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Posts posted by Phone_Guy

  1. Thank you for the reply. I discovered when working with this code that my server host doesn't allow stored functions. It throws a fit when I try to create the trigger. My only other thought is something script related. While digging a while back I seen a section that had code related to on player death. If the scripts send the signal to the database to reset the data, would there be a way script wise to stall that function?

  2. So I have seen triggers to keep items on death but still need some help with this concept. I want my players to keep zombie kills on death. This was the total number of zombies killed can be used to gauge users experience level. Just need to know where to start.

  3. I recently started experimenting with the Right Click to Item script and used it to drop building objects onto the map. The problem is that they deploy a set direction and distance from the player. It was suggested to look at Epochs building script so when a player right clicks the item to deploy, it goes into the building phase and allows the player to move the object for better positioning and orientation. I tried to locate the script to get an idea of hows its done but no avail. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be willing to share the finished script once I get working.

  4. So currently when a player dies and spawns, a new character is generated in the database. When this happens everything except for Humanity resets. Is their anyway I could set it up that Zombie Kills, Headshots, Distance...ect remain after death? I have searched for a solution and haven't had much luck. Any assistance is appreciated.

  5. cen is correct and your understanding of the way it works is a bit skewed. There is no build timers there is only loops. To be more specific animation loops and you cannot change the values as such as they are in the config files (see here https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/cfgVehicles.hpp look for constructioncount).

    So if you want to change the amount of "time" it takes to construct something you will need to increase or decrease the number of loops it takes to complete it. I haven't done this myself but I believe the code for it is here

    _limit = 3;
    if(isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "constructioncount")) then {
    _limit = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "constructioncount");

    You may be able to insert something after it like

    if (_classname == "XYZ") then {
    _limit = 5;

    Or using an array which would mean you can adjust it for more than just one

    if (_classname in ["ABC","XYZ"]) then {
    _limit = 5;

    You will need to test to see how and if it works of course.


    And you will need to figure out a way to set it up such that the file is called via your mission file and not via the default epoch client files.



    Thank you. This worked perfectly.

  6. _bldObj = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_A_Castle_Bergfrit", [2630.4084, 1235.0073, 2.7270193], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _bldObj addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
      _bldObj enableSimulation false;
      _bldObj setDir 183.18703;
      _bldObj setPos [2630.4084, 1235.0073, 2.7270193];


    This worked great. Thank you for the help!

  7. Not a good idea to move everything to the database, just apply the indestructible changes to the objects in the SQF file that has to work! :)

    this script is just disableing the damage handler and the simulation like this, so what otter said should work!

    _object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
    _object enableSimulation false;

    that is all you have to apply to every single object in the SQF.


    So I have that a shot here is snippet from my SQF that loads extra buildings.

    _bldObj = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _bldObj = createVehicle ["MAP_A_Castle_Bergfrit", [2630.4084, 1235.0073, 2.7270193], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
      _object enableSimulation false;
      _bldObj setDir 183.18703;
      _bldObj setPos [2630.4084, 1235.0073, 2.7270193];

    I updated the sqf with the added code. Restarted the server and the buildings still takes damage and collapses. Any advice?

  8. So I added the building class names to CPC. It didn't work at first. I then added the buildings directly via the database. Those ones are now indestructible. Now I simply have to find an easy way to move my map additions from SQF to the Database. But the script it self works great and has allowed me to open up new avenues for combat without risking constant base destruction.

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