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Posts posted by OlFosterlO

  1. The server is running, but the files came from the host which is GtxGaming.co.uk.

    The arma20aserver.rpt above is the closest thing to my server log that I could find.

    Here is my scripts.txt, I tried adding // infront of the lines I believed to be the issue ;


    1 addAction !raddAction !"\"addAction\", " !", \"\\z\\addons\\dayz_code\\" !"],DZE_build_vector_file,[vectorActionState," !"_vehicle addAction [_actionTitle"
    1 addBackpack !"addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _counter)];\n_counter = _counter + 1;\n} count _objWpnTypes;" !"addBackpack _item;\n};\n};\nformat[localize \"str_c" !"case 3: {_holder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_item,_amount];};\n};\n\n\n" !"}) then {\n_newUnit addBackpack _newBackpackType;\n\nd" !"(_this select 0)) then\n{\n(_this select 0) addBackpack (_x select 1);\n};\n};" !"(_this select 0) addBackpackCargoGlobal [_x select 1, 1];\n};\n};\n} cou" !"addBackpack _backpackType; \ndayz_myBackpack =    unitBackpack player;\n\n\n\n_backpackWpnT" !"};\n} count _wpns;\n\nif (_bcpk != \"\") then {\nplayer addBackpack" !"1 == \"trade_backpacks\") then {\nDZE_myVehicle addBackpack" !"7 addBackpackCargoGlobal  [_create,_qty];\n};\nif (surfaceIsWater" !"case 5: {_item addBackpackCargoGlobal [_itemOut,_countOut]};\n};\n} else" !"class_bot addBackpack _bag;};\nclass_bot setFace" !"addBackpack _bag;\n_bag = unitBackpack player;\n[_bmags,2,_bag] call class_"
    1 addMagazine !raddMagazine !"\"addMagazine\", " !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addMagazine _item;};\n};\n};\n};\n};" !"_vehicle addMagazineTurret [_ammo,_turret];\nplayer removeMagazine" !"if (dayz_actionInProgress) exitWith {" !"addMagazine _x;\n};\n} foreach _items;\nformat[loc" !"addMagazine 'Hatchet_Swing'" !"addMagazine \"ItemAntibiotic\" + str(_remain" !"sumeDrop\") == 0) then\n{\nplayer addMagazine" !"ion) do {\ncase \"CfgWeapons\":\n{\nplayer addWeapon _item;\n};\ncase \"CfgMagazines\":\n{\nplayer addMagazine" !"addMagazine [\"12Rnd_Quiver_Wood\",_qty_quiv" !" >> \"containerEmpty\")" !"plant) select 1;\n{\n_item addMagazine" !"addMagazineCargoGlobal [_itemtodrop,1];\n\nformat[localize \"str_f" !"addMagazine _attachment;\n\n\n(findDisplay 10" !"addMagazine getText (configFile >> \"CfgMagazines\" >> _x >> _water" !"};\n};\n\n\nswitch _type do {\ncase 1: {_holder addMagazine" !"do {\n_animalbody addMagazine _rawfoodtype" !"addMagazine _item;\n};\n};\n_idc = _idc" !"_newUnit addMagazine [_x select 0,_x select 1]" !"addMagazine _x } count MeleeMagazines;\n} e" !"_meleeNum < 1) then {\nplayer addMagazine" !"addMagazine _qtyRemaining;\n};\n};\ntrue" !"bag\";\n};\n};\n(_this select 0) addMagazine" !"addMagazineCargoGlobal [_item, 1];\nif (surfaceIsWater (_this s" !"addMagazine \"wholeBloodBagBNEG\";\n};\n};" !"_qty > 0) then {\n_firePlace addMagazine" !"ONEG\" }; \n};\ndayz_myBackpack addMagazine" !"addMagazine _x;\n_countmags = _countmags  +1;\n};\n} count _gmag" !"E\"];\n_lootpile addMagazineCargoGlobal [\"TrapBear\", 1]" !"With\n{\nplayer addMagazine (_this select 1" !"lder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _counter)];\n_counter = _counter + 1;\n};\n} co" !"soldItem\"];\n{\n_object addMagazine" !"systemChat localize \"STR_EPOCH_TRADE_" !"if (_silver_1oz > 0) then {\nif (_silver_1oz == 1) then {\nplayer addMagazine" !"};\n\nswitch _type do {\ncase 1: { for \"_i\" from 1 to _amount do {_object addMagazine _item}; };"
    1 addWeapon !raddWeapon !"\"addWeapon\", " !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addWeapon _item;}\nelse" !",0]] call dayz_NutritionSystem;\n" !"Remove) == 1}) then {\nplayer addWeapon _create;" !"Display 0;\n\n\nif (_weaponInUse) then\n{\n_muz" !"failChance) then {\nswitch (_selection) do {\ncase \"CfgWeapons\":\n{\nplayer addWeapon" !"addWeapon _fixedItem;\nformat[localize \"str_f" !"_wepcounts = (getWeaponCargo _plant) select 1;\n{\n_item addWeapon" !"addWeapon _repair;\n} else {\n\n[_repair" !"player addWeapon dayz_onBack\n] select 0;\n};\n\n" !"player addWeapon _addWeapon;\n\nif (vehicle player != player) then {\n_display = find" !"};\n};\n\n\nswitch _type do {\ncase 1: {_holder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_item,_amount];};\ncase 2: {_holder addWeapon" !"l fn_chance) then {\nplayer removeWeapon _x;\nplayer addWeapon _rem" !"else {\n_body addWeapon dayz_onBack;\n};\n};\n\n\n_infect" !"\" >> _x)) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\n} count _wpns;\n};" !"lder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _counter)];\n_counter = _counter + 1;\n} co" !"WpnQtys = [];\nif (count _backpackWpn > 0) then {\n_backpackWpnTypes = _backpackWpn sel" !"addWeapon (\"Item\"+str(_remain)+\"Matchbox" !"{\nswitch (_x select 0) do\n{\ncase         2:\n{\n(_this select 0) addWeapon" !"E\"];\n_vehicle addWeaponCargoGlobal [_lootInfo select 1, 1" !"addWeaponCargoGlobal [_bcpkWpn, 1];\n};\n};\n};\n};" !"s;\n};\n\n\nplayer addWeapon \"Loot" !"With\n{\nplayer addWeapon (_this select 1" !"\") then {\n_newUnit addWeapon _secweapon;\n};\n\n" !"soldItem\"];\n{\n_object addWeapon" !"then {\nsystemChat format[localize \"STR_EPOCH_" !"DuplicateTool;\n} else {\nplayer addWeapon" !"case 3: { _object addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,_amount]; };\n};\n};\n} forEach _items;" !"x in weapons class_bot) then {\nclass_bot addWeapon _x;" !"_mags,1,player] call class_fillItems;\n{player addWeapon"
    1 allDead !"} count allDead;\n\n\nif (dayz_oldBodyCount > _bodyCount) then {" !"allDead;\n{\n_body = _x;\n{\n\nif (count _x == 4"
    1 allGroups !"publicVariableServer \"PVDZ_Server_UpdateGroup\";\n};\n} count allGroups;"
    1 allMissionObjects !"[_x,2,0,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;\n};\n} count allMissionObjects \"SpawnableWreck\";"
    //1 allowDammage
    1 allUnits !"} count allUnits;\nlbSort _playerList;" !"if (getPlayerUID _x == _this) exitWith {\n_player = _x;\n};\n} count allUnits;" !"owner _x publicVariableClient \"PVDZ_groupInvite\";\n};\n} count allUnits;"
    1 attachTo !"(_variation * 2)) - _variation)];\n_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];" !"player playActionNow \"PutDown\";\nuiSleep 2;\n_flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0],\"granat2\"];" !"tchmove \"ainjpfalmstpsnonwrfldnon_carried_still\";\n_dragee attachto [_unit,[-0.2, 0.2, 0]];" !"_source setDropInterval 0.02;\n_point attachTo [_unit,_modelPos,_wound];" !" attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect" !"publicVariable \"PVDZ_drg_RaDrag\";\n\n_dragee attachto [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];" !="_l1 attachTo [_lh,[0,0,0],\"light\"];" !"_objectHelper attachTo [player,_offset];" !"_object attachTo [player,_offset];\n\n_position = getPosATL _object;" !="_vehicle attachTo [_liftHeli,[0,0,-7]];" !="_obj attachTo [_axis];" !"_objectSnapGizmo attachTo [_object,[_x select 0,_x select 1,_x select 2]];" !="_vehicle attachTo [_towTruck,[1.3,-2,2.3]];" !"localize \"STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_ATTACHTOHELI\","
    1 buttonSetAction
    1 callExtension
    1 camCreate !"camCreate (player modeltoWorld [0,0,2]);\n0.2 fadeSound 0.1;\nDayz_" !"_body;\n_playerID = getPlayerUID player;\n\n\n_camera = \"camera\" camCreate _death" !="_camera = \"camera\" camCreate  [12222.323, 3415.7791, -0.059190542]" !"random 99999),99999];\nspawn_camera = \"camera\" camCreate spawn_cameraPos;"
    1 cameraEffect !"0.2 fadeSound 0.1;\nDayz_BuildCamera cameraeffect [\"External\", \"TOP\"];" !"cameraEffect [\"Internal\",\"TOP\"];\n_camera camSetTarget _deathPos;\n_camera camSetPos [_deathPos select" !"r_Simulation\";\n\n_camera cameraEffect [\"Terminate" !"cameraEffect [\"internal\",\"back\"]\n\n_camera camPrepareTarget [6433.5" !"cameraEffect [\"external\",\"back\"];\nspawn_camera camSetFOV 0.7;\nspawn_camera"
    1 closeDisplay !"'closeDisplay'" !"closeDisplay 0" !"closeDisplay 2" !"if (!isNil \"closeDisplay\") then {"
    1 compile !"ca\\communityconfiguration" !"ca\\Data\\" !"ca\\missions" !"ca\\modules" !"ca\\ui\\" !"ca\\Warfare2\\" !"scriptName \"Functions\\systems\\fn_inv" !"scriptName \"MP\\data\\script" !"code = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands" !"t = missionConfigFile >> \"onMinimapScript" !="_this call (call compile GetText (configFile >> \"CfgAmmo\" >> _amm >> \"muzzleEffect\"));" !"z\\addons\\dayz_code\\" !"_menu ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\",_compile];\n};\n_pos set [3" !"{ _x set [1, compile (_x select 1)]; }" !"silver_1oz_b);\n\n{ \nif (!isNil {call compile" !"Var = compile format[\"epoch_death_board_record_" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"spawn\\functions\\" !"\\dayz_code\\compile\\remote_message.sqf\""
    1 createAgent !="_agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_agent = if (_type == \"Pastor\") then {createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"NONE\"]} else {createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"]};" !="_dog = createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"NONE\"];" !"50*(cos _dir),0];\n_unit = createAgent [\"Survivor2_DZ\",_grid,[],0," !"deleteVehicle class_bot;\nclass_bot = createAgent [_model,[0,0,0],[],0,"
    1 createDialog !="_region = createDialog \"RscDisplaySpawnSelecter\";" !="_gender = createDialog 'RscDisplayGenderSelect';" !="_dialog = createDialog \"bloodTest\";" !="createDialog 'RscDisplayCraftingMenu';" !="createDialog \"DAYZ_PADLOCK\";" !"createDialog 'horde_journal_" !"Z_ResetContainer = true;\ncreateDialog \"AdvancedTrading\";" !"createDialog \"DoorManagement\";\ncall DoorNearbyHumans;" !="createDialog \"ComboLockUI\";" !"createdialog \"PlotManagement\";\ncall PlotNearbyHumans;" !"_trader_data = (_this select 3);\n\n_dialog = createdialog \"TraderDialog\";" !"_ok = createdialog \"KeypadUI\";" !"EpochDeathBoardLoad = {\ncreatedialog \"EpochDeathBoardDialog\";" !="if(DZE_doorManagement) then {createdialog \"DoorAccess\";} else {createdialog \"ComboLockUI\";};" !"\ndisableSerialization;\ncreateDialog \"DZ_GroupDialog\";" !"spawn_mapPos = [0,0,0];\ncreateDialog \"SpawnDialog\";" !="createDialog \"BankDialog\";" !="createDialog \"GivePlayerDialog\";"
    1 createDisplay
    1 createMarker !"\"createMarkerLocal\"," !"rcreateMarkerLocal" !"if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then {" !"_marker = createMarkerLocal [format[\"groupMember"
    1 createUnit !="_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,respawn_west_original,[],0,\"NONE\"];" !="BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [\"Logic\", [1000,10,0], [], 0, \"NONE\"];"
    1 createVehicleLocal !="_object = (_x select 1) createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_plant = _x createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos \"center\");" !="_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_obj = _class createVehicleLocal (getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\");" !" = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal " !" = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal " !="_object = _ghost createVehicleLocal getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\";" !="_cursorTarget = _upgrade createVehicleLocal getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\";" !="_para = \"ParachuteWest\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_sign = \"Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !"_obj = \"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_objectSnapGizmo = \"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !"_object2 = _ghost2 createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];\nhideObject _object;" !"deleteVehicle class_bot;\nclass_bot = _model createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];"
    1 ctrlAddEventHandler
    1 ctrlSetPosition !="_control ctrlSetPosition [_posX, _posY];" !"3,_h]};\n_control ctrlsetposition _pos;" !="_control ctrlSetPosition [0, (_y + _deltaY)];" !="_disp_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [_posX, _posY];" !="_control ctrlSetPosition _grpPos;" !="_group ctrlSetPosition _pos;" !="_control ctrlSetPosition [_controlPos select 0, _controlPos select 1, _controlPos select 2, 0.03921 * _lines];" !="((uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_waiting') displayCtrl 1400) ctrlSetPosition _sandLevel;" !="_delayControl ctrlSetPosition [0, _pos];" !="_icon ctrlSetPosition [(_screen select 0),(_screen select 1),.99,.65];"
    1 cutText !"_layer cuttext [\"\",\"plain\"];\n};\nmissionnamespace" !"\n\n\n3100 cuttext [\"\",\"plain\"];" !"} else {\n16 cutText [\"\",\"PLAIN\"];" !"exitWith {\n1 cutText [localize \"" !"progress_monitor.sqf\";\n0 cutText ['','BLACK',0]" !="8 cutText [\"\",\"PLAIN\"];"
    1 deleteMarker !"} count allDead;\n\n\nif (dayz_oldBodyCount > _bodyCount) then {"
    1 displayAddEventHandler !"bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler [\"keydown\",\"_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;\"];"
    1 displaySetEventHandler
    1 enableEnvironment
    1 endMission !rendMission !"clearWeaponCargo\",\n\"endMission\"," !"enablesimulation\", \"endMission\"," !"lize \"str_player_login_timeout\", \"PLAIN DOWN\"];\nuiSleep 5;\nendMission" !"\npublicVariableServer \"PVDZ_sec_atp\";\nendMission \"LOSER\";\n};\n" !"Terminate\",\"BACK\"];\ncamDestroy _camera;\n\nendMission" !"endMission \"END1\";\n\n\ndayz_authed = true"
    1 execVM !rexecVM !"\"execVM\", " !="[] execVM \"initJIPcompatible.sqf\";" !="_script = [] execVM (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"JIPWaitFor.sqf\");" !"execVM \"\\ca\\Data\\" !"execVM '\\ca\\Data\\" !"execVM \"\\ca\\missions" !"execVM 'ca\\modules\\" !"execVM \"ca\\modules\\" !"'\\ca\\ui\\" !"\"\\ca\\ui\\" !"scriptName \"MP\\data\\script" !"_handle\"];\n_handle = [_display] execVM _script;\n}" !"execVM '\\z\\addons\\dayz_code\\" !"execVM 'z\\addons\\dayz_code\\" !"execVM \"z\\addons\\dayz_code\\" !"execVM \"\\z\\addons\\dayz_code\\" !"execVM (\"\\z\\addons\\dayz_code\\" !="dayz_rulesHandle = execVM \"rules.sqf\";" !"execvm '\\ASC\\" !"\\usec_ch53\\scripts\\" !"execVM (_actionDir + \"warn.sqf" !";\n};\n\nexecVM \"spawn\\main.sqf\";"
    1 failMission !rfailMission !"failMission\",\n\"titleCut\"," !"fadeSound\", \"failMission\"," !"if (_debug == 1) then {\ndiag_log (\"End Mission\");\n};\n\nfailMission"
    1 forceEnd
    1 groupIcon
    1 HelicopterExplo !"(isNull _who) then {\nif (_ammo != \"\" && _ammo isKindOf \"HelicopterExplo" !"_v = thisTrigger getVariable [\"obj\", objNull];\n" !"_v = thisTrigger getVariable [\"\"obj\"\", objNull];\n" !"\n\n\nremoveallweapons _v;\n\nif (local _v) then {_expl=\"HelicopterExplo"
    1 hideObject !rhideObject !"\"hideObject\"" !"(_x select 0) nearestObject (_x select 1);\n_object hideObject" !"_object2 = _ghost2 createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];\nhideObject _object;"
    1 hint !", \"_postFix\"" !rhint !rtaskHint !"\"hint\", " !"\"hintC\", " !"\"taskHint\"," !"_controlHintButton ctrlSettext \"Objectives\";" !"hint (localize \"strwf" !"'BIS_fnc_hints'" !sched_planthint !"call ui_initDisplay;\nhintSilent \"\"" !"hintSilent localize \"str_player_low" !="e == \"global\") exitWith {systemChat _message;};\nif (_type == \"hint\") exitWith {hint _message;};\nif (_type == \"titleCut\") exitWit"
    1 lbCurSel !"_selectedUserIndex = lbCurSel _lbUsersControl;" !="profileNamespace setVariable ['statusUI',(lbCurSel (_this select 0))];" !="profileNamespace setVariable ['streamerMode',(lbCurSel (_this select 0))];" !"_index = lbCurSel _lbcontrol;\n_selectedItem" !"_selected = lbCurSel _list;\n_classname = _list lnbData [_selected, 2];" !="_friendName = _userList lbText (lbCurSel _userList);" !")] call Z_" !"(lbCurSel 7421) call Z_fillCategoryList" !"] call Door" !"] call Plot" !"[(lbCurSel 12001)] " !="[(lbCurSel 21000), ((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) displayCtrl 21001)] spawn EpochDeathBoardClick;" !"((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) closeDisplay 2);" !="_uid = _playerList lbData (lbCurSel _playerList);" !"_myGroup lbData (lbCurSel _myGroup);" !"_name = lbText [8888,(lbCurSel 8888)];\n{\nif (_name == (_x"
    1 lbSet !"_lbUsersControl lbSetColor [_x, [1,0,0,1]];" !"\n_control lbSetColor [_x, _color];\n};" !"_weaponsLBSetFocus" !="(_this select 0) displayCtrl _idc lbSetCurSel (profileNamespace getVariable [_var,_default]);" !="(_display displayCtrl 105) lbSetColor [_i, [0.06, 0.05, 0.03, 1]];" !" [7421," !"lbSetPicture [7422, _index" !"lbSetPicture [7402, _index" !"lbSetPicture [7401, _index" !="_userList lbSetData [(lbSize _userList) -1,_friendUID];" !" [TraderDialogItemList, _index, " !"_myGroup lbSetData [_index,getPlayerUID _x];"  !"lbSetColor [8888,_index, switch true do {\ncase (_level >" !"_lb lbSetColor [_index, switch true do {\ncase (count _x == 2"
    1 lbSetPicture !"lbSetColor [8888,_index, switch true do {\ncase (_level >" !"_lb lbSetColor [_index, switch true do {\ncase (count _x == 2"
    1 loadFile
    1 menu !",\"MenuSelected\",\"Draw\",\"VideoStop" !"_menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i);\n_menu ctrlShow " !="createDialog 'RscDisplayCraftingMenu';" !"BIS_fnc_commsMenu" !"BIS_fnc_kbMenu" !"call gear_ui_offMenu;" !"dayz_inflame_showMenu" !"\"showCommandingMenu\", " !"rshowCommandingMenu" !"menu_" !"use action menu to " !"\"_menu\",\"_menu1\"" !"PVDZE_plr_TradeMenu" !"fn_gearMenuChecks" !"fn_pauseMenuChecks"
    1 onMapSingleClick
    1 player_humanityMorph !"fn_surfaceNoise.sqf\";\nplayer_humanityMorph = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\\z" !"addMagazine _itemNew;\n_morphHandle = [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] spawn player_humanityMorph;\n}" !"<= -2000) then {\nif (_isMen || _isMenH) then {\n[dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,\"Bandit1_DZ\"] spawn player_humanityMorph" !"#line 1 \"z\\addons\\dayz_code\\compile\\player_humanityMorph.sqf" !"[],[]]};\n};\n_handle = [dayz_playerUID,dayz_characterID,_model] spawn player_humanityMorph;\nuiSleep"
    1 playableUnits !"for [{_y=0},{_y < count(playableUnits)},{_y=_y+1}] do {" !"typeName player == \"OBJECT\" && {(player in playableUnits" !"AND {((alive _x) AND {((vehicle _x) distance _obj < 150)})}} count playableUnits)}) then {" !="_local = { _unit distance _x < _dis; } count playableUnits <= 1;" !"if (!_isOk) exitWith {false};\nuiSleep 0.001;\n} forEach playableUnits;" !"ManagementMustBeClose) then { player nearEntities [\"CAManBase\", 10] } else { playableUnits };"
    1 positionCameraToWorld
    1 removeAllEventHandlers !"_WarnFuel = false;\n};\n\n};\n\n_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers \"IncomingMissile" !"leep _wait;} else {sleep (_wait * 4);};\n};\n\n_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers \"Dammaged" !"lse\"];\n{\n(findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51 ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers" !"select 1,0] nearestObject (_x select 2);\n_building removeAllEventHandlers" !"\n\n\n\nif (_this isKindOf \"AllVehicles\") then {\n\n_this removeAllEventHandlers" !"With {};\n\n_old = player;\n_old removeAllEventHandlers \"FiredN" !"\npublicVariableServer \"PVDZ_veh_Save\";\n};\n};\n\n\n_unit removeAllEventHandlers"
    1 selectPlayer !"addSwitchableUnit dayz_originalPlayer;\nsetPlayable dayz_originalPlayer;\nselectPlayer dayz_originalPlayer;" !"addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;\nsetPlayable _newUnit;\nselectPlayer _newUnit;"
    1 serverCommand !="_character = if (serverCommandAvailable \"#kick\") then { call sched_tg_follow } else { player };" !"serverCommand (\"#vote kick \" + _selectedName);"
    1 setAperture !"select 1);\n\nif(_NVOn == \"ON\") exitwith\n{\nsetaperture -1" !"+_inc;\n\n_NVOn = (_NV select 0);\n\nif(_NVOn == \"ON\") then {\n\nsetAperture"
    1 setCamUseTI
    1 setDamage !"if (_entity isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_entity setDamage 1;" !"player setDamage 1;\n};\n\nif (dayz_onBack != \"\") then {\nif (dayz_onBack in w" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\" || _ent isKindOf \"zZombie_base\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"_this select 1;\n_plane setDamage .8;\nwaitUntil {_plane distance (_this" !="if (_allRepaired) then {\n_vehicle setDamage 0;"
    1 setDammage
    1 setDate !rsetDate !"\"setDate\", " !"\n\n\nif (!isDedicated) then {\n\"dayzSetDate\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"if (_x != _newdate select _forEachIndex) exitWith {\nsetDate _newdate" !"plr_Login1]; \nPVDZ_send = [player,\"dayzSetDate\",[player]];\npublicVariableServer" !="!isNil \"dayzSetDate\"" !"diag_log ['Date & time received:', dayzSetDate];\nsetDate dayzSetDate;\ndiag"
    1 SetEventHandler !"\n_menu ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\",_compile];\n};" !"inGameUISetEventHandler [\"Action\",\"false\"];"
    1 setMarkerAlpha
    1 setMarkerBrush
    1 setMarkerColor !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";"
    1 setMarkerDir
    1 setMarkerPos !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !"rsetMarkerPosLocal"
    1 setMarkerShape
    1 setMarkerSize
    1 setMarkerText !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";"
    1 setMarkerType !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";"
    //1 setPosASL !="_unit setPosAsl [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), (LHA_height+1)];" !="_flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];" !="_fire setPosASL _location;" !"_objectHelper setPosASL _position;\n} else {" !"_b0x1337 setPosASL (getPosASL player);\n} else {" !"_obj setPosASL [_center select 0, _a, _b];" !"_objectSnapGizmo setPosASL " !"_para setposasl [\n" !"_thingy setPosASL (ATLToASL _pos);\n} else {" !"select 1,0]) then {\nspawn_camera setPosASL _offset;"
    1 setTerrainGrid !"if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \""
    1 setUnitRecoilCoefficient
    1 setVehicle !"if(_status) then {\n_vehicle setVehicleLock \"LOCKED\";\n} else {\n_vehicle setVehicleLock \"UNLOCKED\";\n};" !"_plane setVehicleLock \"LOCKED\";\n_plane flyInHeight DZE_HaloSpawnHeight"
    1 setViewDistance
    1 sideLogic !"publicVariable \"BIS_MPF_logic\";"
    1 switchCamera !"\"switchCamera\", " !"rswitchCamera" !="player switchCamera (Dayz_constructionContext select 2);" !"player switchCamera _currentCamera;\nif (_currentWpn !="
    1 systemChat !="systemChat format[localize \"str_missing_to_do_this\", _x];" !"systemChat (localize " !"systemChat format[localize \"STR_EPOCH_" !"systemChat localize \"STR_EPOCH_" !"case \"system\": {systemChat _message;};" ") then {\nif (player getVariable[\"radiostate\",true]) then {\nsystemChat _message;\nplaySound \"Radio_Message_Sound\";\n};\n};\n};\nif (_t" !"systemChat format[localize \"STR_ESS_"
    1 title !"titleCut [\"\", \"BLACK " !"\"titleCut\", " !"\"titleText\"" !="rtitleCut = 'titleCut'" !"rtitleCutc" !="rtitleText = 'titleText'" !"rtitleTextc" !"(_missionTextListPath >> \"titles\")" !"(_display displayCtrl _titleIDC) ctrlShow false;" !"titleText [format[localize \"str_return_lobby\", _x" !",\"_titleText\"" !"localize 'STR_UI_GENDER_TITLE';\n_timeNem" !="scriptName \"MP\\data\\scriptCommands\\titleText.sqf\";" !_fillTradeTitle !_bldTxtStringTitle !"localize \"str_halo_altitude_speed"
    1 toString !"_animCheck = toString ([(_animStateArray select 0),(_animStateArray select 1)" !="_skinToModel = toString (_finalArray);" !="{_textArrayTemp = _textArrayTemp + [tostring [_x]]} foreach _line;" !="_cmpt = toString _cmpt;" !="_objName = toLower(toString(_objName));" !"if (toString _hayArr != _needle) then {" !="_type = toString _typeA;" !="_anim4 = toString _anim4;" !"{(count _stance>17)}) then {toString [_stance select 17]}" !"BIS_fnc_timeToString" !"02, if (typeName _name == \"ARRAY\") then {toString _name} else {_name}];" 5 toString <CUT> !"_input = parseNumber (toString (_input));"
    1 worldTo !="_relPos = _building worldToModel _point;" !"if (_isPlayer) then {\n_x = _pos worldToModel _new;" !"_w2m = _x worldToModel (getPosATL player);\n_bb = (boundingbox _x) select 1;" !="_h = _offset + ((_o worldToModel (getPosATL _o)) select 2);" !"_pos set [2,(_pos select 2) + 1.5];\n_screen = worldToScreen _pos;\n_text = composeText [image"

    //The best use of this file is filtering commonly used scripting commands, because they are always the same when compiled and executed. See: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA2
    //Filtering strings, variable names and code snippets is less effective because they can easily be changed or obfuscated in a near infinite number of ways

    //Always test after modifying by executing code on yourself. Ensure you are kicked or logged appropriately. One error in this file can break functionality of all filters and exceptions beyond that point.

    //Note ! and != currently behave identically in scripts.txt, there is no advantage to using one over the other
    //Note currently scripts.txt does not support regex, so the only characters that need to be escaped are literal double quotes " and literal backslash \
    //Note tabs and spaces used as indents are stripped out automatically and do not need to be included in exceptions
    //Note code is filtered as it appears when it is executed. Macros in scripts and % in formats will be replaced with their real values. Double quotes ""x"" or ''x'' nested in strings will appear as single quotes. Formatting characters will be stripped from FSMs.


  2. Alright, so I managed to stop any PublicVariable kicks by changing ALL values in my publicvariableval.txt to start with //

    I now have a different issue however. I am getting a new kick when joining, but now I have NO idea what the cause is. Below are possibly relevant logs.


    if (isServer) then {
    diag_log "Loading custom server compile"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 "turn = "CfgMagazines";
    getActionId = {
    call compile format["
        if (isNil 'DZE_ACTION_DEPLOYABLE_PACK_%1') then"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 "LoopDone = true;
    _isAnimationCompleted = true;
    if(call compile (_x select 0)) exitWith {
    _exitWith = _x select 1;
    } forE"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 "alizing %1 version %2.","DZAI Client Addon","1.0.0"];
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Test\dzai_client_config.sqf";
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #23 "e;
    _nul = (_this select 1) spawn {
    for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {cutText [_this, "PLAIN DOWN"];sleep 0.5;};
    DZAI_noRadio = nil;
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 "LD") then {
    diag_log text "CLICK ACTIONS: loading...";
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "overwrites\click_actions\config.s"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #23 "er) nearEntities ['CAManBase',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]);cutText[format['Within %1 Meters: %2 AI/players, %3 zombies, %4 vehi"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "GE],'PLAIN DOWN'];","true"],
    ["ItemGPS","Toggle Map Marker","execVM 'overwrites\click_actions\examples\marker.sqf';","true"],
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #70 "ate ["_folder","_servicePointClasses","_maxDistance","_actionTitleFormat","_actionCostsFormat","_message","_messageShown","_refu"
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #35 " select 1;
    _filter = ["private","dynamic_text","ai_killfeed","hintWithImage","hintNoImage"]; 
    if (typeName _message == "TEXT") "
    16.02.2020 12:13:20: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #35 " select 1;
    _filter = ["private","dynamic_text","ai_killfeed","hintWithImage","hintNoImage"]; 
    if (typeName _message == "TEXT") "
    16.02.2020 12:13:21: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:21: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:21: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:21: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:23: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:23: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:23: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:23: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:24: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:24: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:24: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:24: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:24: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "dummy = _this execVM "ca\characters2\OTHER\scripts\fly.sqf""
    16.02.2020 12:13:24: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "dummy = _this execVM "ca\characters2\OTHER\scripts\fly.sqf""
    16.02.2020 12:13:24: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "dummy = _this execVM "ca\characters2\OTHER\scripts\fly.sqf""
    16.02.2020 12:13:24: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "dummy = _this execVM "ca\characters2\OTHER\scripts\fly.sqf""
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:25: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:26: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:27: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:28: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:28: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:28: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:28: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"
    16.02.2020 12:13:28: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #0 "hIndex call getActionId) < 0) then {
    [_forEachIndex,player addaction["<t color='#33b5e5'>" + format["Pack %1",(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:28: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #14 " "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\addons\bike\init.sqf"
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\config.sqf";
    call com"
    16.02.2020 12:13:28: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #29 "oy %1",(_forEachIndex call getDeployableDisplay)],format["%1 execVM 'addons\bike\deploy.sqf';",_forEachIndex],(_forEachIndex cal"
    16.02.2020 12:13:28: Foster ( 87c82610772a0f564e04f5ce9935b0f1 - #66 "eNumbers "custom\chernarus11.sqf"; 
    initialized = true;
    setViewDistance 3000;
    setTerrainGrid 25;
    if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call"



    12:11:52 Connected to Steam servers
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:10 Server error: Player without identity Foster (id 107337043)
    12:13:14 Strange convex component81 in zero_buildings\models\housev_3i3_i.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:15 Strange convex component31 in zero_buildings\models\proxies\th_arches.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:15 Strange convex component207 in zero_buildings\models\a_tvtower\a_tvtower_base.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component44 in zero_buildings\models\houseblock\houseblock_c4.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component288 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component289 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component290 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component291 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component292 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component293 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component294 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component295 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component296 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component297 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component298 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component299 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component300 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component301 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component302 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component303 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component304 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component305 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component306 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component307 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component308 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component309 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component310 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component311 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component312 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component313 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component314 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component315 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component316 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component317 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometry
    12:13:16 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component279 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component280 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component281 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryFire
    12:13:16 Strange convex component249 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component250 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component251 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component252 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component253 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component254 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component255 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component256 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component257 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component258 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component259 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component260 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component261 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component262 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component263 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component264 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component265 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component266 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component267 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component268 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component269 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component270 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component271 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component272 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component273 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component274 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component275 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component276 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component277 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:16 Strange convex component278 in warehouse\models\warehouse.p3d:geometryView
    12:13:19 "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[<No group>:0 (FunctionsManager)],any]"
    12:13:19 "MPframework inited"
    12:13:19 "dayz_preloadFinished reset"
    12:13:22 "<infiSTAR.de> Error loading infiSTAR DLL"
    12:13:22 "<infiSTAR.de> vi9342772690"
    12:13:22 "<infiSTAR.de> 3a3df34d61878b5ff4faf05a1f3902"
    12:13:22 "<infiSTAR.de> "
    12:13:22 "<infiSTAR.de> ["START","waiting.."]"
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Mk_48_DZ'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: Error: creating weapon Mk_48_DZ with scope=private
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.model'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.simulation'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightDuration'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.fireLightIntensity'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockDelay'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.weaponLockSystem'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.cmImmunity'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.lockingTargetSound'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.lockedTargetSound'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
    12:13:22 Warning Message: No entry '.muzzles'.
    12:13:22 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array
    12:13:23 "Loading custom server compiles"
    12:13:23 BIKE: loading version 2.8.2 ...
    12:13:23 BIKE: adding bike to safe vehicle list...
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_Mil_Mil_Guardhouse,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_tent2_west,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_tent2_west,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_C130JWreck,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_A10Wreck,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_AV8BWreck,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_HMMWV_wrecked,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_M1A2_TUSK_wreck,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_ural_wrecked,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_M1A2_TUSK_wreck,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_M1A2_TUSK_wreck,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_M1A2_TUSK_wreck,
    12:13:23 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_M1A2_TUSK_wreck,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_ural_wrecked,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_main,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_end15,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_main,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_main,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_main,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_main,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_main,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_main,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_main,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_runway_end33,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_mud_0_2000,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_mud_15_75,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_mud_15_75,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_mud_15_75,
    12:13:24 Warning Message: Animation source door not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MAP_Barrack2/
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_Mil_Mil_Guardhouse,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_tent2_west,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_tent2_west,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_tent2_west,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_HMMWV_wrecked,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_ural_wrecked,
    12:13:24 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_ural_wrecked,
    12:13:25 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    12:13:26 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    12:13:26 Warning Message: Animation source TakeWeapon_hide not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MAP_Gunrack1/
    12:13:26 Warning Message: Animation source TakeWeapon_hide not found in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/MAP_Gunrack2/
    12:13:26 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    12:13:27 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 BE protection kicked in for player id=107337043, name='Foster', msgType=34
    12:13:28 "INFO: OnPlayerDisconnect exiting. Player is near respawn_west. This is normal after death. ["76561198066503901","Foster"]"


  3. 39 minutes ago, RedLink said:

    you need comment first 2 lines in publicvariableval.txt




    1 !(remExField|remExFP) !=(PVCDZ_obj_GutBody|drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs|BIS_effects_gepv|achievement) !=PVDZ_(drg_(RaDrag|RaLW|RLact)|getTickTime|hlt_Bleed|obj_(Delete|Publish|RoadFlare|Destroy|Fire)|veh_Save|veh_SF) !=PVDZ_(plr_(Death|Login[12]|LoginRecord|Save|SwitchMove)|Server(_Simulation|StoreVar)|sec_atp) !=PVDZ_(playerMedicalSync|object_replace|groupInvite) !=PVDZ_(send(|Unconscious)) !=PVDZ_Server_(buildLock|LogIt|UpdateGroup) !=PVDZ_Server_process(Code|SetAccessCode) !=PVDZ_objgather_(Delete|Knockdown) !=PVDZE_(obj_(Delete|Publish|Swap|Trade)|maintainArea|veh_(Lock|Publish2|Upgrade)|handleSafeGear|plr_(DeathB|FriendRQ|TradeMenu)) !=PVAH_AdminReq !=PVAH_WriteLogReq !PVAHR_0_



    5 \{
    5 \(
    5 ;
    5 &
    5 %
    5 \+ !e\+0
    5 (commandRadio|directSay|globalRadio|groupRadio|sideRadio|vehicleRadio)
    1 "wrong side" // group hack, ban the first in a row
    1 "(init|set|add|action|all|attach|ATL|ASL|eye|exec|group|unit|clear|create|menu|ctrl|display|text|hint|drop)" !"\"(SetFuel|dayzSetDate|titleText|(|with )MeleeBaseball(|Bat(|Barbed|Nails))|StashSmall|smallboat_[12])\"" !"_Ball " !Attachement !Attachment_ !aslo
    1 "(entit|exit|able|find|fuel|join|frame|move|team|throw)" !"\"(switchmove|ItemFuelcan(|Empty)|PartFueltank|SetFuel|z_refuel_0|ItemSodaRocketFuel|cable_tie)\"" !Zombie(Feed|StandingAttack)
    1 "\"say\"" !"say\",\[\"z_"
    1 "\"titleText\""
    1 "draw"
    1 "delete"
    1 "copy"
    1 "switch" !="\"switchmove\"" !="\"remExField\" = \[,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_zevl\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_gear\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsnonwnondnon_player_idlesteady03\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsraswpstdnon_player_idlesteady02\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsraswpstdnon_player_idlesteady03\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aswmpercmstpsnonwnondnon\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpslowwrfldnon_player_idlesteady04\"\]"
    1 "hide" !"hideObject"
    1 "icon"
    1 "marker"
    1 "server"
    5 "compile"
    5 "loadFile"
    5 "call" !="dog_callBack" !="\[,<NULL-object>,\"say\",\[\"dog_callBack\",120\]\]"
    1 "chat"
    1 "fade"
    5 "mission"
    1 "kb" !="FoodCanFrankBeans" !="\"FoodCanFrankBeans\"" !"kbTell" !"kbReact"
    1 "side"
    1 "show"
    1 "task" !"taskHint"
    1 "allow"
    5 "enable"
    5 "spawn"
    1 "this"
    5 "format"
    1 "skip" !"skipTime"
    1 "fail"
    1 "force"
    5 "parse"
    5 "terminate"
    1 "start"
    5 "eventhandler"
    5 "hintC"
    5 "hintS"
    5 "loading"
    1 "jiprequest" !="<NULL-object>,,\"JIPrequest\"" !="\[<NULL-object>,,\"JIPrequest\"\]"
    1 "jipexec" //1 "rjipexec"
    5 "toString"
    5 "toArray"
    5 "ctrlset"
    5 "rsay"
    5 "rland"
    5 "_YakB"
    1 "player_medInject"
    5 "hiveupdateresu"
    5 "isServer"
    5 "isDedicated"
    5 "cutText"
    5 "publicVariable"
    5 "code"
    5 "onPlayer"
    5 "select"
    5 "while"
    5 "count"
    5 "markerText"
    5 "_bis"
    5 "markerType"
    5 "teamtype"
    5 "composeText"
    5 "teamName"
    5 "execVM"
    5 "fn_swapVars\.sqf"
    5 "processInitCommands"
    5 "promptRName\.sqf"
    5 "\.sqf\"\]" !="init\.sqf\"\]"
    5 "norrnRACarUp"
    5 "norrnRAPicUp"
    5 "markerBrush"
    5 "hideObject"
    5 "deleteCollection"
    5 "forceEnd"
    5 "createAgent"
    5 "deleteVehicle"
    5 "deleteTeam"
    5 "getPlayerUID"
    5 "getVariable"
    5 "addAction"
    5 "AddM"
    5 "AddP"
    5 "AddS"
    5 "AddV"
    5 "AddW"
    5 "setAcc"
    5 "setAtt"
    5 "setC"
    5 "setD" !"dayzSetDate"
    5 "setDam"
    5 "SetData"
    5 "setDe"
    5 "setDi"
    5 "setDr"
    5 "setF" !"SetFuel"
    5 "setG"
    5 "setH"
    5 "setM"
    5 "setObj"
    5 "setOver"
    5 "setP"
    5 "setR"
    5 "setS"
    5 "setT"
    5 "setUnit"
    5 "setV"
    5 "setW"
    5 "execFSM"
    5 "clearM"
    5 "clearV"
    5 "clearW"
    5 "createD"
    5 "createG"
    5 "createM"
    5 "createS"
    5 "createT"
    5 "createU"
    5 "createV"
    5 "debugLog"
    5 "debugFSM"
    5 "deleteM"
    5 "kbTell"
    5 "kbReact"
    5 "fadeSound"
    5 "fadeMusic"
    5 "showC"
    5 "skipTime"
    5 "taskHint"
    5 "titleCut"
    5 "titleText" !",\"titleText\","
    5 "getM"
    5 "getFSMvariable"
    5 "getG"
    5 "moveIn"
    5 "synchronizeO"
    5 "synchronizeT"
    5 "synchronizeW"
    5 "triggerA"
    5 "triggerS"
    5 "triggerT"
    5 "MarkerColor"
    5 "MarkerDir"
    5 "MarkerPos"
    5 "MarkerSize"
    5 "onEachFrame"
    5 "hasInterface"
    5 "onMapS"
    5 "OnGroup"
    5 "onDouble"
    5 "onPreload"
    5 "onTeamS"
    5 "onShowNew"
    5 "setUnconscious"
    5 "exec\["
    5 "set\["
    5 "str\["
    5 "exec\""
    5 "set\""
    5 "str\""
    5 "\)exec"
    5 "\)set"
    5 "\)str"
    5 "\]exec"
    5 "\]set"
    5 "\]str"
    5 "\}exec"
    5 "\}set"
    5 "\}str"
    5 "str    "
    5 "\nstr"
    5 "str\n"
    5 ",str"
    5 "str,"
    5 "str "
    5 "set    "
    5 "\nset"
    5 "set\n"
    5 ",set"
    5 "set,"
    5 "set "
    5 "exec    "
    5 "\nexec"
    5 "exec\n"
    5 ",exec"
    5 "exec,"
    5 "exec "
    5 "isNil"
    5 "modify"
    5 "allowConnection"
    5 "check_publishobject"
    5 "dayz_disco"
    5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
    5 "dayz_objectUID"
    5 "dayz_objectUID2"
    5 "dayz_players"
    5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
    5 "dayz_versionNo"
    5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
    5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
    5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
    5 "isSinglePlayer"
    5 "needUpdate_objects"
    5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
    5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
    5 "allunits"
    5 "preprocess"
    5 "runinitscript"
    5 "'"
    5 actionmonitor
    5 bis_
    5 dayz !"dayzSetDate"
    5 drn_
    5 eh_localcleanup
    5 fnc_
    5 fn_nicespot
    5 gear_ui_init
    5 horde_epeen_determine_humanity_fnc
    5 infectedcamps
    5 local_eventkill
    5 local_gutobject
    5 local_setfuel
    5 local_zombiedamage
    5 object_
    5 player_alertzombies
    5 player_animalcheck
    5 player_checkstealth
    5 player_combatroll
    5 player_crossbowbolt
    5 player_death
    5 player_fired
    5 player_firemonitor
    5 player_gearset
    5 player_gearsync
    5 player_guicontrolflash
    5 player_humanitychange
    5 player_humanitymorph
    5 player_medbandage
    5 player_medepi
    5 player_medmorphine
    5 player_medpainkiller
    5 player_medtransfuse
    5 player_music
    5 player_packtent
    5 player_projectilenear
    5 player_summedical
    5 player_switchmodel
    5 player_temp_calculation
    5 player_throwobject
    5 player_updategui
    5 player_weaponfirednear
    5 player_zombieattack
    5 player_zombiecheck
    5 r_player_removeactions2
    5 PVDZ_
    5 server_
    5 stream_locationcheck
    5 stream_locationdel
    5 stream_locationfill
    5 ui_changedisplay
    5 ui_initdisplay
    5 vehicle_gethitpoints
    5 world_isday
    5 world_sunrise
    5 world_surfacenoise
    5 zombie_


  4. Hi,

    I'm trying to configure my server with different plugins/mods and the Battleye filters to accompany them, however despite my best efforts I'm running into a problem.

    I will always be kicked if I have Battleye turned on, and the reason given in my publicvariable.log is : Value Restriction #0 "remExField" = [B 1-1-A:1 (Foster) REMOTE,any,"JIPrequest"]

    I have tried to create exceptions in the publicvariable.txt file, but I'm not sure I actually know what I'm doing.

    I have also made sure I've installed the exceptions from the mods and followed the instructions exactly, they are : ESSV3, infiSTAR, WAI, ZSC, Service points. There are others but these are the only ones that have instructions on script exceptions.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as my only other option is to turn Battleye off, and nobody wants to join a server which says it has no security. Thanks!

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