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Posts posted by legato

  1. Just a side question... Is this the same issue that is not allowing our admins tools to teleport to and from different locations? And is the dev team looking to change that

    If this isnt the correct place for my question i apologize.

    I added the new file into dayz_code, and it does not fix admin teleporting.

  2. Since doing this fix for gear not saving on restart, the ingame time seems to be synchronised again




    Interesting.  I would love to try this, but if I make any edit to the server.pbo the server stalls on Requesting Authentication.  Not sure what the issue is there.


    Well I guess it's due to the Signature being lost maybe when I extract/repack the pbo.  I've never had any issues with this before Epoch.  So how do I properly do this then?


    Straightened it out by using BinPBO to repack and manually setting the prefix.  Nothing to see here.

  3. More detail:


    A few of us were playing and it had gotten dark in game, like it's supposed to.  Anomaly joined and it was daytime for him.  We all compared in game watch times and they were all different!  How does that make any sense.  Then later, I logged out and back in and I had daytime again.


    We have HiveExt.ini set to Static time, Hour = 17.  We have the full moon nights setting enabled in init.sqf (which seems to work).

  4. We're finally leaving Dayz.st for a dedicated box.  But having some major issues with Battleye kicks that may be indicative of a more major issue, but I'm just not sure.  Hopefully someone here can help.  Here's the scripts.log:


    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #171 "rcallVarcode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rcallVarcode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #107 "rclearMagazineCargocode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rclearMagazineCargocode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #109 "rclearWeaponCargocode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rclearWeaponCargocode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #14 "rcreateMarkerLocalcode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rcreateMarkerLocalcode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #16 "rcreateSimpleTaskcode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rcreateSimpleTaskcode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #23 "renablesimulationcode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE renablesimulationcode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #131 "rexecfsmcode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rexecfsmcode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #103 "rhideObjectcode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rhideObjectcode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #140 "rremoveAllWeaponscode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rremoveAllWeaponscode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #106 "rsetCaptivecode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rsetCaptivecode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #39 "rsetCurrentTaskcode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rsetCurrentTaskcode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #39 "rsetCurrentTaskArrayscode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rsetCurrentTaskArrayscode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #42 "rsetDatecode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rsetDatecode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #200 "rsetTaskStatecode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rsetTaskStatecode with args:"+str(_this));};"
    18.07.2013 21:17:25: XXXXX ( ce533f6a73175cf4945ffaeb986dc1ea - #87 "rskiptimecode={diag_log("WARNING illegal RE rskiptimecode with args:"+str(_this));};"

    The X's are my buddy's username, I just removed it.

    We got kicked first for 171, then 42, and by the time 87 happened I had to start wondering what the heck is going on.  All server files are current, including Battleye.
    Those warnings caught my eye but I'm not sure what the issue is.
    Edit:  Alright, it's this file: REsec.sqf.  I'm not sure what it's supposed to be doing, but I commented it out.  Running fine now.
  5. I think maybe you misunderstood my question.  But I figured it out.  I have to grab trade_metals out of my current dayz_code, I'll toss it into a /custom folder I have in my mission, and edit the path to it in the fn_selfActions I already have in there (for self-bloodbag).

  6. Me again.  The mission sqf parser does not pull the directional data from the mission you're trying to import.  Like so:

    $WORLDSPACE='[ 0 ,['.$pos[1][0].','.$pos[1][1].',0]]';

    It's set to 0 by default.  Now I'm pretty novice at this, but wouldn't something like this do the trick?  The direction is in the sqf as "_this setDir ###", so maybe
    $WORLDSPACE='[_this setDir,['.$pos[1][0].','.$pos[1][1].',0]]';

    Like I said I'm no pro at this, but I think I have the right idea.
    Edit: Yea that wouldn't work, I'm gonna play with it until N8M4RE pays us a visit.



    Edit again: I fixed this.  Not too shabby for my first time messing around in PHP.  I'll share the new code later today.

  7. Hey all,


    I'm looking to add the Briefcase to the Trade Metals menu on my  I do realize this is part of but my host is pretty slow to update mods, so it would be nice to get this in there a while.  I found the aforementioned file in dayz_code, and I was thinking similar to fn_selfActions I could place it in the mission file in a folder, then call it myself.


    My problem is, after digging through the server files on my computer and git, I can't seem to find where or how trade_metals.sqf is called.  Even if I just knew where I could probably figure it out from there.  Any ideas?

  8. Hi all, 

      Want to add some hi end helis to the hero trader.  I'm not the best at coding. Can anyone explain how to do this to me ?  We're on ST and trying to add them in the php myadmin database,are we on the right track?



     Thanks for a great pack Bungle and everyone else that have put in so much time to this.


    This should help http://hive.dayz.st/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1567


    Although where it says to look for instance 11 you'll want to switch that to 17 or whatever instance you're using.

  9. Here's a bug maybe.  I raised my humanity level to test the hero trader a while ago (I've since removed the humanity requirement for those traders), and I've just noticed that the info board doesn't reflect the change.  I'm not sure it's updating me there anymore either.


    Edit: Actually, it looks like its pulling the humanity level from my first, long dead character.  I edited the number in the DB and it changed.  Can I fix this by simply deleting dead survivors (I guess I should probably be doing this anyway)?


    That did the trick, though still strange that it defaulted to my first character after using the survivor editor, no?

  10. Customize Death Messages


    Enables global chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)

    DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;

    Enables side chat messaging of player deaths. (Also requires enableRadio true;?)

    DZE_DeathMsgSide = true;

    Enables global title text messaging of player deaths.

    DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;





    These don't work for me.  Never been able to figure out why.  I think a Global one popped up one time only.


    Before asked, yes I set enableRadio.  Tried both //enableRadio false; and enableRadio true;.  All that's managed to accomplish is the Trader's saying Good Morning to me, haha


    That was a reported issue in the init file missing some code and was addressed in this thread a while back. It will be in the new pack.




    This seemed to fix it for him..


    Added probably just bellow.

    dayz_maxLocalZombies = 40; // Default = 40 

    In the // DayZ Epoch config Block

    Mr B


    Well it's working without that setting now.  And I personally hate the para-drop (has ended in one too many destroyed vehicles).  Not blaming you for the issue, I blame my host.  I'll just use bits and pieces of this.

  12. boxman similar to another post of yours I replied to, it's all in the server instance (in init.sqf).  In my case the default was 999 for and then 1386 in which royally fucked things up.  I would look into that if you can.

  13. Ive had feedback from ,st and  it seems like it's an issue their end and they're working on it. I'll feedback more when I know myself.  So any other .st server admins out there who havent moved fully to - dont bother yet!

    I've got mine pretty stable.  Definitely was a headache though.  And I wasn't able to use the Chernaurus Custom Pack unfortunately.

  14. DayZ.st for some reason has an Instance of 1386 for the default mission file.  The database however, uses 17.  You can either change it to 17 in init.sqf or change any traders with an instance of 17 in the database to 1386.


    // maximum number of groups / grid

    SAR_max_grps_bandits = 2;
    SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 2;
    SAR_max_grps_survivors = 2;
    // chance for a group to spawn (1-100)
    SAR_chance_bandits = 80;
    SAR_chance_soldiers = 70;
    SAR_chance_survivors = 40;
    // maximum size of group (including Leader)
    SAR_max_grpsize_bandits = 4;
    SAR_max_grpsize_soldiers = 4;
    SAR_max_grpsize_survivors = 4;

    Set all of this stuff to 0 if you only want the groups you specify in the grps file to spawn.  These settings allow for AI to spawn dynamically, anywhere.  However, the dynamic setting just above these in the config.sqf should remain TRUE.

  16. I made my own thread about this, but just in case it's related to the pack, I'll post here:


    We just got on our Dayz.st server, and have used the Chernaurus Custom Pack by Bungle.  We had a few kinks to work out, but now we just have the one issue left.  When you go to buy a vehicle from a trader, it will simply not appear on the pad like it should.  It is in the database and at the correct coordinates, but it's not there.  The bought vehicles appear after server restart.

  17. We just got on our Dayz.st server, and have used the Chernaurus Custom Pack by Bungle.  We had a few kinks to work out, but now we just have the one issue left.  When you go to buy a vehicle from a trader, it will simply not appear on the pad like it should.  It is in the database and at the correct coordinates, but it's not there.


    Please help!


    Edit:  The bought vehicles appear after a server restart.  Obviously less than ideal.

  18. I just got on  We're looking to make all trader's neutral but can't seem to get it working.  Can anyone help?  I saw where they were marked in the database as hostile/hero/friendly/neutral, and changed them accordingly, but this didn't seem to do it.  What else do I need to change?

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