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Posts posted by Luna

  1. Was just wonderring - I want to try this out, but is says in the read me ...




    The best method to install the script is to use Maca's Right Click System and add a right click option to the map item. If you have Maca's Right Click System installed, just add the following code to the extra_rc.hpp file:


    What is Maca's Right Click system ? Where do I get it ? and can I install it with out that ?


    Thanks in advance.  :)

  2. Hi

    I don’t know if this is the right forum, but maybe you can help me.

    I have updated our server to Arma 125548 and with that came the famous new Steam ID’s – My problem now is that I run an SQL to update ‘LastUpdated’ in the Object_data, so that players bases remain as long as they log in every 14 days


    The SQL that I run is:

    UPDATE Object_DATA

    WHERE ObjectUID <> 0

    AND CharacterID <> 0
    AND ((Inventory IS NULL) OR (Inventory = '[]'))
    FROM Character_DATA c
    WHERE c.PlayerUID = (SELECT p.PlayerUID
    FROM Player_DATA p,
    Character_DATA c2
    WHERE p.PlayerUID = c2.PlayerUID
    AND c2.CharacterID = Object_DATA.CharacterID)
    AND c.Alive = 1
    AND c.LastLogin > NOW() - INTERVAL 2 WEEK)


    I run a different Sql to delete.

    Now that the character ID has change, I need some kind of SQL to replace old UID’s with new Steam ID’s.
    Otherwise bases build with the old ID will get deleted – as far as I can figure our – right ?

    My guess is that I need to replace the PlayerUID in the Character_data table 

    But this is where I get at bit lost – Do you know a SQL to do this ?
    Do you know an argument for not doing this? I can’t decide if there are any bad consequences for this.
    I guess if PlayerUID is a primary key this is bad.

    I am curries, how did you go about this problem?

    My guess is I properly will have to do a lot of manual sql’s – properly something like


    UPDATE PlayerUID SET x WHERE PlayerUID x


    Or am I misunderstanding something completely ?

  3. Please note - InfiSTAR has released an updated version of hte safezone script including proper installation instructions.


    Grab it from his pastebin here: 




    Besides from the installation instructions - due you know how this differs from the old one ? Anything new ?

    I don’t read code :huh:  – so I don’t have a clue what to look for :( 


    Well I can see this is new: USE_SPEEDLIMIT = true;

  4. Hi I have a problem with the InfiStar Safezone – I want the safe Zone OFF at Hero and Bandit.


    I am almost 100% sure that they were off at some point – but now they are on……so maybe I am wrong.


    I have removed these two lines from safezone.cfg so I don’t understand why there is safe zones those to places …… please help




  5. Hi


    In epoch the CH53 Super Stallion was addet, but I have a small problem with them, I was wondering If I am the only one.


    If you drive in to them (by accident of course) they tilde over and diapers. If you do that to another chopper they just seem to move or blow up.


    Do you have this problem on your server ?


  6. This might be a noob question, but the custom folder that you put this in.
    Is that server or mission ?
    EDIT: Never mind, I just went ini mini miny mo  :rolleyes: 
    Apparently it is the mission folder

  7. Do you use infistar anti hack ? If so have you updated all you battleye files that came with the latest update ?


    Yes I do - Updated it today 


    But honestly I havet though that might be the reason, :huh: So I have not checked if the problem have been solved after the update of InfiStar - I will do that  :lol:

  8. Good evening good folks, Ive installed this on my Pathera server, the server runs beta 11255.

    The missions spawn but the loot crates doesn't.


    Does anyone know a solution for this ?


    My server is running 112555 & Epoch


    The missions spawn, but there are not loot crates….

  9. Yes, I tested it before and read a post with my changes and tested it out, thought would maybe fixx that problem. But  I get kicked from the game by PublicVariable Restriction #3, if i want to crate an evac chopper and if I call the evac chopper by waypoint condition.


    If you look in your PublicVeriable.log you might see what restriction you are being kicked for and then find it in your PublicVeriable’s


    The restriction is usually around 2 lines below, that the nr the restriction informed you in game.


    Then you can comment that restriction out // or change the 5 to a 1 (1 meaning Log the restriction og 5 being kick for restriction )

    (I am sure it would be more correct if you adjusted the line somehow, but sadly I don’t know how)

  10. There are no access restrictions yet! Any player can built or use an elevator with this version, so keep that in mind if you want to use it on a live server. I already have some ideas to use the default car keys to use an elevator, that should work.. unless your have some better ideas for access control? :)

    Does anyone know if the elevator still can be accessed by any player ? or is it now tied to the plot pole or something ?

    Anyone got this working with ?

    Thinking of installing this on the weekend – we will get some awesome bases with this script. B)

  11. Hi

    I am not sure this is the right forum, but I give it a go  :)


    I been googling to try and find an SQL to delete cars what has not key in the game anymore, but I am coming up a bit short.

    I found this: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/issues/1007


    Tried to do this:










            WHEN object_data.CharacterID < 2501 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyGreen', object_data.CharacterID)

            WHEN object_data.CharacterID < 5001 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyRed', object_data.CharacterID - 2500)

            WHEN object_data.CharacterID < 7501 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyBlue', object_data.CharacterID - 5000)

            WHEN object_data.CharacterID < 10001 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyYellow', object_data.CharacterID - 7500)

            WHEN object_data.CharacterID < 12501 THEN CONCAT('ItemKeyBlack', object_data.CharacterID - 10000)

            ELSE 'ERROR'

    END) AS `KeyColour`,

    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `character_data` WHERE `Alive` = '1' AND (`Inventory` LIKE CONCAT('%', KeyColour, '%') OR `Backpack` LIKE CONCAT('%', KeyColour, '%'))) AS InChar,

    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `object_data` WHERE `Inventory` LIKE CONCAT('%', KeyColour, '%')) AS InVeh

    FROM `object_data`

    WHERE `CharacterID` <> '0'

    AND `CharacterID` <= 12500

    AND `Classname` NOT LIKE 'Land%'

    AND `Classname` NOT LIKE 'Cinder%'

    AND `Classname` NOT LIKE 'Wood%' 

    AND `Classname` NOT LIKE 'Metal%'

    AND `Classname` NOT LIKE '%Storage%'

    AND `Classname` NOT IN ('OutHouse_DZ', 'GunRack_DZ', 'WorkBench_DZ', 'Sandbag1_DZ', 'FireBarrel_DZ','DesertCamoNet_DZ','StickFence_DZ','LightPole_DZ','DeerStand_DZ','ForestLargeCamoNet_DZ','Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ','Hedgehog_DZ','FuelPump_DZ', 'Fort_RazorWire', 'SandNest_DZ', 'ForestCamoNet_DZ', 'Fence_corrugated_DZ', 'CanvasHut_DZ', 'Generator_DZ')


    But I am not 100% friends with MySql yet, so does this tject in players safes too, to see if there is a key ? or only on players and in backpacks?

    And the results are that the cars with out key’s ? even the once that says 1 in ‘InChar’ or ‘InVeh’ ?


    Anyone knows? Or know a better way to remove cars where the key is lost ?


  12. ohh I see - but its a new server we starter with 1.0.4 - So there are not previous files that was modified. That is with one exception, I jused part of my old init.sqf and copy pasted.

    Any Idea on what went wrong, I really hope ti fix this ASAP, as the bug is beaing abused. :(

    Edit: I have now tryed to return to default, no scripts or changes. And I have deleted myself as player in the DB, to get a complet fresh start. - Execpt server name og its locked.

    I stille spawn where i died and with gear.

  13. I have updated to Epoch 1.0.4 and have run in to a problem - previously we have in the mission.sqm removed safezone from Hero and Bandit.

    But in the new mission.sqm there is no reference to Hero or Bandit as far as I can see - anyone have been able to remove safezone from Hero and Bandit on Epoch 1.0.4 ? How?

    EDIT: After having a closer look at this - it looks like godmode is not turning on in any places - I can't read programming code, but i guess its has to do with the change in the mission.sqm

    Any thoughts on how to fix this ?

  14. Hi, I’m kind of new to server management and I was hoping for a little help J


    There are a few tables in my database that is getting quit big and I want to do some clean up, with some SQL’s – This is want I am thing about running on a schedule but I am nervous it will all go…….hmmm bad am I delete something wrong L


    So please tell me if this looks reasonable – the tables that I want to manage are:


    ·        Character_DATA
    I think I get what his table shows (what you have when you log in or died). So doing this SQL I’ll keep what they had and they will not lose humanity the first 14 days, right ?


    DELETE FROM `character_data` WHERE `LastLogin` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `Generation` > 1 AND `Alive` = 0;


    ·        Object_DATA

    I know what this table shows, I would like to have an SQL that deletes object that has not been in use for 14 days, but my concern is that I do not want to delete bases where the player is active with in the last 14 days and I am guessing that e.g. the cinderblock last used does not update every time a player is in his/her base?? I found this one – But it WILL NOT leave the players bases alone will it? Any other surgestions?:

    DELETE FROM `Object_DATA` WHERE `LastUpdated` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND `Datestamp` < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 24 DAY) AND ( (`Inventory` IS NULL) OR (`Inventory` = '[]') OR (`Inventory` = '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]') )


    ·        Player_LOGIN

    This one is a bit tricky, this is by far the biggest table and I don’t know what is shows? All I have been able to find is this sql from the above post, what is the consequenses of running it?



    Thank you very much for you help, greatly appreciated.


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