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Posts posted by mandy561

  1. What Id love to know Is; How long have you kept your server running? For me, I started a dayz mod with dayz.st in summer 2013, upgrading to epoch in November, and to a dedi in early 2014. I took everything down for about a month in summer 2015 due to low pop/travelling. Bar that, we've been non-stop. Someone recently told me that we must be one of the oldest servers running but I argued against that. Prove me right :D

  2. On 30/01/2016 at 5:33 PM, dy3rx said:

    Guys I have having a strange issue i've never had before, my walls are rotating randomly not on the angle they are chosen on, and it is an odd angle, not 45, it makes it so crooked, ifyou dont mind have any ideas?

    for example, if i press e or q to rotatate, when it comes fully back around, it is not straight, it is angle'd...

    and my snap is in the middle of my vector options on my action menu - example




    This. Also suffering this issue, anyone had any ideas?

  3. Fraps, dxtory, steam overlay, custom debug monitors generally give fps for the client, which you can take as server fps assuming you don't have a potato computer. Unless theres something i dont know about.

    If i were to post on a topic and say "my server is running at 30fps" or "my server gets about 30fps" that means, when i am on my server in particular, i only get 30fps.

  4. When we had a cherno and Panth server running I put two BEC folders on my servers SDD, so "ChernarusBEC" and "PantheraBEC"

    I renamed the BEC.exe inside "PantheraBEC" to BEC1 and changed it in start.bat. I also renamed the .exe to start the server, however we ran Chernarus, Panthera, Namalsk and Taviana all from the same folder to save space so we had to do that anyway.
    I made a seperate restart.bat on my desktop too with everything named differently. Maybe someone else has a better method but that's how we did it and it worked good. If i had to emergency restart a server for any reason than only 1 server would be effected.

  5. Sometimes a player will message me informing me the coins in their safe has dissappeared, on top of that I get the error

    "HiveExt: [Warning] Update of character XXXX only had 16 parameters out of 17" spammed constantly, this error occurs regardless of whether Im using the provided mission/pbo or my own set with various addons, standard wiped epoch database or my current one. Any ideas?

  6. Go on sahrani, get a weapon, put it in your backpack and log out to lobby.

    Change the weapons classname in your backpack to whatever you want from sahrani

    Log back in, if it isn't there, it doesn't exist in sahrani/epoch

    Same applies for skin, edit it via database using sahrani classnames.

    I don't think Infistar would pick up on sahrani weapons, doesn't that have to be added in manually to ah.sqf or does it call on something from @dayz_epoch? (Assuming you are using infistar as 90% of servers do)

    Alternatively, add a crate to your server as a test, and fill it with all the sahrani classnames you can't find (for loads of weapons at once, testing purposes) or add them to traders.

    Finally, check the addon's list in the mission folder, you probably have to add the "addon packs" into the sqm yourself since they aren't standard in arma

  7. In a nutshell, when we were on dayz.st and villayer, I could fire up an event server, shove everyone in tanks and watch hell unfold

    Ever since we switched to dedi, some tanks/heli's have required a really long reload that sometimes doesn't even work..

    Easiest way for me to explain it is 

    Basically you press R and after a minute or two, it MIGHT be ready to fire, it might not

    BTR90 TOW, Bradley TOW, BMP3 Shells, apache missiles etc etc etc

    The other problem we had after switching to a dedi server was that names no longer show up in side chat.. i toyed with difficulty settings but it fixed nothing

    Any help appreciated :D thanks

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