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Posts posted by DayzReborn

  1. On ‎7‎/‎12‎/‎2013 at 10:24 PM, vbawol said:

    by default there is a death message logged server side look for "PKILL:".

    Hey Vbawol,


    How about when kill messages fire on server restart, only once per character?

    I am using ESS V2, and have tested the following methods and can  reproduce every time. .. I hae tried so many things to fix this, but always the same result "XXX Died of natural causes"

    I know this is realted to ESS V2 however, I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on this, since no other post I have searched has a fix.


    1) Server restarts - Any player that was alive at last restart will show full death message, i.e. XXX was killed by XXX from XXX with XXX.

    2) Player joins server and must choose class - No kill message. If the server restarts and no change of class is needed (he's still alive) See 1

    3) Player changes clothes regardless of life status after a fresh server - "XXX died of natural causes"

    Thanks if you are able or not to help, for everything you have done.


  2. Here is an excel sheet where all you have to do is add prices for anything, and it will create the code for you.

    Example code:

    class pook_H13_gunship_INS                              {type = "trade_any_vehicle";buy[] ={40000,"Dollars"};sell[] ={20000,"Dollars"};};

    all I typed was 40000 to get this result.

    I will NOT BE supporting this sheet. If you know MS Excel you know how easy this is to do, I just took the time to post it.


    Get it HERE

  3. On ‎6‎/‎30‎/‎2015 at 4:21 AM, MrShix said:

    Ok so its my first time posting so hey I guess.


    Soo here's the idea you give your players a choice of what they can spawn with. Now that being said its not like the normal select a class system. This way it gives players a chance to customize it a little bit without it getting to OP. 




    Anyway there's the basic functionality and everything.I have only been coding for a few weeks so there probably is allot better ways to do some of the things I have done.


    If you want to use it you can download it here :https://www.dropbox.com/s/9623i3f0bf0flyy/Pick10.zip?dl=0



    (please note I use ESSv2 so my install notes are for people that are using that)


    1.move the "Pick10" folder in to your mission folder 

    2.in description.ext at the bottom add 

    #include "FolderLocation\Pick10\Shix_Defines.hpp"
    #include "FolderLocation\Pick10\ShixPick10.hpp" 

    then if you do use ESSv2 add:

    execVM "FolderLocation\Pick10\init.sqf"; 

    at the bottom of startSpawn.sqf


    And please for the love of all that is holy change the "FolderLocation" to the path of where you put the Pick10 folder. So for example mine is 

    execVM "custom\Pick10\init.sqf";

    And that's if you're done.


    If you use infistar add "8457" to _ALLOWED_Dialogs 


    at the top of the init.sqf there is some customization things you can mess around with and tweak to your liking 


    And like I said I'm fairly new at coding so if anyone wants point out some better ways to do things feel free.

    And then there was Xm8 Apps....

    How far you have come Shix!

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