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Posts posted by alexm561

  1. hey guys ive had a server running v1.0.2.5 on chernarus and now is not spawning any new vehicle on the map and when i check the RPT i get this:


    5:13:50 Cannot create non-ai vehicle VIL_kia_ceed4,
    5:13:50 Cannot create non-ai vehicle VIL_citrone_civil3,
    5:13:51 UH1Y_DZE: ObsTurret - unknown animation source ObsTurret
    5:13:51 UH1Y_DZE: ObsGun - unknown animation source ObsGun
    5:13:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Vehicles: -67"
    5:13:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Debris: 40"
    5:13:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Ammo Boxes: 3"
    5:13:53 "HIVE: Spawning # of Veins: 50"
    5:13:53 "Total Number of spawn locations 5"
    5:13:53 "EPOCH EVENTS INIT"



    can anyone help with this Ive read other posts that havent been answered and devs please take a look at this as well 

    thanks in advance

  2. hello i was wondering if anyone can donate an updated auto-refuel script cuz every time i get a link and try that script it doesn't work and when i look at the date of the post is like to 8 months old and maybe thats why it doesn't work.

    thanks :)

  3. im trying to install 

    1-auto refuel

    2-self bloodbag

    3-auto reset every hour and a half

    4-custom day and night duration if possible

    5-customize the map just a little 

    6-admin tools

    7-AI bandits and heroes

    and what anti cheat to use



    Axe Cop where are those files located?

    is one of them in @DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server.pbo?

    and the other one at DayZ_Epoch_Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch11.Chenarus\mission.sqf?


    i tried this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mil0hgZzvJo but it failed I kept dying in a black screen and a message saying wait 5 seconds to continue playing

    so please i need help

  4. hi all i've posted this a couple of times but i think i've been posting it wrong. Here is the thing I rented a VPS thats like a virtual machine just that is located in a server not my computer.

    i created a dayz epoch server following this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3vgAWLF-8M. The server was created but now I want to add scripts to it and whenever i find one is made for a server hosted by a server provider of dayz server. maybe the files and the codes are the same but the locations are not so can anyone please help me make a cool server for my friends and anybody else including me to play and have a great time. devs if you can also please throw some info at me i would really appreciate it :)

  5. Hello everyone I just created a server and got to work yesterday but now I want to modify it with scripts im running it Vanilla all default on Chernarus map the latest version. Idk how to make the scripts work but i can follow really good i have good knowledge of computers but since every game or software has its own stuff idk much when it comes to messing with the server files.


    here is a list of scripts I want to implement on my server


    1-Auto refuel in all pumps in the map

    2-blood goes back to full when player ate or drink 

    3-auto reset set to a certain time

    4-air lift and tow

    5-change the day and night

    6-Customize traeders?

    7-cuztomoze loot respawn.


    please I will donate for help :)

  6. Ok first of all I need to say I'm new to this stuff but I rented a VPS and created a server with v1.0.2.5 but when I try to join the server I get a Wait for Host message that I can't get passed and I've read that many other ppl have this issue and others dont. I believe that's because of the server set up I did so If any of you would be so kind to help me I would appreciate it.


    Thank you and forgive my ignorance 

  7. thanks for the replay but like i said they have nothing to do with the server Im the one who created it from scratch watching a youtube video I was the one handling the files like the video says and the server recognizes me but i get stuck at the wait for host screen :/... I know plenty of computers but I don't know how to solve this :/

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