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Posts posted by Geryon

  1. Repacked my server.pbo


    Nothing changed about infistar.




    Aaaand broken again.


    Clueless here.


    Is it possible your prefix files are missing before you repacked?  Check your .rpt log file for errors where it can't find files.

  2. I do love the control and the prices HFB has with their dedicated servers.  My frustration is with the box going offline if it isn't rebooted everyday.  I'll give them a little more time otherwise when Arma 3 Epoch comes online I'll move to another provider.  

  3. Yes I've had a dedicated box from HFB since September 2013.  For several months now it would go offline intermittently.  It would come back online within the day though.


    I've had to resort to doing an daily restart of the whole server.   When I've maintain this routine the server would not go offline.  From speaking with a few tech guys at work there might be a driver or hardware issue with the network.


    I have a ticket open with HFB for a couple of months.  The issue's status is 'escalated' but no action or diagnosis has been given.  To be honest I'm seriously moving over to another provider it it continues.  I might consider OVH instead.

  4. Here's what I see in the start up logs:


    20:02:04 "HIVE: trying to get objects"
    20:02:05 "HIVE: found 16391 objects"
    20:02:05 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
    20:02:06 "HIVE: got 7288 Epoch Objects and 9103 Vehicles"
    You might have a server object problem in the object_data table.  If you do have that many objects that's probably the primary reason for your poor server FPS.  That's a lot of objects.   :)
  5. We've moved over to an 8 day maintenance cycle on objects.  Players don't seem to mind since it only requires 1 or 2 times to do a 1 minute up keep on their bases per week.  It's significantly reduced the number of objects on the server and because their bases cost money players tend not to build McMansions unless they are in a large group.


    As to desync'ing, all our admins are trained to kick and eventually ban players if they are causing the issue.  I've been following MGT's approach to treating Low Bandwidth Bait with prejudice and most of our issues have disappeared because of it.  


    We still get the occasional red chain when a few people log in when the server is full but it's usually for a few seconds and once they are in everything's good.

  6. As an admin I hate god mode in trader cities.  It's such a maintenance overhead.  That being said I have god mode in the 3 trader cities because players expect it.


    There is always going to be something on the server you want to change and god mode in traders is something that's I've always struggled with.  I've just been too reluctant to change it.  I hate it when there are 40+ people on and nearly half of them are in Stary.   :rolleyes:   One day I'll get fed up with Admin complaints for stealing, griefing and other nonsense in the traders and simply remove god mode from them.

  7. Okay at the moment I’m getting about ~20 server fps with 20 players on.  At about 30+ players I’m getting ~10 fps.  At this point I’m reasonably satisfied with the way the server is performing but I can see this being a concern as objects increase.  I currently have 3100 objects in the database and while the server is running around 4100 objects.

    For now I’ve been using a query to find objects owned inactive players and removing them. 

    I’m finding as the server is getting populated this strategy has a few flaws:

    ·         You can’t query owners of lockables

    ·         You won’t be able to query abandoned bases from active players


    I’d like to know other server owner’s maintenance strategy to keep the objects down.  Has the use of object maintenance and degradation been a deterrent for attracting players?

  8. spawnBandits_dynamicV2.sqf file in the DZAI spawnfunctions folder needs to change the following line from:


    _spawnPos = [_playerPos,(_baseDist + random (_distVariance)),[(_playerDir-_dirVariance),(_playerDir+_dirVariance)],false] call SHK_pos;




    _spawnPos = [_playerPos,[(_baseDist - random (_distVariance)),(_baseDist + random (_distVariance))],[(_playerDir-_dirVariance),(_playerDir+_dirVariance)],false] call SHK_pos;


    This is to allow spawning of random AI to go from this (which will by chance will have the AI spawn right on top of players):






  9. If you only force me to play in your sand box.  I won't play

    If you only offer an over priced sandbox.  I won't play

    If you do not offer full control.  I won't play


    These are the criteria for me as person who hosts games and attempts to build a gaming community.  The new mods might be good but as long as they are made private it pretty much excludes them from me.


    Here's hoping to what Dayz Mod made big and Epoch making it bigger.

  10. Determine the total number objects when your server is running.  The variables escape me at the moment but you can place it in the init.sqf to periodically poll how many objects are rendered.  Run time objects is key since a simple select count(*) from object_data is not sufficient since this only holds player vehicle and building objects and does not include scripted and dynamically spawned items.


    I like the server to be under 4000 objects during run time but generally lower the better.


    Also make sure there are no pook amphibious helis in game, it lowers fps significantly.


    There are many other factors like your hardware, competing resources (VPS), CPU driven AI, script loops, etc... but I'd always start with total objects rendered while server is running.

  11. There are various factors that contribute to lower populations.  These are from our antidotal experiences.  First off we are hosting our epoch servers on a dedicated box with staff experienced in IT or with a software development back.  Most of us are doing this mainly because it's fun fiddling with servers and hosting.


    Now reasons why we lost population:


    Things in our control:


    ·         Domes protecting bases with no decay.  This attracted a lot of builders when the server started.  We were never a high population server but we attracted a lot of PVE type players.  However players eventually got bored and lost interest.  The fact that there was no real possibility of loss took away long term game play

    ·         The dedicated box has enough juice for multiple servers.  We created other servers too early.  This fractured the server community.

    ·         The server was sending mix messages.  We were builder friendly but there were several groups that were real pros at squad based PVP.  The activity of these players drove out the builders.  This is our fault and not the players for introducing mix messages.


    Things out of our control:


    ·         There are too many servers.  There are many reasons that go beyond this topic

    ·         Not enough players.  Many have moved to Dayz SA and other alpha games.  Dayz in arma2 might have reached its epoch.

    ·         Other server providers do a better job on content, see things in our control.  It doesn’t matter if you have an uber box to host.  You need unique content, you need historical player base and once that momentum rolls it’s hard to stop.  It’s amazing how much players will tolerate with a server running under 5 server fps simply to play with 40+ players.


    Sorry long 2 cent opinion.

  12. Rocket is great as a visionary but he may not be the best at closing projects out.  Stepping down might be the best thing that happens for the game.  What I found disconcerting was the lack of product road map.  It showed no direction and the progress showed it.  Why we had rotten fruit and helmets to vehicles that don't exist over fixing combat logging and server hopping I don't know.  These should have been tackled before anything else.   If they couldn't be handle with the existing engine it should have been scrapped for another one.  Quite possibly he may not have been ready for the magnitude of the project he was given.


    Also for a zombie survival game there is so few of them and it's too easy survive the elements.  Maybe Rocket is right the game is flawed.   With the current loot spawning mechanic there is an infinite amount of loot and in this sort of environment survival is not difficult.  What that leads to is boredom resulting in multi-player interactions of the lowest order.  Don't get me wrong being a complete douche can be fun and I'm not so high brow to think there is no entertainment in it but it's an odd outcome for someone who visioned this game out of his own ordeal of survival, no?


    Why handcuffs?  The game already encourages socially deviant and sociopath behaviors, why encourage it by adding more tools to be like one?  


    I've played the game 30 hours in the first few weeks but stopped.  Yes it's alpha, I took a look and saw enough to delay my second look until it's a little more polished.  I hoping it gets better and wish it the best outcome.  What have I got to lose I've already paid for it.  :)

  13. Modding, upgrading and running a server or two is a labor of love.  Sometimes upgrades take minutes and sometimes hours (*cough* with trader typo but it was a rush when I debugged it myself)   :)


    I highly recommend using version control, some sort of merge and diff-tool if you have more than a handful of mods on top of the mod.  Even the basic mission.sqm can get you bug eye'd without software assistance.


    Anyways just my 2 bits.

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