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Posts posted by Pringlez

  1. In advance, if this has already been suggested/asked, sorry, please post links to the thread.


    So in the new Chopper DLC there was a few "crates" added in the support section of the editor...


    I want to take this hook-able crate, and put them in the server so that if anyone has a chopper capable of lifting it, they can lift it and take it to base if they find it. (I would also like to be able to make them sell-able.


    Classname of box: B_Slingload_01_Repair_F


    This crate can be lifted by the Taru and Huron


    Thanks in advance for any help with this!

  2. Okay nice one. Any chance of providing the code and were to add sed code so that it adds a marker on map to indicate what town has been invaded? Also I think that setting it so that when the town is "liberated" it tells all players with a radio instead of only the one that killed the last AI.


    Just suggestion/request.


    But all in all this is looking very promissing man, keep up the work

  3. Love the sound of this system!


    Just a quick question tho, can someone tell me currently what features are in the system? as we installed it to our server, but we are no too sure if it is working :S


    We get the notifications saying AI are in "Sofia" (for example) if you have a radio, but im not sure if thats this system or default in Epoch (?)


    Thanks in advance for answer/input

  4. Hello people,


    Our server has recently got rather busy (Team Old Skool Epoch) but none can maintain anything, i know it has been changed but because of the change we cant find anything that tells us how to maintain... 


    we are beginning to get some rather unhappy players because their bases disappear after 14 days. 


    To stop us loosing more players can someone please tell me how to maintain now...

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