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Posts posted by ZS.Raven

  1. I realized this about 6 months ago when MR. Dean Hall said : The Alpha will be out in July ^^


    I said to the others over TS3 : I don't really care about ,cause this Game will be early released in 1-2 years and in a few months i will host a Epoch Server .


    Now 2 friends tested it too but weren't really happy with it, i said: Guys NOTICE THIS ! it's a ALPHA !


    BTW what engine is using the Standalone i'm confused since rocket twittert it's not the arma 3 engine ?


    The game engine used is BI Studio's own "Take on Helicopters", heavily modified and tweaked for DayZ.

    It's basically like Arma2½ and I played it since release. It is a really beautiful game already, and fast loading/server friendly, too.


    Some day, Epoch will be ported to this new game, but I am not sure it will be done by Axle. He seems more interested in Arma3,.which is 1. clusterfucked 2. one more game to buy.'


    I am not sure I can ever go back to normal DayZ again. To give players an immersive gameplay experience that will make them stay, less is more.

    It takes some balls to demand something in return from your players, like not serving them 400+ vehicles and 40 military barracks across Chernarus.

    But I think Dean Hall gets all his players back in the end from doing this.

  2. @ ZS.Raven


    Heya, thanks for your post smile.png


    The savior here is Notepad++ even it's simple bookmarking, search and replace functions will save you a lot of time. Especially when you're looking for mistakes.


    Minor optimizations however, like reducing unnecessary decimal places, have to be made manually I think. I couldn't think of a reliable algorithm since the values vary too much - if all values of the same type (coords, azimuts, etc) would have the exact same length, filling up even 0's, it'd be easy.



    Well, I found a reliable way to optimize automatically...Not tested to the max, yet it works so far for me. This stuff should definately not be done manually!

    The keyword here is regular expressions.


    Using Notepad++ for this,check "Regular Expressions" in Search Mode.


    Now, lets say we have a large .sqf with a 5-digit defintion count, and use this first definition as an example:


    _vehicle_1 = objNull;

    if (true) then


      _this = createVehicle ["MAP_asf2_0_2000", [1139.8907, 2393.6802, 9.5367432e-007], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

      _vehicle_1 = _this;

      _this setDir -26.330427;

      _this setPos [1139.8907, 2393.6802, 9.5367432e-007];



    1. Replace with

    _bldObj = _objNull;

    Searching for this:

    _vehicle_\d{1,5} = _objNull;

    2. Replace with:

    (empty field)

    Searching for this:

    _vehicle_\d{1,5} = _this;

    3. Finally, of course, replacing variable "_this" with "_bldObj" should be the final and easiest part, right before removing all the empty lines left out..


    10 mins work in total now - and not 4 hrs.


    Hope I helped some people out there. My native language is not English, but I hope it makes sense.


    EDIT: Changed "Extended" to "Regular Expressions" - doh!

  3. Unless there is an official .biedi file for the traders I dont know of, they cannot be edited.

    You need to build the location of the new trader yourselves, and delete the old location buildings.


    Trader buildings and tables etc are located in mission.sqf, including the traders themselves defined as units.


    .sqf files uses [XYZ] coordinates and for their markers, the .sqm files use [XZY] coords.

  4. What a great tutorial! It pretty much summarizes 10-15 various past and outdated tutorials - now people only need to go to one page to look stuff up, so thumbs up ;)


    Thank you for the shoutout, Poncho :)  It really warmed to see an honest guy.

    Unfortunately, I need to be honest as well and pass the credits for optimization on to Charlatan, maker of the Ghost of Chernarus add-ons.


    It is great to see, how you add and execute your files server-side only. This is the proper way of doing it, and reduces the mission file size needed for clients to download to play on your server.

    Also, it gives you some kind of protection of your files, to some extent.

    However, if you want to protect them even better, only a few people are skilled enought to snatch them just by joining your server and look in the temp folder:


    1. Make the folder for your custom .sqf file in the server folder, as described in the tutorial and put your .sqf file in there.

    2. In the top of server_functions.sqf, you will see lines somehow like this:

    server_spawnEvents =  compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnEvent.sqf";

    Right under these lines, you put in this line:

    mapedit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\Maps\mapedit.sqf";

    You just defined a function that compiles your buildings into the server code, and it of course needs to be called in init.sqf (in the dayz_missions folder).

    Somewhere in the "if (isServer) then {" section, you add this line:

    call mapedit;

    Of course, you edit the names of your files and functions to your liking.



    About critisism - please give authors more credit for spending their time trying to help you? If the author was to cover every single detail and exception to the rules of thumb, it would be 15 pages long.

    However, if people used commenting to kick in their knowledge on specific issues related to this tutorial, it would make a great reference in the end.

  5. Thank you Poncho, for this brilliant city.


    It would be great, if you optimized the .sqf by defining the buildings as objects and not vehicles.

    It would give players more fps, server will load faster, buildings would never move and there would be no problem with maximum vehicles limit.


    I spend several hours trying manually, but it is a bit of a pain. There are 1400+ definitions in this .sqf....




    _bldObj = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_asf2_0_2000", [1139.8907, 2393.6802, 9.5367432e-007], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _bldObj setDir -26.330427;
      _bldObj setPos [1139.8907, 2393.6802, 9.5367432e-007];

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