazines = ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemMorphine","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottleUnfilled"];
    DefaultWeapons = ["ItemFlashlight","ItemWatch","ItemCompass","Makarov"];
    DefaultBackpack = "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1";
    DefaultBackpackWeapon = "";
    However, upon spawn/respawn players still continue to receive only 1x Bandage, 1x Painkiller, 1x Flashlight, 1x Patrol Pack. Of course, I am placing no blame on the custom server pack, however, I am starting to wonder if this maybe isn't some type of bug with Epoch itself?
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