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Posts posted by fullaholes

  1. @Mr44Revolver...

    if(hasInterface) then{
    execVM "semClient.sqf";
    "VEMFChatMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler
        systemChat ((_this select 1) select 0);
                [((_this select 1) select 0),"align = 'center' size = '1' font='PuristaBold'"],
                [((_this select 1) select 1),"align = 'center' size = '0.5'"]
        ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;
        VEMFChatMsg = nil;

    Mine is like this and works perfect..

  2. Stock AH which look like this Suppe...


    antihack_customVariablesCheck = false; // true enables variable scanning on missionNamespace

    antihack_cfgPatchesCheck = true; // cfgPatches (AddOn Check)

    antihack_addActionCheck = false; // false to disable addAction checks


    All need to be false ?


     The trader mapmarkers and the traders are not showing on the map. I've been to the coords and found nothing. Install is correct and very easy to follow so no mistakes there.

  3. if (isServer) then {
        execVM "\q\addons\traderATMs\init.sqf";
    	[] ExecVM "\SDROP\init.sqf";
    if(isDedicated)exitWith{}; //Everything below this line is only executed on the client (player or local host)
    //Wait until these variables are broadcasted to the client (usually happens before the init gets executed)
    waitUntil{!isNil {SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI}};
    waitUntil{!isNil {SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI}};
    //diag_log format["#SEM DEBUG: variables received: Weapons %1 - Magazines %2", SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI, SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI];
    fn_createMissionMarker = {	private["_create","_markerPos","_markerName","_marker"];
    	_create = _this select 0;
    	if(!_create)then[{	//delete marker
    		if (getMarkerColor "MissionMarker" != "")then{	//Only delete existing Marker
    			deleteMarkerLocal "MissionMarker";
    	},{	//else create marker
    	_markerPos = _this select 1;
    	_markerName = _this select 2;
    	_marker = createMarkerLocal ["MissionMarker", _markerPos];
    	_marker setMarkerPosLocal _markerPos;
    	_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_destroy";  
    	_marker setMarkerTextLocal format["%1",_markerName];  
    	_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed";
    	_marker setMarkerDirLocal -37;
    	_marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8,0.8];
    fn_AIaddKilledEH = {
    	if(isPlayer _this || !local _this)exitWith{systemChat "NEIN!"};
    	call compile format["
    		_this addEventHandler ['Fired',{
    			if(_this select 2 in %1)then{
    				_this select 0 addMagazines [_this select 5, 1];
    		_this addEventHandler ['Killed',{ private ['_unit','_z'];
    			_unit = _this select 0;
    			removeBackpackGlobal _unit;
    			{_unit removeWeaponGlobal _x}count (%1 + ['EpochRadio0','ItemMap','ItemRadio','ItemWatch','ItemCompass','ItemGPS']);
    			{if(_x in (magazines _unit))then{_unit removeMagazines _x}}count %2;
    			_unit spawn{
    				sleep 1;
    				_z = _x;
    				if(_x in (getweaponcargo _z))then{deleteVehicle _z}count %1;
    				if(_x in (getmagazinecargo _z))then{deleteVehicle _z}count %2;
    				}forEach nearestObjects [(getPos _this), ['GroundWeaponHolder','WeaponHolderSimulated','WeaponHolder'], 12];
    	", SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI, SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI];
     /* DO NOT CALL "fn_animateAI" because the sleep commands will cause errors when used in a non-scheduled environment */
    fn_animateAI = {	private["_group","_pos","_checkPos","_firstLoop","_nearPlayers","_doMove","_dir","_dist","_posX","_posY","_oldPos","_newPos","_z"];
    	_group = _this select 0;
    	_pos = _this select 1;
    	_checkPos = _pos; _checkPos set [2,2];
    	waitUntil{{owner _x == owner player}forEach units _group};	//Wait until the server gives You the ownership of the AI
    	diag_log format["#SEM: Client taking over AI ownership at Pos %1, Distance %2", _pos, (vehicle player) distance _pos];
    	_x call fn_AIaddKilledEH;
    	_x enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    	//_x enableAI "TARGET";
    	_x enableAI "MOVE";
    	_x enableAI "ANIM";
    	_x enableAI "FSM";
    	_x stop false;
    	_x setUnitPos "Auto";
    	}count units _group;
    	_group setCombatMode "YELLOW";
    	_group setBehaviour "COMBAT"; //"AWARE";
    	//waitUntil{{alive _x}count units _group < 1 || ({owner _x != owner player}forEach units _group)};
    	while{{alive _x}count units _group > 0 && ({owner _x == owner player}forEach units _group)}do{
    		_nearPlayers = _pos nearEntities [["Epoch_Man_base_F","Epoch_Female_base_F","Helicopter","Car","Motorcycle"], 1200];	//"Epoch_Man_base_F","Epoch_Female_base_F"
    		{if(alive _x && isPlayer _x)then{	if(!(terrainIntersect [_checkPos, [(getPosATL _x) select 0, (getPosATL _x) select 1, ((getPosATL _x) select 2) + 1]]))then{
    			_z = _x; _group reveal _z;
    			{if((secondaryWeapon _x) == "")then{
    				_x doWatch _z; _x doTarget _z;
    				_x commandFire _z; _x suppressFor 10;
    			}}count units _group;
    			UIsleep (10+(random 10));
    		}}}forEach _nearPlayers;
    	UIsleep 3;
    	diag_log format["#SEM: AI ownership lost - Remaining AIs: %1", count units _group];
    "GlobalHint" addPublicVariableEventHandler { private "_sound";
    	_sound = (_this select 1) select 0;
    		case 0:{playSound "UAV_05"}; //Mission start
    		case 1:{playSound "UAV_01"}; //Mission fail (object destroyed)
    		case 2:{playSound "UAV_04"}; //Mission fail (time out)
    		case 3:{playsound "UAV_03"}; //Mission success
    	hint parseText format["%1", (_this select 1) select 1]
    if(!isNil "GlobalMissionMarker")then{GlobalMissionMarker call fn_createMissionMarker};
    "GlobalMissionMarker" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this select 1 call fn_createMissionMarker};
    if(!isNil "takeAIownership")then{takeAIownership call fn_animateAI};
    "takeAIownership" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this select 1 spawn fn_animateAI}; //DO NOT CALL!
    if(toLower worldName in ["chernarus","chernarus_summer"])then{
    	([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145259) setDamage 1;
    	([4654.62,9593.63,0] nearestObject 145260) setDamage 1;
    };	//Fix for something, find out ;)
    //Status Bar
    if(hasInterface) then{
    [] execVM "addons\status_bar\init_statusBar.sqf";
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "cmEarplugs\config.sqf";
    [] execVM "wai\remote.sqf";
    //Trader Addon
    [] execVM "trader\init.sqf";
    [] execVM "trader\HALV_takegive_crypto_init.sqf";
    //Supply Drop Alert Event
    "SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];
    #include "A3EAI_Client\A3EAI_initclient.sqf";
  4. Got it fixed Darth regarding my server not starting. You were right, I had }; missing and it works perfect now. Great job on the script by the way. Only one little niggle to mention though. When the numbers increase on the Stamina for example, the time disappears from the statusbar leaving just the pic of the clock. Any way to fix this so the time is showing constantly ?



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