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Posts posted by Array

  1. Hi, i've just got my server up to a running point, untill a player reported a problem with bodies despawning after death. I've tested it myself and the bodies despawn about 2 minutes after the player spawns back in. I'm not sure why this happens, does anyone have a possible solution to this?

  2. @DAmNRelentless


    i still get this log


    27.04.2017 07:36:08: Array ( 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #27 " = false;

    DZE_buildMaxMoveDistance = 20;

    EAT_ActionMenuPlayers = true;

    EAT_ActionMenuAdmins = false;

    27.04.2017 07:44:34: Array ( 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #27 " = false;

    DZE_buildMaxMoveDistance = 20;

    EAT_ActionMenuPlayers = true;

    EAT_ActionMenuAdmins = false;

    27.04.2017 07:54:13: Array ( 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:00:05: Array ( 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:05:06: Array ( 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:14:42: Array ( 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:26:32: Array ( 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 09:27:35: Array ( 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #14 "ype = _x select 0;

    if (_local) then {
    _object = _type createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
    _object setVariable ["",true,false]; 
    } else "

    The admin tools also instruct you to replace these files, publicvariableval.txt, publicvariable.txt, createvehicle.txt, scripts.txt. I don't suppose that causes any problems also?

    I installed the tools on a server made from my pc the other day, exact same process and it was working fine.

  3. 18 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    Yeah, copy it all and paste it in. (replacing)


    Alright copied what you put, now i get a script exception #14.



    27.04.2017 07:36:08: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #27 " = false;

    DZE_buildMaxMoveDistance = 20;

    EAT_ActionMenuPlayers = true;

    EAT_ActionMenuAdmins = false;

    27.04.2017 07:44:34: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #27 " = false;

    DZE_buildMaxMoveDistance = 20;

    EAT_ActionMenuPlayers = true;

    EAT_ActionMenuAdmins = false;

    27.04.2017 07:54:13: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:00:05: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:05:06: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:14:42: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:26:32: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:58:54: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #14 "ype = _x select 0;

    if (_local) then {
    _object = _type createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
    _object setVariable ["",true,false]; 
    } else "


  4. 3 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    Hier bitte

    5 "allDead" !"} count allDead;\nif (!_found) then {deleteMarkerLocal \"MyBody\";};" !"}Foreach AllDead;"
    5 "allGroups" !"publicVariableServer \"PVDZ_Server_UpdateGroup\";\n};\n} count allGroups;"
    5 "allMissionObjects" !="crashList = allmissionobjects \"UH1Wreck_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60Wreck_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60_NAVY_Wreck_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60_ARMY_Wreck_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60_NAVY_Wreck_burned_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60_ARMY_Wreck_burned_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"Mass_grave_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"Supply_Crate_DZE\";" !"buildableObjectsList = buildableObjectsList + allmissionobjects (_x);" !"storageList = storageList + allmissionobjects (_x);" !"allmissionobjects \"LandVehicle\"" !"allmissionobjects \"Air\"" !"allmissionobjects \"Boat\"" !"poleList = allMissionObjects \"Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ\";" !"allMissionObjects \"RoadFlare\"" !"allMissionObjects \"ChemLight\"" !"[_x,2,0,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;\n};\n} count allMissionObjects \"SpawnableWreck\";" !"if (isNull _grp) then { _grp = group ((allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager') select 0); };"
    5 "allowDammage"
    5 "allUnits" !"} forEach allUnits;" !"} count allUnits;\nlbSort _playerList;" !"if (getPlayerUID _x == _this) exitWith {\n_player = _x;\n};\n} count allUnits;" !"owner _x publicVariableClient \"PVDZ_groupInvite\";\n};\n} count allUnits;"
    1 "attachTo" !"riation),((random (_variation * 2)) - _variation)];\n_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];\n_dir = ([_hitObject,_unit]" !"select 3;\nplayer playActionNow \"PutDown\";\nuiSleep 2;\n_flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0],\"granat2\"];\n[_flare, -90, -10] call object" !"tchmove \"ainjpfalmstpsnonwrfldnon_carried_still\";\n_dragee attachto [_unit,[-0.2, 0.2, 0]];\n\n\nwhile {r_carry_sqf} do\n{\n_anim_n" !"0, 0.1], 0, 0, 10];\n_source setDropInterval 0.02;\n_point attachTo [_unit,_modelPos,_wound];\n};\n\nuiSleep 5;\n\nwhile {((_unit getV" !"_objGhost attachTo [_object, [0, 0, 0.7]];\n};\n\n_boundingBox = boundingBox" !" attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect" !"rag = [_dragee];\npublicVariable \"PVDZ_drg_RaDrag\";\n\n_dragee attachto [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];\nuiSleep 0.02;\n\n\n\n\n_dragee setDir 180;" !"_objectHelper attachTo [player,_offset];" !"_object attachTo [player,_offset];\n\n_position = getPosATL _object;" !="_vehicle attachTo [_liftHeli,[0,0,-7]];" !="_obj attachTo [_axis];" !"_objectSnapGizmo attachTo [_object,[_x select 0,_x select 1,_x select 2]];" !="_vehicle attachTo [_towTruck,[1.3,-2,2.3]];" !="_tmpvault attachTo [player,[_offset_x,_offset_y,_offset_z_attach]];" !"localize \"STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_ATTACHTOHELI\"," !="_l1 attachTo [_lh,[0,0,0],\"light\"];" !"TPtoME.sqf" !"Teleport.sqf" !"TpToPlayer.sqf" !"returnPlayerTP.sqf" !"teleportToLocation.sqf" !"contactAdminTicket.sqf" !"adminBuild.sqf" !"adminBuildPro.sqf" !"base_manager.sqf"
    5 "buttonSetAction"
    5 "callExtension" !"\"EATadminLogger\" callExtension (_this select 1);" !"\"EATbaseExporter\" callExtension (_this select 1);"
    5 "closeDisplay" !"'closeDisplay'" !"closeDisplay 0" !"closeDisplay 2" !"closeDisplay 9000" !"closeDisplay 1" !"if (!isNil \"closeDisplay\") then {"
    5 "createAgent" !="_agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_agent = if (_type == \"Pastor\") then {createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"NONE\"]} else {createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"]};" !="_dog = createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"NONE\"];" !="_zCreate = createAgent [_setZedType, position player, [], area, "NONE"];"
    1 "createDialog" !="_region = createDialog \"RscDisplaySpawnSelecter\";" !="_gender = createDialog 'RscDisplayGenderSelect';" !="_dialog = createDialog \"bloodTest\";" !="createDialog 'RscDisplayCraftingMenu';" !="createDialog \"DAYZ_PADLOCK\";" !="createDialog \"horde_journal_front_cover\";" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_front_cover';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_headshots';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_murders';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_journal_humanity';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_zombies';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_bandits';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_humanity_art';" !"Z_ResetContainer = true;\ncreateDialog \"AdvancedTrading\";" !"createDialog \"DoorManagement\";\ncall DoorNearbyHumans;" !="createDialog \"ComboLockUI\";" !"createdialog \"PlotManagement\";\ncall PlotNearbyHumans;" !"_trader_data = (_this select 3);\n\n_dialog = createdialog \"TraderDialog\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"SafeKeyPad\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"KeypadUI\";" !"EpochDeathBoardLoad = {\ncreatedialog \"EpochDeathBoardDialog\";" !="if(DZE_doorManagement) then {createdialog \"DoorAccess\";} else {createdialog \"ComboLockUI\";};" !"\ndisableSerialization;\ncreateDialog \"DZ_GroupDialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"EAT_messageBox_Dialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"EAT_build_AdminDialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"EAT_Veh_AdminDialog\";" !="createdialog \"TraderDialog\";"
    5 "createDisplay"
    1 "createMarker" !"\"createMarkerLocal\",\n\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !="rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal'" !"rcreateMarkerLocalcode" !"\"createMarkerLocal\", \"createSimpleTask\"," !"if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then {" !"_marker = createMarkerLocal [format[\"groupMember" !="_marker = createMarkerLocal [\"MyBody\",_pos];"
    5 "createUnit" !="_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,getMarkerPos \"respawn_west\",[],0,\"NONE\"];" !="BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [\"Logic\", [1000,10,0], [], 0, \"NONE\"];" !="_unit = _unitGroup createUnit [(_aiSkin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),[_pos_x,_pos_y,_pos_z],[],(area/2),"CAN COLLIDE"];"
    5 "createVehicleLocal" !="_object = (_x select 1) createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !"_o = _type createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_o setDir _dir;" !="_Crater= \"CraterLong\" createvehiclelocal [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];" !="_plant = _x createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos \"center\");" !="_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !="_obj = _class createVehicleLocal _new;" !="_obj = _class createVehicleLocal (getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\");" !" = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal " !" = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal " !="_object = _ghost createVehicleLocal getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\";" !="_cursorTarget = _upgrade createVehicleLocal getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\";" !="_sign = \"Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_obj = \"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_obj = _model createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_objectSnapGizmo = \"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];\n_object setDir (_x select 2);" !="_spawnCrate = _classname createVehicleLocal _pos;" !="_spawnCrate = _classname createVehicleLocal _pos" !="_plant = _x createVehicleLocal _debug;"
    5 "ctrlAddEventHandler"
    5 "ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers"
    5 "ctrlSetPosition" !="_control ctrlSetPosition [_posX, _posY];" !"if (_h != -1) then {_pos set [3,_h]};\n_control ctrlsetposition _pos;" !="_control ctrlSetPosition [0, (_y + _deltaY)];" !="_disp_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [_posX, _posY];" !="_control ctrlSetPosition _grpPos;" !="_group ctrlSetPosition _pos;" !="_control ctrlSetPosition [_controlPos select 0, _controlPos select 1, _controlPos select 2, 0.03921 * _lines];" !="((uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_waiting') displayCtrl 1400) ctrlSetPosition _sandLevel;" !="_delayControl ctrlSetPosition [0, _pos];" !="_icon ctrlSetPosition [(_screen select 0),(_screen select 1),.99,.65];"
    1 "deleteMarker" !"} count allDead;\nif (!_found) then {deleteMarkerLocal \"MyBody\";};"
    1 "displayAddEventHandler" !"bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler [\"keydown\",\"_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;\"];"
    5 "displayRemoveAllEventHandlers"
    5 "displaySetEventHandler"
    5 "enableEnvironment"
    1 "groupIcon" !="uiNamespace setVariable ['DZ_GroupIcons',_this select 0];" !="80000 cutRsc [\"DZ_GroupIcons\",\"PLAIN\"];" !="_display = uiNamespace getVariable \"DZ_GroupIcons\";" !"if (!isNull (uiNamespace getVariable \"DZ_GroupIcons\")) then {" !"dayz_groupIcons = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers " !="if (!isNil \"dayz_groupIcons\") then {call dayz_groupIcons;};" !"ESPenhanced" !"ESPplayer"
    5 "hideObject" !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\",\n\"hideObject\"\n];" !="rhideObject = 'hideObject'" !"rhideObjectcode" !"\"hideObject\", \"hint\"," !"hideObject _x;" !="_hide = format[\"{ if(((getPlayerUID _x) == '%1')) then { _x hideObject %2; }; } forEach playableUnits;\", (getPlayerUID player), invis];"
    5 "lbCurSel" !="_selectedMissionIndex = lbCurSel _lbMissionsControl;" !="_selectedUserIndex = lbCurSel _lbUsersControl;" !="profileNamespace setVariable ['streamerMode',(lbCurSel (_this select 0))];" !="_index = lbCurSel _lbcontrol;" !="_selected = lbCurSel _list;" !="_friendName = _userList lbText (lbCurSel _userList);" !")] call Z_" !"(lbCurSel 7421) call Z_fillCategoryList" !"] call Door" !"] call Plot" !")] spawn TraderDialog" !="[(lbCurSel 21000), ((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) displayCtrl 21001)] spawn EpochDeathBoardClick;" !"((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) closeDisplay 2);" !="_uid = _playerList lbData (lbCurSel _playerList);" !"_myGroup lbData (lbCurSel _myGroup);" !"lbCurSel 12000" !"lbCurSel 12001" !"lbCurSel 13000"
    5 "lbSet" !="_lbUsersControl lbSetColor [_x, [1,0,0,1]];" !="_lbUsersControl lbSetValue [_x, _rating];" !="_control lbSetColor [_x, _color];" !"_weaponsLBSetFocus" !="(_this select 0) displayCtrl 140 lbSetCurSel (profileNamespace getVariable ['streamerMode',0]);" !="(_display displayCtrl 105) lbSetColor [_i, [0.06, 0.05, 0.03, 1]];" !"[7421," !"lbSetPicture [7422, _index" !"lbSetPicture [7402, _index" !"lbSetPicture [7401, _index" !="_userList lbSetData [(lbSize _userList) -1,_friendUID];" !" [TraderDialogItemList, _index, " !"_myGroup lbSetData [_index,getPlayerUID _x];"
    5 "onMapSingleClick" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf" !"Teleport.sqf"
    5 "playableUnits" !"Invisibility.sqf" !"spectate.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf" !"for [{_y=0},{_y < count(playableUnits)},{_y=_y+1}] do {" !"typeName player == \"OBJECT\")}) AND {((player in playableUnits) AND {(alive player)" !"(1 max count playableUnits)) min (dayz_maxAnimals - _count))) to 1 step -1 do {" !"AND {((alive _x) AND {((vehicle _x) distance _obj < 150)})}} count playableUnits)}) then {" !="_local = { _unit distance _x < _dis; } count playableUnits <= 1;" !"if (!_isOk) exitWith {false};\nuiSleep 0.001;\n} forEach playableUnits;" !"ManagementMustBeClose) then { player nearEntities [\"CAManBase\", 10] } else { playableUnits };"
    5 "selectPlayer" !"dayz_originalPlayer enableSimulation true;\naddSwitchableUnit dayz_originalPlayer;\nsetPlayable dayz_originalPlayer;\nselectPlayer dayz_originalPlayer;" !"addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;\nsetPlayable _newUnit;\nselectPlayer _newUnit;"
    5 "serverCommand" !="_character = if (serverCommandAvailable \"#kick\") then { call sched_tg_follow } else { player };" !"serverCommand (\"#kick \" + _selectedName);"
    5 "setDamage" !"([4654,9595,0] nearestObject 145259) setDamage 1;\n([4654,9595,0] nearestObject 145260) setDamage 1;" !"if (_entity isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_entity setDamage 1;" !"_tree setDamage 1;\ndayz_choppedTrees set [count dayz_choppedTrees,_tree];" !="if ((alive player) && (r_fracture_legs or {player isKindOf 'PZombie_VB'})) then { player SetDamage 1;};" !"_id = [player,20,true,getPosATL player] call player_alertZombies;\nuiSleep 0.5;\nplayer setDamage 1;" !"\n_obj setDamage (damage _obj) + _damage;\n" !"if(\"\" == typeOf _tree) then {\n_tree setDamage 1;\n};" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\" || _ent isKindOf \"zZombie_base\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"player setdamage 0;" !"player setdamage 1;" !"_vehicle setDamage 0;" !"_vehicle setDamage 1;" !"_ct setdamage 0;" !"_ct setdamage 1;" !"PointToRepair.sqf" !"GodModePlayer.sqf" !"GodModeVehicle.sqf" !"PointToRepairPERM.sqf" !"healp.sqf" !"PointToReviveVeh.sqf" !"zombieshield.sqf" !"base_manager.sqf"
    5 "setDammage" !"PointToRepair.sqf" !"GodModePlayer.sqf" !"GodModeVehicle.sqf" !"PointToRepairPERM.sqf" !"healp.sqf"
    1 "SetEventHandler" !="_menu ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\",_compile];" !="inGameUISetEventHandler [\"PrevAction\",\"false\"];" !="inGameUISetEventHandler [\"NextAction\",\"false\"];" !="inGameUISetEventHandler [\"Action\",\"false\"];"
    5 "setMarkerAlpha" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerBrush" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerColor" !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerDir" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerPos" !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\",\n\"hideObject\"\n];" !="rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal'" !"rsetMarkerPosLocalcode" !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\", \"setObjectTexture\"," !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !"ESPenhanced.sqf"," !"ESPplayer.sqf","
    5 "setMarkerShape" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerSize" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerText" !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerType" !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setPosASL" !="_unit setPosAsl [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), (LHA_height+1)];" !="_objectHelper setPosASL _position;" !="_tmpbuilt setPosASL _location;" !="_b0x1337 setPosASL (getPosASL player);" !"_obj setPosASL [_center select 0, " !"_obj setPosASL [_a, " !"_objectSnapGizmo setPosASL " !"_para setposasl [\n" !"_thingy setPosASL (ATLToASL _pos);" !"if (surfaceIsWater _location) then {_object setPosASL (getPosASL player);" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf" !"base_manager.sqf" !"adminBuild.sqf" !"adminBuildPro.sqf" !="PosASL _fireplace;\nif (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {\n\n_flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];\n} else {"
    5 "setTerrainGrid" !"if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"" !"GrassOff.sqf"
    5 "setUnitRecoilCoefficient" !"InfiniteAmmo.sqf"
    5 "setVehicle" !="_this setVehicleInit \"this setVectorUp [0,0,1];\";" !"if(_status) then {\n_vehicle setVehicleLock \"LOCKED\";\n} else {\n_vehicle setVehicleLock \"UNLOCKED\";\n};"
    5 setVehicleAmmo !"PointToRepair.sqf" !"PointToRepairPERM.sqf" !"InfiniteAmmo.sqf" !"PointToReviveVeh.sqf" !"deployMozzie.sqf" !"Invisibility.sqf"
    5 "setViewDistance"
    1 "showCommandingMenu" !"\"showCommandingMenu\", \n\"globalChat\", " !="rshowCommandingMenu = 'showCommandingMenu'" !"rshowCommandingMenucode" !"\"showCommandingMenu\", \"sideChat\","
    5 "sideLogic" !"{ \nBIS_MPF_ServerInitDone = true;\ncreatecenter sidelogic;\nBIS_MPF_dummygroup = createGroup sideLogic;" !"{ \nBIS_MPF_ServerInitDone = true;\ncreatecenter sidelogic;\n\n\nBIS_MPF_dummygroup = createGroup sideLogic;"
    5 "switchCamera" !"spectate.sqf" !"\"switchCamera\", \n\n\n\"fadeMusic\"," !="rswitchCamera = 'switchCamera'" !"rswitchCameracode" !"\"switchCamera\", \"taskHint\"," !="player switchCamera (Dayz_constructionContext select 2);"
    5 "toString" !="_skinToModel = toString (_finalArray);" !="{_textArrayTemp = _textArrayTemp + [tostring [_x]]} foreach _line;" !="_cmpt = toString _cmpt;" !="_objName = toLower(toString(_objName));" !"if (toString _hayArr != _needle) then {" !="_type = toString _typeA;" !="_anim4 = toString _anim4;" !"{(count _stance>17)}) then {toString [_stance select 17]}" !="lbAdd [7102, if (typeName _name == \"ARRAY\") then {toString _name} else {_name}];" !="lbAdd [7002, if (typeName _name == \"ARRAY\") then {toString _name} else {_name}];" !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_timeToString' || false) then {"



    So i replace that over my current script.txt?

  5. 1 hour ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    Fully normal if you're getting kicked by battleye. The problem is that the battleye filters are not configurated right. Check the install instructions of the admin tools for battleye filters. If there is no instruction provided, you will have to add exceptions for the BE-filters yourself.

    If you want help for those filters you have to keep in mind that the server.rpt is not necessary for that. For battleeye filters you need to provide the corresponding txt and the log

    In your case that would be scripts.log and scripts.txt from your battleye folder.


    I'm also getting the same issue as the original poster has, though my script restriction is #43. If you meant to post the log and txt files for scripts, this is what mine currently are. Not sure how to fix the issue, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Only using the epoch tools for the meantime, to test things on my server, between when i buy infistar for my server. 



    5 "allDead" !"} count allDead;\nif (!_found) then {deleteMarkerLocal \"MyBody\";};" !"}Foreach AllDead;"
    5 "allGroups" !"publicVariableServer \"PVDZ_Server_UpdateGroup\";\n};\n} count allGroups;"
    5 "allMissionObjects" !="crashList = allmissionobjects \"UH1Wreck_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60Wreck_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60_NAVY_Wreck_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60_ARMY_Wreck_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60_NAVY_Wreck_burned_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"UH60_ARMY_Wreck_burned_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"Mass_grave_DZ\" + allmissionobjects \"Supply_Crate_DZE\";" !"buildableObjectsList = buildableObjectsList + allmissionobjects (_x);" !"storageList = storageList + allmissionobjects (_x);" !"allmissionobjects \"LandVehicle\"" !"allmissionobjects \"Air\"" !"allmissionobjects \"Boat\"" !"poleList = allMissionObjects \"Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ\";" !"allMissionObjects \"RoadFlare\"" !"allMissionObjects \"ChemLight\"" !"[_x,2,0,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;\n};\n} count allMissionObjects \"SpawnableWreck\";" !"if (isNull _grp) then { _grp = group ((allmissionobjects 'FunctionsManager') select 0); };"
    5 "allowDammage"
    5 "allUnits" !"} forEach allUnits;" !"} count allUnits;\nlbSort _playerList;" !"if (getPlayerUID _x == _this) exitWith {\n_player = _x;\n};\n} count allUnits;" !"owner _x publicVariableClient \"PVDZ_groupInvite\";\n};\n} count allUnits;"
    1 "attachTo" !"riation),((random (_variation * 2)) - _variation)];\n_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];\n_dir = ([_hitObject,_unit]" !"select 3;\nplayer playActionNow \"PutDown\";\nuiSleep 2;\n_flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0],\"granat2\"];\n[_flare, -90, -10] call object" !"tchmove \"ainjpfalmstpsnonwrfldnon_carried_still\";\n_dragee attachto [_unit,[-0.2, 0.2, 0]];\n\n\nwhile {r_carry_sqf} do\n{\n_anim_n" !"0, 0.1], 0, 0, 10];\n_source setDropInterval 0.02;\n_point attachTo [_unit,_modelPos,_wound];\n};\n\nuiSleep 5;\n\nwhile {((_unit getV" !"_objGhost attachTo [_object, [0, 0, 0.7]];\n};\n\n_boundingBox = boundingBox" !" attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect" !"rag = [_dragee];\npublicVariable \"PVDZ_drg_RaDrag\";\n\n_dragee attachto [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];\nuiSleep 0.02;\n\n\n\n\n_dragee setDir 180;" !"_objectHelper attachTo [player,_offset];" !"_object attachTo [player,_offset];\n\n_position = getPosATL _object;" !="_vehicle attachTo [_liftHeli,[0,0,-7]];" !="_obj attachTo [_axis];" !"_objectSnapGizmo attachTo [_object,[_x select 0,_x select 1,_x select 2]];" !="_vehicle attachTo [_towTruck,[1.3,-2,2.3]];" !="_tmpvault attachTo [player,[_offset_x,_offset_y,_offset_z_attach]];" !"localize \"STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_ATTACHTOHELI\"," !="_l1 attachTo [_lh,[0,0,0],\"light\"];" !"TPtoME.sqf" !"Teleport.sqf" !"TpToPlayer.sqf" !"returnPlayerTP.sqf" !"teleportToLocation.sqf" !"contactAdminTicket.sqf" !"adminBuild.sqf" !"adminBuildPro.sqf" !"base_manager.sqf"
    5 "buttonSetAction"
    5 "callExtension" !"\"EATadminLogger\" callExtension (_this select 1);" !"\"EATbaseExporter\" callExtension (_this select 1);"
    5 "closeDisplay" !"'closeDisplay'" !"closeDisplay 0" !"closeDisplay 2" !"closeDisplay 9000" !"closeDisplay 1" !"if (!isNil \"closeDisplay\") then {"
    5 "createAgent" !="_agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_agent = if (_type == \"Pastor\") then {createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"NONE\"]} else {createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"]};" !="_dog = createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"NONE\"];" !="_zCreate = createAgent [_setZedType, position player, [], area, "NONE"];"
    1 "createDialog" !="_region = createDialog \"RscDisplaySpawnSelecter\";" !="_gender = createDialog 'RscDisplayGenderSelect';" !="_dialog = createDialog \"bloodTest\";" !="createDialog 'RscDisplayCraftingMenu';" !="createDialog \"DAYZ_PADLOCK\";" !="createDialog \"horde_journal_front_cover\";" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_front_cover';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_headshots';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_murders';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_journal_humanity';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_zombies';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_bandits';" !="createDialog 'horde_journal_pages_humanity_art';" !"Z_ResetContainer = true;\ncreateDialog \"AdvancedTrading\";" !"createDialog \"DoorManagement\";\ncall DoorNearbyHumans;" !="createDialog \"ComboLockUI\";" !"createdialog \"PlotManagement\";\ncall PlotNearbyHumans;" !"_trader_data = (_this select 3);\n\n_dialog = createdialog \"TraderDialog\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"SafeKeyPad\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"KeypadUI\";" !"EpochDeathBoardLoad = {\ncreatedialog \"EpochDeathBoardDialog\";" !="if(DZE_doorManagement) then {createdialog \"DoorAccess\";} else {createdialog \"ComboLockUI\";};" !"\ndisableSerialization;\ncreateDialog \"DZ_GroupDialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"EAT_messageBox_Dialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"EAT_build_AdminDialog\";" !="_dialog = createdialog \"EAT_Veh_AdminDialog\";" !="createdialog \"TraderDialog\";"
    5 "createDisplay"
    1 "createMarker" !"\"createMarkerLocal\",\n\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !="rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal'" !"rcreateMarkerLocalcode" !"\"createMarkerLocal\", \"createSimpleTask\"," !"if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then {" !"_marker = createMarkerLocal [format[\"groupMember" !="_marker = createMarkerLocal [\"MyBody\",_pos];"
    5 "createUnit" !="_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,getMarkerPos \"respawn_west\",[],0,\"NONE\"];" !="BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [\"Logic\", [1000,10,0], [], 0, \"NONE\"];" !="_unit = _unitGroup createUnit [(_aiSkin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom),[_pos_x,_pos_y,_pos_z],[],(area/2),"CAN COLLIDE"];"
    5 "createVehicleLocal" !="_object = (_x select 1) createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !"_o = _type createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_o setDir _dir;" !="_Crater= \"CraterLong\" createvehiclelocal [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];" !="_plant = _x createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos \"center\");" !="_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !="_obj = _class createVehicleLocal _new;" !="_obj = _class createVehicleLocal (getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\");" !" = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal " !" = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal " !="_object = _ghost createVehicleLocal getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\";" !="_cursorTarget = _upgrade createVehicleLocal getMarkerpos \"respawn_west\";" !="_sign = \"Sign_arrow_down_large_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_obj = \"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_obj = _model createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !="_objectSnapGizmo = \"Sign_sphere10cm_EP1\" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];\n_object setDir (_x select 2);" !="_spawnCrate = _classname createVehicleLocal _pos;" !="_spawnCrate = _classname createVehicleLocal _pos" !="_plant = _x createVehicleLocal _debug;"
    5 "ctrlAddEventHandler"
    5 "ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers"
    5 "ctrlSetPosition" !="_control ctrlSetPosition [_posX, _posY];" !"if (_h != -1) then {_pos set [3,_h]};\n_control ctrlsetposition _pos;" !="_control ctrlSetPosition [0, (_y + _deltaY)];" !="_disp_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [_posX, _posY];" !="_control ctrlSetPosition _grpPos;" !="_group ctrlSetPosition _pos;" !="_control ctrlSetPosition [_controlPos select 0, _controlPos select 1, _controlPos select 2, 0.03921 * _lines];" !="((uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_waiting') displayCtrl 1400) ctrlSetPosition _sandLevel;" !="_delayControl ctrlSetPosition [0, _pos];" !="_icon ctrlSetPosition [(_screen select 0),(_screen select 1),.99,.65];"
    1 "deleteMarker" !"} count allDead;\nif (!_found) then {deleteMarkerLocal \"MyBody\";};"
    1 "displayAddEventHandler" !"bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler [\"keydown\",\"_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;\"];"
    5 "displayRemoveAllEventHandlers"
    5 "displaySetEventHandler"
    5 "enableEnvironment"
    1 "groupIcon" !="uiNamespace setVariable ['DZ_GroupIcons',_this select 0];" !="80000 cutRsc [\"DZ_GroupIcons\",\"PLAIN\"];" !="_display = uiNamespace getVariable \"DZ_GroupIcons\";" !"if (!isNull (uiNamespace getVariable \"DZ_GroupIcons\")) then {" !"dayz_groupIcons = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers " !="if (!isNil \"dayz_groupIcons\") then {call dayz_groupIcons;};" !"ESPenhanced" !"ESPplayer"
    5 "hideObject" !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\",\n\"hideObject\"\n];" !="rhideObject = 'hideObject'" !"rhideObjectcode" !"\"hideObject\", \"hint\"," !"hideObject _x;" !="_hide = format[\"{ if(((getPlayerUID _x) == '%1')) then { _x hideObject %2; }; } forEach playableUnits;\", (getPlayerUID player), invis];"
    5 "lbCurSel" !="_selectedMissionIndex = lbCurSel _lbMissionsControl;" !="_selectedUserIndex = lbCurSel _lbUsersControl;" !="profileNamespace setVariable ['streamerMode',(lbCurSel (_this select 0))];" !="_index = lbCurSel _lbcontrol;" !="_selected = lbCurSel _list;" !="_friendName = _userList lbText (lbCurSel _userList);" !")] call Z_" !"(lbCurSel 7421) call Z_fillCategoryList" !"] call Door" !"] call Plot" !")] spawn TraderDialog" !="[(lbCurSel 21000), ((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) displayCtrl 21001)] spawn EpochDeathBoardClick;" !"((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) closeDisplay 2);" !="_uid = _playerList lbData (lbCurSel _playerList);" !"_myGroup lbData (lbCurSel _myGroup);" !"lbCurSel 12000" !"lbCurSel 12001" !"lbCurSel 13000"
    5 "lbSet" !="_lbUsersControl lbSetColor [_x, [1,0,0,1]];" !="_lbUsersControl lbSetValue [_x, _rating];" !="_control lbSetColor [_x, _color];" !"_weaponsLBSetFocus" !="(_this select 0) displayCtrl 140 lbSetCurSel (profileNamespace getVariable ['streamerMode',0]);" !="(_display displayCtrl 105) lbSetColor [_i, [0.06, 0.05, 0.03, 1]];" !"[7421," !"lbSetPicture [7422, _index" !"lbSetPicture [7402, _index" !"lbSetPicture [7401, _index" !="_userList lbSetData [(lbSize _userList) -1,_friendUID];" !" [TraderDialogItemList, _index, " !"_myGroup lbSetData [_index,getPlayerUID _x];"
    5 "onMapSingleClick" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf" !"Teleport.sqf"
    5 "playableUnits" !"Invisibility.sqf" !"spectate.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf" !"for [{_y=0},{_y < count(playableUnits)},{_y=_y+1}] do {" !"typeName player == \"OBJECT\")}) AND {((player in playableUnits) AND {(alive player)" !"(1 max count playableUnits)) min (dayz_maxAnimals - _count))) to 1 step -1 do {" !"AND {((alive _x) AND {((vehicle _x) distance _obj < 150)})}} count playableUnits)}) then {" !="_local = { _unit distance _x < _dis; } count playableUnits <= 1;" !"if (!_isOk) exitWith {false};\nuiSleep 0.001;\n} forEach playableUnits;" !"ManagementMustBeClose) then { player nearEntities [\"CAManBase\", 10] } else { playableUnits };"
    5 "selectPlayer" !"dayz_originalPlayer enableSimulation true;\naddSwitchableUnit dayz_originalPlayer;\nsetPlayable dayz_originalPlayer;\nselectPlayer dayz_originalPlayer;" !"addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;\nsetPlayable _newUnit;\nselectPlayer _newUnit;"
    5 "serverCommand" !="_character = if (serverCommandAvailable \"#kick\") then { call sched_tg_follow } else { player };" !"serverCommand (\"#kick \" + _selectedName);"
    5 "setDamage" !"([4654,9595,0] nearestObject 145259) setDamage 1;\n([4654,9595,0] nearestObject 145260) setDamage 1;" !"if (_entity isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_entity setDamage 1;" !"_tree setDamage 1;\ndayz_choppedTrees set [count dayz_choppedTrees,_tree];" !="if ((alive player) && (r_fracture_legs or {player isKindOf 'PZombie_VB'})) then { player SetDamage 1;};" !"_id = [player,20,true,getPosATL player] call player_alertZombies;\nuiSleep 0.5;\nplayer setDamage 1;" !"\n_obj setDamage (damage _obj) + _damage;\n" !"if(\"\" == typeOf _tree) then {\n_tree setDamage 1;\n};" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\" || _ent isKindOf \"zZombie_base\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"player setdamage 0;" !"player setdamage 1;" !"_vehicle setDamage 0;" !"_vehicle setDamage 1;" !"_ct setdamage 0;" !"_ct setdamage 1;" !"PointToRepair.sqf" !"GodModePlayer.sqf" !"GodModeVehicle.sqf" !"PointToRepairPERM.sqf" !"healp.sqf" !"PointToReviveVeh.sqf" !"zombieshield.sqf" !"base_manager.sqf"
    5 "setDammage" !"PointToRepair.sqf" !"GodModePlayer.sqf" !"GodModeVehicle.sqf" !"PointToRepairPERM.sqf" !"healp.sqf"
    1 "SetEventHandler" !="_menu ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\",_compile];" !="inGameUISetEventHandler [\"PrevAction\",\"false\"];" !="inGameUISetEventHandler [\"NextAction\",\"false\"];" !="inGameUISetEventHandler [\"Action\",\"false\"];"
    5 "setMarkerAlpha" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerBrush" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerColor" !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerDir" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerPos" !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\",\n\"hideObject\"\n];" !="rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal'" !"rsetMarkerPosLocalcode" !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\", \"setObjectTexture\"," !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !"ESPenhanced.sqf"," !"ESPplayer.sqf","
    5 "setMarkerShape" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerSize" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerText" !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setMarkerType" !",if (_vehicle == _x) then {name _x} else {_vehicle call dayz_getCrew}];\n_marker setMarkerColorLocal \"ColorGreen\";" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf"
    5 "setPosASL" !="_unit setPosAsl [(_position select 0), (_position select 1), (LHA_height+1)];" !="_objectHelper setPosASL _position;" !="_tmpbuilt setPosASL _location;" !="_b0x1337 setPosASL (getPosASL player);" !"_obj setPosASL [_center select 0, " !"_obj setPosASL [_a, " !"_objectSnapGizmo setPosASL " !"_para setposasl [\n" !"_thingy setPosASL (ATLToASL _pos);" !"if (surfaceIsWater _location) then {_object setPosASL (getPosASL player);" !"ESPenhanced.sqf" !"ESPplayer.sqf" !"base_manager.sqf" !"adminBuild.sqf" !"adminBuildPro.sqf"
    5 "setTerrainGrid" !"if (dayz_REsec == 1) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"" !"GrassOff.sqf"
    5 "setUnitRecoilCoefficient" !"InfiniteAmmo.sqf"
    5 "setVehicle" !="_this setVehicleInit \"this setVectorUp [0,0,1];\";" !"if(_status) then {\n_vehicle setVehicleLock \"LOCKED\";\n} else {\n_vehicle setVehicleLock \"UNLOCKED\";\n};"
    5 setVehicleAmmo !"PointToRepair.sqf" !"PointToRepairPERM.sqf" !"InfiniteAmmo.sqf" !"PointToReviveVeh.sqf" !"deployMozzie.sqf" !"Invisibility.sqf"
    5 "setViewDistance"
    1 "showCommandingMenu" !"\"showCommandingMenu\", \n\"globalChat\", " !="rshowCommandingMenu = 'showCommandingMenu'" !"rshowCommandingMenucode" !"\"showCommandingMenu\", \"sideChat\","
    5 "sideLogic" !"{ \nBIS_MPF_ServerInitDone = true;\ncreatecenter sidelogic;\nBIS_MPF_dummygroup = createGroup sideLogic;" !"{ \nBIS_MPF_ServerInitDone = true;\ncreatecenter sidelogic;\n\n\nBIS_MPF_dummygroup = createGroup sideLogic;"
    5 "switchCamera" !"spectate.sqf" !"\"switchCamera\", \n\n\n\"fadeMusic\"," !="rswitchCamera = 'switchCamera'" !"rswitchCameracode" !"\"switchCamera\", \"taskHint\"," !="player switchCamera (Dayz_constructionContext select 2);"
    5 "toString" !="_skinToModel = toString (_finalArray);" !="{_textArrayTemp = _textArrayTemp + [tostring [_x]]} foreach _line;" !="_cmpt = toString _cmpt;" !="_objName = toLower(toString(_objName));" !"if (toString _hayArr != _needle) then {" !="_type = toString _typeA;" !="_anim4 = toString _anim4;" !"{(count _stance>17)}) then {toString [_stance select 17]}" !="lbAdd [7102, if (typeName _name == \"ARRAY\") then {toString _name} else {_name}];" !="lbAdd [7002, if (typeName _name == \"ARRAY\") then {toString _name} else {_name}];" !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_timeToString' || false) then {"



    27.04.2017 07:36:08: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #27 " = false;

    DZE_buildMaxMoveDistance = 20;

    EAT_ActionMenuPlayers = true;

    EAT_ActionMenuAdmins = false;

    27.04.2017 07:44:34: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #27 " = false;

    DZE_buildMaxMoveDistance = 20;

    EAT_ActionMenuPlayers = true;

    EAT_ActionMenuAdmins = false;

    27.04.2017 07:54:13: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:00:05: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:05:06: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"
    27.04.2017 08:14:42: Array (ip) 1e78a9f47a6bf4131ae04c89c7a73c0b - #43 "PosASL _fireplace;
    if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {

    _flame setPosASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.2];
    } else {"


  6. 12 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    So it seems like this hoster wants you to buy more slots to make a public server. There isn't an option to make a smaller one. The minimum slots for an official dayz server is 40 but that's senseless if you only want it for your friends and you. I suggest you better change the host. I have no experience with your one.

    What host do you personally recommend?

  7. 14 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    Oh the folders are empty? That's not a thing. Try reinstalling it via webinterface of your host. Normally there have to be tons of files.

    These are the two options i get. dd4c4d673effca5216215a57383bb665.png


    When i use Private Hive no files show in he ftp. and when i use The regular DayZ i get this error 



    Would love to find out how to fix this.

  8. 10 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    Oh the folders are empty? That's not a thing. Try reinstalling it via webinterface of your host. Normally there have to be tons of files.

    I reinstalled it twice, the files remain empty, the 4netplayers servers start off by making you choose either Just dayz, guessing public, or a private hive one. I'll try to delete this config and reinstall it from the hosting, again. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    Actually modifying the database name is not needed on a paid hoster. All the setup was done by the hoster itself so it wouldn't be that intelligent to edit those things.

    To modify the server to your likings only the mpmission and the dayz_server is needed. But for now to just get it running I suggest to not use the DayZ Commander as it is heavily outdated. I personally prefer DayZ Launcher. But even that launcher is not showing up new servers instantly. I suggest you start your game via steam with some startup arguments to also run the epoch mod and then join manually on your server with the ip and the port given by the host.

    This was the original files the server it's self created when i did all the configuration for the server. All folders are empty.03877055f46b22c5d18b7c744f9eabe7.png


  10. 1 minute ago, DAmNRelentless said:

    Actually modifying the database name is not needed on a paid hoster. All the setup was done by the hoster itself so it wouldn't be that intelligent to edit those things.

    To modify the server to your likings only the mpmission and the dayz_server is needed. But for now to just get it running I suggest to not use the DayZ Commander as it is heavily outdated. I personally prefer DayZ Launcher. But even that launcher is not showing up new servers instantly. I suggest you start your game via steam with some startup arguments to also run the epoch mod and then join manually on your server with the ip and the port given by the host.

    I apologize i meant the dayz launcher. So do i copy all the files form the first screenshot into my servers ftp, or just certain ones? 

  11. Hey, i just bought a Dayz Mod server hosting from 4netplayers and I'm having a very hard time on figuring out exactly i can get it all to work. I'm using filezilla FTP to edit the server files, do i replace the servers ftp files with all these files shown in the screenshot? f74b82cff4b8581bc98e4965069f7b4a.png

    Also, this is what my sql database or whatever its called is, does the name matter if I'm on a paid server?


    I believe i cannot change the name either.

    I'm new to all this, wanted to get a server i could modify to be the type of server i wanted to play, also with friends.

    Also my server says it is running, however it does not show in dayz commander, is there something specific i have to do before it can show up?

    Would be awesome for some help, getting a little frustrated at this point aha. Hopefully if possible a nice tutorial i can read off would be awesome, but i'll take any help i can get at this point.


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