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Posts posted by Sinsaver

  1. You may have a bad download of sarge or an outdated one. Download that and then pull the original mission Pbo from dayz epoch and do a fresh install. I would send you mine but you would get a lot of mr B's addons in the init file

  2. Easiest way is after you create your map changes you have 2 file a beidi file and a mission.sqm file

    All you need to do is go in that mission Sqm file and copy ONLY THE VEHICLE OJECTS nit the chatacters that important if you couldn't tell

    It should be like

    Vehicle item 0





    Vehicle ....

    Copy all that down to the just before the processing lines at the bottom

    Now take all that good stuff and go to your mission SQF file in your mission.pbo and paste it after the last vehicle/object and just befor the processing lines.

    Last step- ensure that the vehicle/object numbers are not duplicated I think epochs vehicle/object count is up to 750 something by default so you would have to start at 751

    Make sure it looks something like

    Vehicle 751


    ....info 751


    (sorry in doing this from a phone but hopefully you get the idea)

    After all items have unique numbers and items are properly spaced and bracketed save your new SQF file and pack up your mission Pbo


    If still confused we can get on TS later

  3. You're better as a moderator to turn off the keys all together and rebind the vehicles to the player guid by commenting out the key process in the self fnc sqf.

    If you decide to keep the keys it's easier and smarter to bind the player uid to the vehicle than to start handing out gold.

    I got 5 requests a day to replace keys cause they "lost" it. Moved to uid binding at purchase and nothing...so nice

  4. Has anyone gotten this to work?  Im wanting to run Rmod2.1 on my day.st Epoch server and I have seen it running on commander so I know its possible I just cant figure out how.  Ive sent a email to the admins at dayz.st, but have not gotten anything back yet.  Any help would be appreciated thanks. 


    and yes I have selected the little rmod button on the dayz.st server options on the control panel,  for those who dont know it...it does not function with epoch...only vanilla and only rmod1 if you want to call it that

  5. Adding on weapons into the server like the RH_MK18 pack is easily done by adding them to your client @dayzepoch/addons and then dropping the bikey in the servers "keys" folder. However, dayz.st does not give us access to that Keys folder. Is there a way to add a bikeys folder to the server Pbo or mission Pbo and comment in a line to redirect the signature verification?

    Or is there a way to turn off signature verification via a script that I could add to the init or description sqf. Since they restrict access to the server cfg as well

  6. Ok so heres the deal, im running a dayz.st server and im looking to add custom weapons to it.  The only issue i am running into is that i do not have access to the actual server files.  I can only access and edit the Server.pbo and mission.pbo.  Is there anyway to add a custom weapons bikey to the mission or server pbo so that i can get the signature to read on server load.  Please only respond if you know what im talking about, I know how to do this if I have access to the Keys file in the main server file, but i dont have access.  Im looking for another way, thanks

  7. On our server I run sarge ai and have bases built up. What I'm looking to do is add some purpose for the players on the map. I'm wanting to place safes in major cities that have super loot in them for players to find. Here's the twist I want to put unique files on the AI that are in there tool belts that when you right click on them they give the cords and safe code info. So they have to engage the ai to get the "treasure map" so to speak. This would be more of a weekend missions.pbo file on my server. How can attach text to a toolbelt item is the ultimate question here?

  8. How is it working with 1.0.1 if anyone knows? Did you have to edit your BE for anything you added in? Or was it pretty compatible?

    I would love a little help with a general script add on that puts in roaming AI with better than average loot maybe some $ on them and some city/ airport AI if anyone can help.

  9. After ready/watching videos on crafting I thought I had it down but I cant seem to make lumber to save my life. I'm hosting through Dayz.st and wondering if the coder missed something but all I can do is create locked wooden gates or arrows when I have wood equipped. I saw there would be a new requirement for the workshop to be present to make lumber but I cant build one (it requires lumber) and I can't find one. Am I totally missing something or is my server incorrectly installed.

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