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Merle Dixon

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Posts posted by Merle Dixon

  1. well i will clarify further to dismiss confusion.What i mean is  the search and rescue unit will be a feature in the server as it will assist people with medical situations like pick ups,help wounded in battlefields or help stranded survivors in infested zombie areas if they are have no way out.The unit will be working in the model of altis life medical unit and its primary mission is to assist players.I have worked on the editor as well and created the base (chernarus only for now) and i hope it is an interesting addition to a server .Also will help as counceling source concerning rules of server or help in general.I hope this clear things up.Also i can assist in designing new areas like cities or other places.

    Thank you.

  2. Greetings all,I am an old player in Dayz and i wanted to ask if anyone in any map or setting  ,i dont have preferences would like to set up with me as a key feature in the Altis Life standarts a Search and Rescue unit in Epoch,I ask for admins mostly and if they are interested,please private message me for the details.

    Thank you .

  3. No mate i havent hahah well mining is one of my vices lol shhh dont tell anyone lol!! heheh ,Well another thing would be a nice Chernobyl-sque city or place to be added in the map so we can have any creepier things happening,Falconsan any ideas to raise the creepyness factor?

  4. Hello all and long time no write,RL issue made me be away for sometime :( anyway i am back

    Well i have a problem mainly the server i play in has the problem,it went to 1.4 version of epoch but the loot was not spawning,the server uses Bexs pack for addons and stuff,the admin tried to made a solution for the issue but the server now cant allow players to log in as they have Server authentication retry issues like you log in,pass lobby and wait for the server auth loop without letting you in the server...we tried downgrading but nothing changed...same issue..problem is the admin is german and his english are close to none so i took the initiative to help him with the problem in order to solve it...any ideas guys ?also some guy who knows german as well would help?please need help here!thank you !


  5. Damn !I wish some new vehicles coming on...:( is the Devs able to compile a epoch friendly vehicle pack of helis/cars/armored stuff (no so OP) to import it to the game?hell yeah why not even horses??my major regret is there is no decent civilian helicopter pack like a decent rescue chopper or other types...can this happen?is it possible to happen?thank you !

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