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Posts posted by legato

  1. I've got some ideas on my issue.  In the Character_DATA table on my db there's an instance column with either 999 or 1386 for each player.  On a lark, I changed the Tool settings instance to 999 and the info board started working.  I guess my question now is: Is it safe to change this column to match the server instance (in my case 11)?



    Edit: I just went for it (making a backup of those tables first.  Everything seems to be good!  Not sure why the instance was different on my table for that stuff.  Although, new objects/players getting added to the db might still have the wrong instance.  Not sure what to do about that.


    Further EDIT:  Tracked it down.  For some reason the mission file that DayZ.st provided had an instance of 999.  Probably was 1386 before that.  WTF Dayz.st

  2. Hello,


    Having trouble getting this up and running on our Dayz.st server.  Though I don't think the host is the issue.


    We can access the tool, view some things like vehicle pool & traders, but nothing on survivors, objects, or info board.  Everything looks correct as far as table names and such but we're clueless as what to try next.  We do have instance set to 11 (we're still on


    What else can we look at?


    Edit: Also, the trader section shows vehicles I have added to the traders, so that table is getting accessed fine, for some reason the survivor and object tables are not.

  3. Hey all, new here.  Quick question regarding Epoch version updates.  Do I need to grab the default mission file for the new version and redo any mods or edits I've made?  Not a huge deal, just curious if I'm creating more work for myself than I need to.


    If so, I'll be looking real hard at Bungle's Chernaurus Custom Pack.

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