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Posts posted by Prae

  1. Well this is what I currently have:


    class EditorData
        class ItemIDProvider
        class MarkerIDProvider
        class Camera
    class AddonsMetaData
        class List
            class Item0
                name="Arma 3 - User Interface";
                author="Bohemia Interactive";
    class ScenarioData
    class Mission
        class Intel
        class Entities
            class Item0
                name="Neochori (Central)";
            class Item1
                name="Kore (West)";
            class Item2
                name="Charkia (East)";

    it would seem that i dont need this part?


    class EditorData
        class ItemIDProvider
        class MarkerIDProvider
        class Camera
    class AddonsMetaData
        class List
            class Item0
                name="Arma 3 - User Interface";
                author="Bohemia Interactive";
    class ScenarioData
    class Mission
        class Intel
        class Entities

    and then after i take that out i just copy paste the rest into the mission?


    I really have no idea what i am doing when it comes to scripting. All the scripts that I currently am running on my server had fairly detailed instructions on how to install them. That being said, I know it seems easy to everyone else to just say "run this server side", but I actually don't understand what that means. 


    I appreciate all the help I can get on figuring out where to put certain stuff within all my server files.

    And thank you for providing the code He-Man, but could you provide a little more detailed description of what I need to do with it?

  2. Quick question for you guys. I notice that the colored circles defining the safezone on the map does not come with this script. So I went into the editor and made my own circles and now i am just curious where to go from here as far as getting them to show up on my map on my epoch server.

    So when I originally made the circles, it saves the file as a pbo in my Arma 3 folder.

    Where would I add that to my server to make it show up (and stay) when the server starts up? Also is there anything I would need to put into the init or some other file to call it to start up?



  3. Hey, Thanks for the quick response. So, I took the exception that you put to try, and put that on line 12, then line 13, then both lines. Then I tried without the = after the ! (so it doesnt have to be an exact match? correct me if im wrong) and none of that worked either. Lastly I tried putting your exception with and without = on both lines, and my exception with and without the = on both lines and it STILL will not work lol.

    Any more suggestions?

  4. Hey guys, I have run into an actually interesting error. I am trying to set Battleye filters for my server so I don't keep getting kicked and can actually turn battleye on and play. So, I join the server, get the restriction number, find that in my rpt and then make an exception to it using Batleye Script Filters Tool. However I am encoutering this error (Script Restriction #10), that I made the exception for and put into the scripts.txt, and even after that I continue to get that same error. 


    So here is the script restriction.

    04.02.2017 18:36:31: Prae (Private IP) 8fba05ce26ffcaa0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #10 "["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]"
    04.02.2017 19:05:19: Prae (Private IP) 8fba05ce26ffcaa0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #10 "["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]"
    04.02.2017 19:06:33: Prae (Private IP) 8fba05ce26ffcaa0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #10 "["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]"
    04.02.2017 19:13:00: Prae (Private IP) 8fba05ce26ffcaa0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #10 "["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]"
    04.02.2017 19:30:16: Prae (Private IP) 8fba05ce26ffcaa0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #10 "["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]"
    04.02.2017 19:45:45: Prae (Private IP) 8fba05ce26ffcaa0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #10 "["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]"
    04.02.2017 19:51:38: Prae (Private IP) 8fba05ce26ffcaa0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #10 "["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]"
    04.02.2017 19:59:24: Prae (Private IP) 8fba05ce26ffcaa0fexxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #10 "["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]"



    my script.txt



    7 "BIS_fnc_dynamictext" !="\"BIS_fnc_dynamictext\"" !="'BIS_fnc_dynamictext'" !="'>'+_txt+' </t>\n            ',_xposT,_yposT,15,0,0,8407] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;\n            \n            _xposP = 0.525 * safezoneW + safezoneX;\n            _yp" !="(_this select 1) spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;"
    7 forceRespawn !="ForceRespawnDuration" !="reviveHandleForceRespawnAction" !="forcerespawn player;"
    7 setFriend
    7 setAmmo !="do \n        {\n            if(local vehicle player)then{\n                vehicle player setAmmo [currentWeapon vehicle player, 1000000];\n            };\n            player set"
    7 enableFatigue
    7 setUnitRecoilCoefficient !="        if(noRecoilRun!=1)exitWith{};\n            (vehicle player) setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0;\n            player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0;\n            player "
    7 setWeaponReloadingTime !="muzzle isEqualType '')then\n            {\n                (vehicle player) setWeaponReloadingTime [player, _muzzle, 0];\n            };\n            uiSleep 0.1;\n        };\n    };"
    7 allMissionObjects !="_alljammer = allmissionobjects 'PlotPole_EPOCH';" !="PlotPole == 1} do\n            {\n                ADMIN_PlotPole_LIST = [] + (allMissionObjects 'PlotPole_EPOCH');\n                if(markadPlotPole == 0)exitWith{"
    7 callExtension
    7 showCommandingMenu !="showCommandingMenu '';" !="showCommandingMenu '#USER:"
    7 moveIn !="\"BIS_fnc_moveIn\"" !="\"A3\\functions_f\\Misc\\fn_moveIn.sqf\"" !="\"A3\\functions_f\\arrays\\fn_removeIndex.sqf\"" !="player moveInAny _vehicle;\nEPOCH_antiWallCount = EPOCH_antiWallCount + 1;" !="[\"I_UAV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_driver moveInAny _unit;" !="_driver moveInAny Epoch_mission_uav;" !="axeVIP moveInDriver vehicle axeVIP;" !="axeVIP moveInCargo vehicle axeVIP;" !="_driver moveInDriver _axeCopter;" !="_unit moveInGunner _axeCopter;" !="axeVIP moveInDriver vehicle axeVIP;" !="axeVIP moveInCargo vehicle axeVIP;" !="_driver moveInAny axeUAV" !="rTarget;};\n                        case 'Move In My Vehicle':{[_unit] call fnc_MoveInMyVehicle;};\n                        case 'Move In Target Vehicle':{[_unit] cal" !="AV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n                        _driver moveInAny _unit;\n                        [_unit, player] execFSM \"\\x\\addons\\a3_epoch_" !="["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]" !"moveInside.sqf"
    7 attachTo !="attachToRelative" !="_meat attachTo [_object,[0,0,0.2],\"head\"];" !="setParticleClass \"ObjectDestructionFire1Smallx\";\n_source01 attachto [_object,[0,0,0]];" !="_smoke1 attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],\"engine_effect_1\"];" !="EP_light attachTo [player,[0,8.11,_nlZ]];" !="_bomb attachTo [_unit, [0,0,0],\"Pelvis\"];" !="_dogHolder attachTo [_dog, [-0.2,1.2,0.7]];" !="EPOCH_target attachTo[player];" !="_sapperSmoke attachTo [_sapper,[0,0,-0.4]];" !="_cage attachTo [_cage2,[0,1.3,0]];" !="_flame attachto [_unit,[0,0,0]];" !="in_d0\",\"RAINBOWREMEXECVEH\",\"omgwtfbbq\",\"namePlayer\",\"thingtoattachto\",\"HaxSmokeOn\",\"testIndex\",\"g0d\",\"spawnvehicles_star\",\"kill_" !="["\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_a2port_air\scripts\moveInside.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RHS","functions","moveInside"]" !"moveInside.sqf"
    7 enableCollisionWith !="pe = typeOf _x;\n                                        \n                                        (vehicle player) enableCollisionWith _x;player enableCollisionWith _x;\n                                        \n                                    "
    7 hideObject !="_dogHolder hideobject true;" !="_dogHolder hideobject false;" !="player hideobject true;" !="_ship hideobject true;\n_ship hideobjectglobal true;"
    7 setvelocity !="_smokeg setVelocity _Gvel;" !="setVelocityTarget" !="_bolt setPosATL _pos;\n_bolt setVelocity [0, 0, -10];" !="EPOCH_target setvelocitytransformation" !="_currentTarget setVelocity [0,0,-0.01];" !="_head setVelocity [\n(sin _dir * _speed), \n(cos _dir * _speed)" !="_vel = velocity this; _dir = getDir player; this setVelocity[(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir * 2),(_vel select 1)+(cos _dir * 2),(_vel select 2)];" !="_head setVelocity [random 2,random 2,10];" !="_bobber setVelocity [0,-1,-10];" !="_x setvelocity [0,0,0.1];" !="_veh setVelocity [0,0,0];" !="_this select 0 setvelocity (_this select 1)" !="_zombie setVelocityTransformation [_aslPos,_aslPos,_unitV,_unitV,_unitvDir,_vDir,_unitvUp,_unitvUp,2];" !="qualTo 0x39)exitWith\n        {\n            _vel = velocity _obj;\n            _obj setVelocity [\n                (_vel select 0) * 0.96, \n                (_vel select 1) * 0.96," !="tl [_worldPos select 0,_worldPos select 1,_alt];\n_vehicle setvelocity [0,0,0];\n};\n\ncase (_key == 0x01): {\n_return = true;\n_this "
    7 assignAs !"assignAsCargo" !="_unit assignAsGunner _axeCopter;" !="_driver assignAsDriver _axeCopter;" !="axeVIP assignAsDriver vehicle axeVIP;"
    7 assignAsCargo !="_x assignAsCargo axeGeneralsBoat;" !="axeVIP assignAsCargo vehicle player;" !="axeVIP assignAsCargo vehicle axeVIP;"
    7 allowDamage !="_unit allowDamage false;" !="_unit allowDamage true;" !="player allowDamage true;" !="vehicle player allowDamage true;" !="player allowDamage false;" !="_target allowDamage true;" !="_cargo allowDamage false;"
    7 playableunits !=""
    7 addWeaponCargo !="_acceptHolder addWeaponCargo [_wWeapon, 1] ;" !="CBA_fnc_addWeaponCargo" !="\\fnc_addWeaponCargo" !="\"addWeaponCargo" !="cba_fAddWeaponCargo" !="c_subclasses);\n{\nif ((_x select 0) != \"\") then {\n_object addweaponcargoglobal _x;\n};\n} foreach _transportWeapons;\n};\n};\nif !(\"tr"
    7 onMapSingleClick !="onMapSingleClick '';" !="\"onmapsingleclick\""
    7 addMagazine !="if !(player canAdd (_x select 0)) exitWith {};\nplayer addMagazine[_x select 0, _x select 1];" !"addMagazineCargo" !="player addMagazine [_item, _magazineSizeMax];" !="player addMagazine [_item, floor (_magazineSize % _magazineSizeMax)];" !="player addMagazine[_x select 0, _x select 1];" !="player addMagazine \"sledge_swing\";" !="player addMagazine \"Hatchet_swing\";" !="player addMagazine \"stick_swing\";" !="_wh addMagazineAmmoCargo[_item, 1, _count];" !="CBA_fnc_addMagazine" !="\\fnc_addMagazine" !="\"addMagazine" !=" = {_x == _class} count (magazines _target);\n                    _target addMagazine _class;\n                    _newCountMag = {_x == _class} count (magazine"
    7 addMagazineCargo !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"RabbitCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Pelt_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Venom_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"SnakeCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"ChickenCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_acceptHolder addMagazineCargo [_wAmmo, 1] ;" !="CBA_fnc_addMagazineCargo" !="\\fnc_addMagazineCargo" !="\"addMagazineCargo" !="cba_fAddMagazineCargo" !="_subclasses);\n{\nif ((_x select 0) != \"\") then {\n_object addmagazinecargoglobal _x;\n};\n} foreach _transportMagazines;\n};\n};\nif !(" !"clock.sqf"
    7 addItem !="_this call HS_additemtolb;false" !="{player addItemToVest _x} forEach _vestItems;" !="player addItem _item;" !="_plyr addItemToVest _missionItem;" !="axeVIP addItemToVest _item;" !="_plyr  addItemToVest _missionItem;" !="EPOCH_fnc_addItemOverflow" !="CBA_fnc_addItem" !="\\fnc_addItem" !="\"addItem" !="fnc_addItemCargo" !="rm ''%2'';',_var,uniform _unit];\n            [uniformitems _unit,'%1 addItemToUniform ''%2'';'] call _fnc_addMultiple;\n        };\n        if(vest _un" !="isCfg) then {\n\nif !(\"uniform\" in _blacklist) then {{_object additemtouniform _x;} foreach (_inventory select 0 select 1);};\nif !"
    7 addBackPack !="fnc_addBackpackCargo" !="itbackpack _unit)then{\n            _export = _export + format ['%1 addBackpack ''%2'';',_var,typeof unitbackpack _unit];\n            [backpackitem" !="configfile >> \"cfgVehicles\" >> _backpack)) then {\n_object addbackpack _backpack;\n\n\nif (!(_isCfg)) then {clearAllItemsFromBackpac"
    7 addMissionEventHandler !="addMissionEventHandler [\"HandleDisconnect\"," !="addMissionEventHandler [\"Loaded\"," !="addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D',_var + \"call Epoch_gui3DCooldownEH;\"];" !="addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D',_var + \"call epoch_gui3dModelPosEH;\"];" !="addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D',_var + \"call epoch_gui3dWorldPosEH;\"];" !="addMissionEventHandler [\n\"ended\",\n{\n\nBIS_fnc_missionHandlers_end = _this;" !=" 49)exitWith{true};'+_string);\n            infiSTAREspEHVAR = addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D',_string];\n        };\n    };\n    infiSTAR_fnc_infiESP_p" !=" _mode do {\n\n\ncase \"Init\": {\nBIS_fnc_camera_draw3D = addmissioneventhandler [\"draw3d\",\"with (uinamespace) do {['Draw3D',_this] c"
    7 removeMissionEventHandler !="removeMissionEventHandler [\"Draw3D\", _id];" !="le_esps = {\n        if(!isNil'infiSTAREspEHVAR')then{\n            removeMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D',infiSTAREspEHVAR];\n            infiSTAREspEHVAR=ni" !="isibleHUD = nil;\nBIS_fnc_camera_cameraView = nil;\n\nremovemissioneventhandler [\"draw3d\",BIS_fnc_camera_draw3D];\nBIS_fnc_camera_dr"
    7 removeAllWeapons !="removeAllWeapons axeGeneral;" !="yer;';\n        _var = '_unit';\n        _export = _export + format ['removeAllWeapons %1;',_var];\n        _export = _export + format ['removeAllIte" !="es _goggles;\n};\n};\nif !(\"weapons\" in _blacklist) then {\nremoveallweapons _object;\n};\nif !(\"transportMagazines\" in _blacklist) th"
    7 removeAllItems !="oveAllWeapons %1;',_var];\n        _export = _export + format ['removeAllItems %1;',_var];\n        _export = _export + format ['removeAllAssi" !="ebackpack _object;\n};\nif !(\"items\" in _blacklist) then {\nremoveallitems _object;\n};\nif !(\"linkeditems\" in _blacklist) then\n{\npri"
    7 removeAllActions
    7 setViewDistance !="setViewDistance 1600" !="all BPDCODE;BPDCODE=nil;};\n    \n        setTerrainGrid 40;\n    \n    \n        setViewDistance 1000;\n    \n    \n        setObjectViewDistance 800;\n    \n"
    7 createGroup !="EPOCH_server_createGroup" !="_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE;" !="if (isserver) then {\n_group = creategroup sidelogic;" !="grpVIPGeneral = createGroup RESISTANCE;" !="_grp = createGroup side _plyr;" !="_grp = createGroup side player;" !="_grp = createGroup _side;" !="_grp = createGroup (side _plyr);" !="createcenter sidelogic;\n_grpLogic = creategroup sidelogic;\nbis_functions_mainscope" !="_group = creategroup west;" !"onplayerkilled.sqf"
    7 createVehicleCrew !="createvehiclecrew _x;"
    7 createVehicleLocal !="\"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal" !="\"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal" !="\"BloodSplat\" createVehicleLocal" !="[\"lightning1_F\", \"lightning2_F\"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;\n_lighting = _class createVehicleLocal" !="SLX_XEH_DUMMY createVehicleLocal [0, 0, 0];" !="CBA_eventHandlers = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal [0, 0];" !=" {(call fnc_LBSelChanged_LEFT)};\n            LOCAL_OBJ = _class createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];\n            _bbr = boundingBoxReal LOCAL_OBJ;\n            _p1 ="
    7 createUnit !="_driver = _grp createUnit[\"I_UAV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="axeGeneral = grpVIPGeneral createUnit [\"I_officer_F\", axeGeneralPos, [], 1, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="bis_functions_mainscope = _grpLogic createunit [\"Logic\",[9,9,9],[],0,\"none\"];" !="_unit = _grp createUnit[selectRandom _arrUnits, _pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !="_driver = (group player) createUnit[\"I_UAV_AI\", position axeUAV, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];"
    7 createAgent !="bis_revive_ratioLethal = createAgent [\"Logic\", [10,10,0], [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, \"FORM\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 120, \"FORM\"];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 5, \"NONE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Cloak_F\", _pos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Sapper_F\", _targetPos, [], 180, \"FORM\"];" !="_sapper = createAgent [\"Epoch_Sapper_F\", getPos _cage2, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, position player, [], _zRange, \"FORM\"];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];" !="_axeSapper = createAgent [\"Epoch_Sapper_F\", _pos, [], 12, \"FORM\"];"
    7 createTeam
    7 createDialog !="createDialog " !="createDialog \"rmx_dynamenu\";" !="createDialog \"rmx_craftingUI\";" !="createDialog \"QuickUpgrade\";" !="createDialog \"QuickTake\";" !="createDialog \"InteractBank\";" !="createdialog \"SelectGender\";" !="_handled = createdialog _dialog;" !="if !(createdialog \"InteractItem\") exitWith {};" !="createDialog _tapDiag;" !="if !(createdialog \"Trade\") exitWith {};" !="_ok = createdialog \"Interact\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"TradeNPCMenu\";" !="createDialog \"Epoch_myGroup\";" !="createDialog (if ((Epoch_my_GroupUID == \"\") && (Epoch_my_Group isEqualTo [])) then {\"EPOCH_createGrp\"} else {\"Epoch_myGroup\"});" !="createDialog \"GroupRequests\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"MissionSelect\";" !="createDialog 'Skaronator_AdminMenu';" !="tion;\n        if(isNull findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID)then\n        {\n            createdialog 'infiSTAR_AdminMenu';\n            if(infiSTAR_HTML_LOAD)then{call " !="ion\n};\n_parent createdisplay \"RscDisplayCamera\";\n} else {\ncreatedialog \"RscDisplayCamera\"\n};\n};\n\ndisableserialization;\n_mode = _"
    7 createDisplay !="createDisplay \"rmx_dynamenu\";" !="createDisplay \"rmx_moveDynamicHUD\";" !="_parent createdisplay _displayClass;" !="finddisplay 151 createdisplay 'RscDisplayOptionsLayout'" !="{\n\n\ndisplaynull\n};\n} else {\n\n\n_displayMission\n};\n_parent createdisplay \"RscDisplayCamera\";\n} else {\ncreatedialog \"RscDisplayCame"
    7 deleteMarker !="deleteMarkerLocal _mName;" !=" !" !="0) || (_pos select 1 != _xPos select 1))then\n                    {\n                        deleteMarkerLocal _cm;\n                        _vm = createMarkerLocal [_cm,_xPos];\n                "
    7 setMarker !="CBA_fnc_setMarkerPersistent\"" !="\\fnc_setMarkerPersistent" !="\"setMarkerPersistent" !="_mName setMarkerShapeLocal _mShape;" !="_mName setMarkerTypeLocal _mType;" !="    if(_markerText isEqualTo '')then\n                            {\n                                _marker setMarkerText format['%1: no marker text',_varname];\n                            }\n                            " !=" _cm;\n                        _vm = createMarkerLocal [_cm,_xPos];\n                        _vm setMarkerDirLocal (getDir _x);\n                        _vm setMarkerTypeLocal 'mil_star"
    7 createMarker !="CBA_fnc_createMarker\"" !="\\fnc_createMarker" !="\"createMarker" !="cba_fCreateMarker" !="createMarkerLocal [_mName, _mPos];" !="t 1))then\n                    {\n                        deleteMarkerLocal _cm;\n                        _vm = createMarkerLocal [_cm,_xPos];\n                        _vm setMarkerDirLocal (getDir _x)"
    7 assignItem !="axeVIP assignItem _item;" !="unassignItem"
    7 forceAddUniform !="rm _unit != '')then{\n            _export = _export + format ['%1 forceAddUniform ''%2'';',_var,uniform _unit];\n            [uniformitems _unit,'%1" !="configfile >> \"cfgWeapons\" >> _uniform)) then {\n_object forceadduniform _uniform;\n} else {\n[\"Uniform '%1' does not exist in CfgW"
    7 removeAllMPEventHandlers
    7 setDammage
    7 displaySetEventHandler
    7 ctrlSetEventHandler !="_ctrlButtonOK ctrlseteventhandler [\"buttonclick\"," !="ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBDblClick', '_this call" !="_buttonRespawn ctrlseteventhandler [\"buttonclick\",\"with uinamespace do {['buttonRespawn'," !="_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler [\"mouseEnter\"" !="_ctrlBtn ctrlSetEventHandler [\"MouseButtonDblClick\", _verAct];" !="_button_gen ctrlSetEventHandler [\"ButtonClick\",_btn_code + \"(uiNamespace getVariable [\"" !=" 0;\n        (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID displayCtrl 44466) ctrlSetEventHandler['ButtonClick','call fnc_ButtonClick_44466'];\n        \n        \n        c"
    7 addMPEventHandler
    7 addEventHandler !"displayAddEventHandler" !"ctrlAddEventHandler" !="player addeventhandler [\"PostReset\",{BIS_EnginePPReset = true;} ];" !="player addEventHandler [_x,([\"CfgEpochClient\", _x, \"\"] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];" !="\"CBA_fnc_addEventHandler\"" !="\\fnc_addEventHandler" !="\"addEventHandler" !="_eventFunc = _eventFunc + \"(_this select 0) addEventHandler ['Respawn', \" + str _eventFunc + \"];\";" !="_unit addEventHandler [\"hitpart\"," !="CBA_fnc_addEventHandler" !="_ship addEventHandler [\"AttributesChanged3DEN\"" !="addEventHandler [\"HandleDamage\",bis_fnc_reviveOnPlayerHandleDamage];" !="_unit addEventHandler [\"FiredNear\", \"sapperHndl setFSMVariable" !="_smokeEH = _plyr addEventHandler [\"FiredNear\", \"airDropHandle setFSMVariable" !="_onContactEH = _currentTarget addEventHandler[\"EpeContactStart"
    7 removeAllEventHandlers !"ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers" !"displayRemoveAllEventHandlers" !="_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers \"GetOut\";" !="_sapper removeAllEventHandlers \"Hit\";\n_sapper removeAllEventHandlers \"FiredNear\";" !="_unit removeAllEventHandlers \"Hit\";\n_unit removeAllEventHandlers \"FiredNear\";" !="{_ship removeAllEventHandlers _x;} forEach [\"AttributesChanged3DEN\"" !="_zombie removeAllEventHandlers \"Hit\";" !="_zombie removeAllEventHandlers \"FiredNear\";"
    7 removeEventHandler !="displayRemoveEventHandler" !="player removeEventHandler ['Fired', 0];" !="_currentTarget removeEventHandler[\"EpeContactStart\", _onContactEH]" !=" [_adminVar,objnull];\npublicvariable _adminVar;\nplayer removeeventhandler [\"respawn\",_respawn];" !="_plyr removeEventHandler [\"FiredNear\", _smokeEH];" !="player removeEventHandler [_ehKey, 0];" !="player removeEventHandler [_x, 0];" !="\"CBA_fnc_removeEventHandler\"" !="\\fnc_removeEventHandler" !="\"removeEventHandler"
    7 switchCamera !="vehicle player switchCamera" !="_antagonist switchCamera \"Internal\";" !=" vehicle _unit;\n                if(str _veh != str cameraOn)then{_veh switchCamera cameraView;for '_i' from 3025 to 3045 do {['',0,0,1,0,0,_" !="order false;\ncameraEffectEnableHUD true;\nvehicle cameraon switchcamera cameraview;\n\nwith missionnamespace do {\nif (isnil \"BIS_fn"
    7 remoteControl !="fn_moduleRemoteControl.sqf" !="\"BIS_fnc_moduleRemoteControl\"" !"cmKeyPress" !"EP_LOOP"
    7 drawIcon3D !="EPOCH_drawIcon3dStability" !="EPOCH_drawIcon3d" !="drawIcon3D[\"\\x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\Member.paa\",_color,_pos,1,1,0,_text,1,0.025,\"PuristaMedium\"];\n}forEach EPOCH_ESP_TARGETS;" !="drawIcon3D[format[\"\\x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\loading_bar_%1.paa\",_stability],_color,(getPosATL EPOCH_stabilityTarget),5,5,0,\"\",1,0.05,\"PuristaMedium\"];" !="drawIcon3D[format[\"\\x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\loading_bar_%1.paa\",_num],_color,_pos,4,4,0,\"\",1,0.05,\"PuristaMedium\"];" !="if (_condition) then {\ndrawIcon3D [_icon, _color, _position, _sizeX, _sizeY, _angle, _text," !="drawIcon3D [\"\\A3\\UI_F_MP_Mark\\Data\\Tasks\\Misc\\background.paa\"" !="drawIcon3D\n[\n(_x getVariable [\"bis_fnc_reviveGet3dIcons_textures" !="drawIcon3D[\"x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\snap_ca.paa\"" !="            _dir = [_x,cameraOn] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo;\n                            drawIcon3D['',_clr,_pos,_IconSize,1.5,0,_txt,1,_fontSize,'PuristaBold" !=".032 - _sizealter;\n                _pos = _x modelToWorld [0,0,1];\n                drawIcon3D['',_clr,_pos,0,0,45,format['Shelf %1m',_distance],0,_size]" !="32 - _sizealter;\n                _pos = _x modelToWorld [0,0,0.2];\n                drawIcon3D['',_clr,_pos,0,0,45,format['LockBox %1m',_distance],0,_siz" !="nd _distance];\n                        _pos = _x modelToWorld [0,0,1];\n                        drawIcon3D['',_clr,_pos,0,0,45,_txt,0,.032];\n                    };\n                };\n            };\n        }" !="            if(surfaceIsWater _pos)then{_pos = eyepos _x;};\n                                drawIcon3D['',_clr,_pos,.1,.1,0,_txt,1,.032];\n                            };\n                        };\n                " !="                    if(surfaceIsWater _pos)then{_pos = eyepos _x;};\n                        drawIcon3D['',_clr,_pos,.1,.1,0,_txt,1,.035];\n                    };\n                };\n            };\n        " !="tal\"],2000];\n{\n_pos = locationposition _x;\n_pos set [2,0];\ndrawicon3d [\n\"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)\",\n[1,1,1,1],\n_pos,\n0,\n0,\n0,"
    7 drawLine3D !="{\nfor [{_i = 1}, {_i < count _x}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {\ndrawLine3D [_x select (_i - 1), _x select _i, ((BIS_tracedShooter getVari"
    7 ctrlCreate !="_parent ctrlcreate [\"RscMessageBox\",2351];" !="_c = _dsp ctrlCreate [\"rmx_drag_RscActivePicture\", call epoch_getIDC];" !="_c = _dsp ctrlCreate [\"rmx_t1\", call epoch_getIDC];" !="ctrlCreate [\"RscProgress\",_idc + 1];" !="ctrlCreate [\"rmx_rscControlsGroup\"" !="_ListGroup = _display ctrlCreate [\"RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars\"" !="ctrlCreate [_x,call _getIDC];" !="_mainGrp = _display ctrlCreate [\"Epoch_main_config_group\",_value];" !="ctrlCreate [\"RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars\",call epoch_getIDC];" !="ctrlCreate [\"rmx_rscPicture\",(66600 + _e)];" !="ctrlCreate [\"RscStructuredText\",call epoch_getIDC];" !="_bar = _display ctrlCreate [\"RscCustomProgress\"" !="_group = _dsp ctrlCreate [\"rscControlsGroup\", call Epoch_getIDC]" !="_control = _display ctrlCreate [\"RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars\", 5678910];" !="ctrlDelete (_display displayCtrl _idc);\n        _ctrl = _display ctrlCreate[_type, _idc];\n        _ctrl\n    };\nFN_SHOW_LOGID = 554466;\nFN_SHOWN" !="ctrlCreate ['RscHTML'" !="_url = toString _url;\n        \n        _html = (findDisplay 0) ctrlCreate ['RscHTML', 3107182];\n        _html ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0\""
    7 ctrlClassName
    7 ctrlModel
    7 ctrlModelDirection !"cmKeyPress" !"cmKeyPress"
    7 ctrlModelSide
    7 ctrlModelUp
    7 ctrlSetDirection
    7 deleteVehicleCrew !="fn_deleteVehicleCrew.sqf" !="\"BIS_fnc_deleteVehicleCrew\""
    7 loadFile
    7 selectPlayer !="selectPlayer _playerObject;"
    7 setGroupIconsVisible
    7 setGroupIconsVisible
    7 setGroupIconsSelectable
    7 setGroupIconParams
    7 addGroupIcon
    7 exec !="trader\init.sqf"
    7 _typeofHookMonky
    7 _allocMemory !="_allocMemory4031"
    7 _d3d9multipliervariable
    7 _runASM
    7 _addGFX_hookD3D9eventhandler
    7 _BEhookBYPASSBOB
    7 "!(isNil \"FN_infiSTAR_C\")"
    7 "Ammo Activated"
    7 "     +             "
    7 "if(true)"
    7 "Receiving part "


    So, I tried to put the exception on line 12 where it should go. Then I tried line 13 because of this:

    a: reyhard
    adds ability to move around flying c130 cargo bay
    kind of attachToWithMovment but using attachTo command

    And Finally I tried to put it on both lines for the hell of it.

    I cannot figure this error out. From what I understand, if you make an exception to something then you dont get kicked for it anymore, but that has not been my experience thus far trying to fix this.


    ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

  5. yes, i have both passwords set up and the same in infiSTAR, and my rpt doesn't have any errors in it. I tried to watch youtube videos and follow along with what they are doing and still doesn't work. The most recent attempt I made was removing all my mods and reverting everything back to vanilla (besides epoch) and then trying to put infistar on and it still will not work.

  6. Hey all, I know this is not the infiSTAR support forum, but it seems that many of you are running infiSTAR on your servers, and alot of you really know what you are doing when it comes to all this script stuff.

    So I will give a breakdown of my situation.  I rented a game server to run Epoch on. Epoch runs great. Then I bought infiSTAR, because I want to be able to use that toolkit to easily rid my server of cheaters. I have followed the instructions to the letter (as much as I could anyways because it doesn't seem to me like the installation.txt is translated properly) but no matter what I do I cannot seem to get infiSTAR to work. I have the epochAH turned off, battleeye turned on, I really do not know what to do. 

    If anyone could offer any assistance to me I would greatly appreciate it.


    Thank you all

  7. Hey guys, I'm having a weird problem with updating the HSpricing. I am trying to add a majority of the CUP-Weapons/Units/Vehicles. I have my regular HSpricing.hpp in my server right now and it works fine. But when I try to put the hew HSpricing into the server, the the Survival filter that shows on the bottom of the server in the launcher disappears, all the player slots get filled with AI, my player character does not load in properly, the spawn box disappears. I really have no idea why this would happen, and I have not seen anything about anyone else having any problems like this. 

    To me it seems very weird that this would happen because of the HSpricing being changed, but when i revert my server back to my other one it works fine.

    I'm honestly lost with this at this point and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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