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Posts posted by poppen1234

  1. On 6/20/2022 at 6:47 PM, Crude said:

    _trader setPosATL (_x select 1);

    Did you remove the setPosATL from the other file if you added it.
    ["GUE_Woodlander2", setPosATL  [23371.3,5283.87,25],50.2731],

    Also your best friend when scripting is logs

    diag_log format["# MY LOG / DEBUG # %1",  _x select 1];

    Add this to above or below _trader = createAgent

    this will show you what the _x select 1 is and it should look something like [23371.3,5283.87,25]

    # MY LOG / DEBUG # [23371.3,5283.87,25]


    worked. thank you!


  2. 13 hours ago, Mig said:
    You need to modify the file: server_spawnTraders.sqf


    it should look like this:
    private "_trader";
    	_trader = createAgent [_x select 0,_x select 1,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; 
    	{_trader removeMagazine _x;} count magazines _trader;
    	removeAllItems _trader;
    	removeAllWeapons _trader;
    	removeBackpack _trader;
    	_trader switchMove "";
    	_trader setDir (_x select 2);
    	_trader setVehicleInit "this disableAI 'ANIM'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0; this allowDamage false;";
    	_trader setUnitAbility 0.6;
    	_trader disableAI "ANIM";
    	_trader disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    	_trader disableAI "FSM";
    	_trader disableAI "MOVE";
    	_trader disableAI "TARGET";
    	_trader setBehaviour "CARELESS";
    	_trader setcaptive true;
    	_trader forceSpeed 0;
    	_trader allowDamage false;
    	_trader enableSimulation false;
        _trader setPosATL _x select 1;
    } count _this;


    didnt work at all. im not sure what im doing wrong. but heres my rpt errors


    18:30:28   Error Type String, expected Number
    18:30:28 Error in expression <trader enableSimulation false;
    _trader setPosATL _x select 1;
    } count _this;
    18:30:28   Error position: <setPosATL _x select 1;
    } count _this;
    18:30:28   Error Type String, expected Number





  3. 15 hours ago, Crude said:

    Not sure what ori location is but are npc's spawning before objects/buildings?

    also do you reset thier location after creatation

    _this = createVehicle .......
    _this setDir .......
    _this setPos .......
    _this setVectorUp ......

    In tavi the origional trader city is a little island out on the bottom right on the map.


    i call my agents in my in my init in my mission files


    if (isServer) then {
        if (dayz_POIs) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus\poi\init.sqf";};
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\dynamic_vehicle.sqf";
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf";
        call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "maps\milbasekameni.sqf";
        //Get the server to setup what waterholes are going to be infected and then broadcast to everyone.
        if (dayz_infectiousWaterholes) then {execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus\infectiousWaterholes\init.sqf";};
        // Lootable objects from CfgTownGeneratorDefault.hpp
        if (dayz_townGenerator) then { execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\mission\chernarus\MainLootableObjects.sqf"; };
        execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\traders\taviana.sqf"; //Add trader agents

    and my agent file looks like this.


        //Black Market
        //Medical Supplies
    ] call server_spawnTraders;

    // Bankers
    if (Z_singleCurrency && Z_globalBanking && Z_globalBankingTraders) then {
        ] call server_spawnTraders;


    the traders work and are there. but the reset position etc is new to me. and not sure how to do it. ive basically got along on a wing and a prayer getting my server together

  4. 12 hours ago, Mig said:


    Try with setPosATL


    how would i incorporate that. my file for traders are as such




        //Black Market
        ["GUE_Woodlander2", [23371.3,5283.87,25],50.2731],
        //Medical Supplies
    ] call server_spawnTraders;

    // Bankers
    if (Z_singleCurrency && Z_globalBanking && Z_globalBankingTraders) then {
        ] call server_spawnTraders;


    so would it be like

    ["GUE_Woodlander2", setPosATL  [23371.3,5283.87,25],50.2731],

  5. So im running an ORI/epoch server. trying to get my trade npcs to spawn at the original ORI location.

    No matter where i set their height. they will only spawn on the ground level. almost as if they are loading in before the map models are. is there a way to change the load order of these?

  6. im currently running a overpoch origins server ( origins vs 1.7.9)

    i have coins installed. no rpt errors. anything like that. i can use my infistar to add coins to myself and i see it on the hud.. 

    well i run down to a trader.. and everything has the right numbers for buy and sell price. but its not taking or giving me coins with buy and sell...

    also. my origins veh. catagory in the car traders shows up.. but no objects... what exactly am i missing here...


    btw i have snap build pro + vectors.. and wai and dzms


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