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    volvoraggere got a reaction from Friendly in Extended Safezone Script - Working!   
    If anyone is looking for the Bornholm cord's - here they are :)
    Remember! i have changed the enter message's to fit my RP server!
    class Markers { items = 6; class Item0 { position[]={10058.347,117.54227,9015.8477}; name="center"; type="Empty"; }; class Item1 { position[]={13812.688,80.874428,6877.9214}; name="respawn_east"; type="Empty"; }; class Item2 { position[]={13812.661,80.876938,6877.9683}; name="respawn_west"; type="Empty"; }; class Item3 { position[]={14104.246,93.048363,11325.848}; name="centralspawn"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="Empty"; colorName="ColorGreen"; fillName="Grid"; a=250; b=250; }; class Item4 { position[]={15646.96,1.9119824,171.93274}; name="eastspawn"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="Empty"; colorName="ColorGreen"; fillName="Grid"; a=250; b=250; }; class Item5 { position[]={1327.9805,12.756651,8737.9756}; name="westspawn"; markerType="ELLIPSE"; type="Empty"; colorName="ColorGreen"; fillName="Grid"; a=250; b=250; }; }; class Sensors { items=3; class Item0 { position[]={15646.96,1.9119824,171.93274}; a=250; b=250; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="eastsafezone"; expCond = "(player distance eastsafezone) < 250;"; expActiv="hint ""You have entered the Safe Zone! Any hostile actions will get reported.""; inSafeZone = true;"; expDesactiv="hint ""You are leaving the Safe Zone!""; inSafeZone = false;"; class Effects { }; }; class Item1 { position[]={1327.9805,12.756651,8737.9756}; a=250; b=250; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="westsafezone"; expCond = "(player distance westsafezone) < 250;"; expActiv="hint ""You have entered the Safe Zone! Any hostile actions will get reported.""; inSafeZone = true;"; expDesactiv="hint ""You are leaving the Safe Zone!""; inSafeZone = false;"; class Effects { }; }; class Item2 { position[]={14104.246,93.048363,11325.848}; a=250; b=250; activationBy="ANY"; repeating=1; interruptable=1; age="UNKNOWN"; name="centralsafezone"; expCond = "(player distance centralsafezone) < 250;"; expActiv="hint ""You have entered the Safe Zone! Any hostile actions will get reported.""; inSafeZone = true;"; expDesactiv="hint ""You are leaving the Safe Zone!""; inSafeZone = false;"; class Effects { }; }; };
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