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Posts posted by Menetekel

  1. If you want to adjust the gap between smallest income item and most expensive thing to buy, why not just write an SQL that adjusts the sell prices to 1/3 for even less of the buy price. Would definately decrease the overall income and make more expensive stuff harder to come by.

    You're also more flexible when things get updated, just adjust the newly added prices and your good to go - much quicker than heavy file editing each update that happens.

    Only downside - removing currently fluctuation currency on a server can be a tough thing.


    What Im rather trying to achieve with the gems and which worked out rather flawless before the currency exchange feature is: introduce something that is independent of the whole currency system and makes it far easier to control distribution of certain items. E.g.: make gems drop based on a low rate during AI missions, new loot options etc., thus encourage players to do these new tasks for special items and have a rather good overview of how many of these are around and in what way the loot chances need to be redone.


    Though thats all for the bin now, anything not having a value set is rather the master key to buy things for free. So as long as theres no option or someone has come up with a way to exclude certain currencys from the exchange feature, everyones limited to using the ingots/briefcases thing.

  2. Putting them in server pbo protects (a bit) against someone coming along and taking your specific files.


    Sure it does, but not for files that are needed clientside and that cant be remotely executed via a script.

    Theres a few other methods for protecting your local missionfile but still, you cant truly protect yourself against someone intending to steal your scripts, just make it harder for them.


    I just have the impression that nowadays or since a few weeks especially, everyone tries to move everything to the server.pbo, while obviously it doesnt make sense or is not possible at all and ends up just causing questions over questions for things that have clearly been stated in the tutorial.


    If i move the gui folder in the dayz_server.pbo,

    how come this doesnt work ?

    _blood = "\z\addons\dayz_server\gui\status_blood_inside_1_ca.paa";

    Why are there more and more people all over the forums trying to move clientside files to the server.pbo.

    If tutorial creators tell you to move them to the mission folder, there is a specific cause for this and still people try and move it anywhere else EXCEPT the mission itself.


    Its a clientside file that is by default run from the @DayZ_Epoch client folder that everyone has. The @Epoch_Server folder is, as the name might suggest, server only and not available for the clients connecting.

    So how the crap should a client get the correct picture file from a source he doest not have access too?


    Your error logs (e.g. ArmA2oa.rpt in AppData\Arma2oa folder) will tell you that as well if you take the time to have a look at these.


    So please do the good people that take their time to write up a tut a favor and either do as they ask, or come up with your own way but try to think about it first.


    > No rant, Im just seeing more and more people every day that try to move obviously client side needed files to the server and then ask all around why it doesnt work at all for them.

  4. I didnt necessarily fix this but I did do this as a workaround. The trader that sells meat ect also sells tin bars for x, thinks its tin and whiskey or something. I made it so she sell's rubys for 2 briefs and it worked. So for stary and klen you can buy and bash you can sell.


    Buying gems should be fine, but did you try selling them back for currency or items as well?

    What should basicaly happen and does for most if not everybody is, that those gems dont get removed from your inventory and you are able to buy the currency for nothing as well. So even if you havent got any gems in your inventory, buying the item off of the trader is possible.


    So if thats the case people can now buy currency for free on your server.

  5. The problem with 1.0.4 is, every currency has a backside value added, like Briefcases are worth a number of "10000". Now, while that allows the exchange of different currencys while trading and getting the correct worth of change back, it currently disallows to add anything like Gems or other Items to be used as currency.


    Still thinking of a way to exclude a specific amount of items from the whole exchange-calculations to allow a few specials shop things to be bought exclusively for Gems, but not for any other currency.

    Any hint or idea might be worth a lot, Im going to have an in-depth look the upcoming days, but couldnt yet think of a good solution except a clumsy addAction menu to allow for buying the vehicle/weapon from shop and thus excluding the traderUI.

  6. Addin the Addon to your list in mission.sqm works, but Im not sure yet if its either intended or a bug that these have not been integrated yet. Theres even an emptly line in the file where probably that addon was called before being removed.


    So far, I didnt see much issues with them, except the gunship variant spawns in with ammo and doesnt have a special class assigned without it, so either accept that, remove the ammo yourself or dont put the gunship variants in.

    There could also be other issues, but that can only be responed to by a dev that knows exactly why it isnt in.

  7. Yes I was going to comment, is the fact that epoch has a missions folder in the server pbo going to be a problem? Are these things case sensitive?


    Basicly the files used by the mission system are named totally different than what the epoch files are called, so no issues there.

    Still, Id switch the epoch folder name around to something else, Im not even sure why they have chosen to call it "missions" - missions are something different to me than trader related data.


    so in your mpmission/epoch.11.chernarus/init.sqf

    look for the

    if (isServer) then {

    Following are 2 statements that need their pathing changed. I renamed the "missions" folder of Epoch to "traders", so it should look like this

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\traders\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\dynamic_vehicle.sqf";//Compile vehicle configs
    _nil = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\traders\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf"; //former trader.sqf

    Just a path change, but keeps things clear for me and might help in the future.

  8. Had a bandit hunting party spawn in then 20 seconds later the mission was cleared and the "bandit hunting party was killed" came up. Maybe they didn't spawn in? Its just the one mission. Also having just one mission at the time by the looks of things...


    very vauge Im sorry. Hard to debug waiting for missions and such...


    In your Missions/ folder open up SMGoMinor.sqf and SMGoMajor.sqf and change

    _wait = [1800,900] call fnc_hTime;

    to something like

    _wait = [60,60] call fnc_hTime;

    That will make the mission wait 60secs and then spawn in a random interval of another 60 seconds afterwards. Should be quick enough to try around and test the crap out of it.

    Just remember to increase the value again before you put it into use on the live servers, or you will constantly have missions up and loot all around.

  9. You are still not using SargeAI at all, but promoting to do so ;) - lets get this changed:


    Just an example using the SM1 mission from Major folder:


    comment the following in server.pbo/Missions/Major/SM1.sqf out:

    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,40,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,40,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;

    So it looks like this:

    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,80,6,6,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,40,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;
    _aispawn = [_coords,40,4,4,1] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\add_unit_server.sqf";//AI Guards
    sleep 5;

    Add the following below the just changed code:

        _ai_marker = createMarker ["SAR_marker_major", _coords];
        _ai_marker setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
        _ai_marker setMarkeralpha 0;
        _ai_marker setMarkerType "Flag";
        _ai_marker setMarkerBrush "Solid";
        _ai_marker setMarkerSize [100,100];
        SAR_marker_major = _ai_marker;
       diag_log("Mission-DEBUG - MISSION AI MARKER DONE");
    sleep 1; //just in case to prevent the marker from not being found in time due to server low fps
        [SAR_marker_major,3,3,6,"fortify",false] call SAR_AI;
       diag_log("Mission-DEBUG - SPAWNED MISSION SARGE AI");

    Go to the end of that file where the //mission accomplished part is found and the mission ended.


    Add right after that:

    deleteMarker "SAR_marker_major";

    If done right, youve just switched your mission to fully use SargeAI. Be aware that SargeAI is strictly in need to be installed, otherwise no AI will spawn.

    Also, you will need appropriate setups in your sargeAI config file, but theres one provided in the package here, so youre good to go.


    The SargeAI Spawncall can be modified to your liking, it works like the following:

    [SAR_marker_major,3,3,6,"fortify",false] call SAR_AI; 
    //a,b,c,"fortify",false - a = 1 military, 2 survivor, 3 bandit - b = number of snipers - c = number of riflemen - fortify, ambush, patrol - respawn true/false

    All these can also be found in the groups setup from SargeAI config folder.


    Ambush is bugged for a few missions, as the AI tries to find a nearby road to ambush people. So only use it for missions that look for a nearby road to spawn, otherwise your AI will just stand around like toy soldiers until they spot someone nearby, when they begin to run around like wild chicken.

    Fortify lets them use nearby buildings and objects for cover, works well on most if not all missions.

    Patrol lets them spread out and to my experience, mostly leave the mission area completely. Might be able to reduce the patrolling radius, otherwise they are leaving the missions objective/crates etc. all alone and free to loot.

  10. Yep, theory is correct then. The EMS does use the basic ArmA AI and Im currently testing a fully SargeAI integrated version of the mission.

    Shouldnt be much of a problem to set a variable in the EMS config files to have a "case" statement that, according to what is chosen (SargeAI, DZAI, vanilla Arma) uses the correct spawn mechanic in the add_unit.sqf's.


    Ill give feedback if the Sarge things work as intended, then will likely have the case-thingie integrated in short time. Only thing is, Im not familiar with dzAI so someone else would need to integrate that, but shouldnt be any sort of problem.


    Additional advantages of using SargeAI is that you can specify the unit behavior and thus, create more challenging and diverse mission-setups by just changing how the AI reacts (e.g.: road camp and ambush, just a usual patrol around a spawned building etc.).

    Im not at all seeing it as a downside of having it use the Sarge AI config files, you just need to supply an Epoch specific config that fits the npc's with appropriate weapons, but that would have to be edited anyway and for most people should be. What I remember, a few were set to use too powerful guns (AS50, DMR etc.) and most epoch servers have these disabled or other more appropriate ways of getting hands on these, other than easily killing off a few AI and looting a DMR with plenty of ammo.

  11. Hey guys!


    Nice work so far, keep it going as this is a definately wanted feature and opens up quite a lot of possibilites, especially on Epoch servers.


    I've only recently encountered a few things, some of them fixed myself and a few remaining that Im still messing around with:



    So, after trying around a bit with different AI setups and tinkering with the units and their setups, Im still having the feeling of them being far too easy and even setting skill level to a consistent 1.0 for every skill, they seem typically ArmA dumb.

    I've worked quite a bit with AI and SargeAI specifically in the past and been absent for quite a bit, so I might be wrong on this, but is there any possibility that the currently spawned AI doesnt use any of the Sarge and UPSMon features at all?

    Setting skills and features in the Sarge files doesnt seem to affect them while the SargeAI patrol and static spawns, if enabled, seem to work fine and react to the config changes.


    If I remember correctly, didnt one trigger the SargeAI by placing markers and calling for the Sarge function? The currently add_unit.sqf's just seem to spawn the typical ArmA AI.


    So in the past, I remember people used the following sort of call to let SargeAI handle the unit spawn etc:

        // SARGE AI
        _ai_marker = createMarker ["SAR_marker_example", _coords];
        _ai_marker setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
        _ai_marker setMarkeralpha 0;
        _ai_marker setMarkerType "Flag";
        _ai_marker setMarkerBrush "Solid";
        _ai_marker setMarkerSize [300,300];
        _ai_marker setMarkerDir -19.085985;
        SAR_marker_SM7 = _ai_marker; 
        diag_log("DEBUG - MISSION AI MARKER DONE");
        [SAR_marker_SM7,3,2,5,"fortify",false] call SAR_AI;

    (Just a snipped from a random script to show what I am relating to)


    Any insight or point into the right direction greatly appreciated. No guarantee anything here is still correct, time's fast when it comes to scripting ;).



    Sidenote as well:


    As lots of Epoch servers use different kind of markers on their map to point out safezones or traders, I slightly changed the mission markers.

    Im now using 2 markers per add_marker.sqf, one red grid-style and another on top of it as black outline with "Side Mission" as MarkerText.

    Might be too obvious for most, but the black outline was already greatly improving the visiblity and making people aware of it being a side mission and not some sort of safezone.

    Can supply the code if any interest, or you just might find out your own style.


    Thanks for the great effort so far guys, keep it coming!



    Quick Edit: Boat / Landing beach-head mission (Minor SM8) is utterly bugged and Ive removed it from the call in functions.sqf. The tent it spawns just ends up being awkwardly placed, most of the time somewhere in the water or below ground.

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