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Posts posted by Warcoder

  1. Hi guys hope you can help me.


    I am running patch 1.6.3 125548 arma 2 oa but i want to play on my 1.5.1 server how can i play? when i join there server i get into the multiplayer menu it works then i get a message saying...this server is running an incorrect version of the server side aplication blah blah blah please help me

  2. Hello


    Everyone i need +- 50 people to test my server i want to see if anyone is going to lag or not its just a few things i want to try befor i buy the server.


    If you are will to help please inbox me your number and i will send you an sms what date we will test it (Will sms you no matter where in the world you are)

  3. Hello


    i would like to know how to modify the ingame uniforms.Like lets say i want to modify my characters uniform and add a logo on the back of the shirt how is that done???


    I allready know how to edit his face but would like to know how to do hes clothing please if anyone knows how to do this please help me.


    Thank you very much 

  4. Hello everyone i just started a epoch server great work btw guys keep it up.I just want to know how do i chop wood i got the axe but when i move to  a tree i can not chop it down please help i can put the axe in my bag but i cannot equipt it to chop it down or to use it as a weapon i can right click on it but it only say remove from tool belt



    Please help

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