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Posts posted by TAGau

  1. 3 minutes ago, rvg?! said:

    If you want to buy a "persistent"  vehicle from HS blackmarket you need vehicles on the map to have a slot for them.

    But if you just want to know where the spawn cfg is:

    @epochhive -> epoch_server_settings.pbo -> config.cpp

    :blush: I is so dumb, feel like a bloody wanker now, out of all the files i've gone through I never went through the epoch_server_settings.pbo\config.cpp cause i just thought it was mainly for the config of the core settings lol and nothing to do with spawning and shit like that. sorry guys for being such a noob

  2. 2 hours ago, viper179 said:

    Yes the reason for the limit aka oh my god i cant by a car or heli lol, is because there is a max setting in the epoch config that allows you to adjust how many cars and helis will be full save ones, so say i set it 20 is the max thinking ok cool now 20 will only spawn and i will have tons of room to buy a heli or car, wrong it will always say that until the amount of helis and cars is below the max setting in the epoch config. And your more than welcome to come play on my servers bud. 

    so where would i find all the vehicle spawns to reduce the amount that spawns in (i'm still running Build #439)? I've looked everywhere and all through the epochconfig.hpp I still can't find the respective script :(

    i'd love to come and play on your servers mate but unfortunately I live in Australia and i'm pinging your servers at 310ms :(

  3. 1 minute ago, viper179 said:

    That would be your call on the traders if you would like to use them, they work great and what not just be ready to fix some of the code when epoch updates every now and then. Since halv is no longer messing around with arma 3, the code is as is because of that but really have not change all that much to be honest .  And if you set the traders to 0 make sure to use the hs traders, but if you set them to 0 with no other type of trader there will be no traders lol.

    Thanks for your help Viper. I currently have the HS traders running and everything seems to be running well so far. The only thing that I do need to tweek is the vehicle spawning lol. Still yet to sort that out (every time you purchase a save able vehicle it says there are too many vehicles on the server, remove some to be able to save vehicles) but I might reduce the Stock traders to round 5. Because we've been getting a good amount of positive feedback from the group players that they love the HS system over the stock traders.

    Again Viper I'd like to thank you for your time and advice, hope to join in a game with you one day mate.

  4. 1 hour ago, viper179 said:

    The hs traders should not cause no lag as they were made to be performance savoy aka the epoch traders have to load all gear every restart and also in the database too. So with epoch traders all that inventory each one has from all players that have visited them have to load for the server , then on each player as they join. There is nothing wrong with the epoch traders but with the hs trader system all inventory is virtual so it does not have to load all the time and on all players.

    Thus being said Viper, would it be a good idea to do away with the Epoch traders and just have the HS traders instead? Would it brake the server if I was to set the NPCSlotLimit to 0?

  5. 18 hours ago, vbawol said:

    You can use this Epoch Event by adding an entry to your epochconfig.hpp events config:  https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/Server_Install_Pack/%40epochhive/epochconfig.hpp#L14-L20

    For MessageServer Event just add this line: (1800 is the number of seconds between runs.)

     { 1800, "MessageServer" },


    So if I write this script in to the Epochconfig.hpp.

    then to set my server messages up i save epochconfig.hpp and open the messageserver.sqf and if i use the code say { 800, "messageserver" } , i will run the messageserver.sqf but just the first message every 800 seconds or 1st message then after 800 sec 2nd... and so on?

  6. 8 hours ago, rvg?! said:

    Havent noticed any lag caused by the blackmarket. You should check if you havent any typos somewhere or tons of "while {true} do" loops without any sleep in it.

    The lag I'm concerned about is in the Epochconfig.hpp is recommends not going any higher than the default traders NPC of 20. But having this script in adds more so wouldn't it lag the sever? Since asking my previous question I droped the traders in the epochive\epochconfig.hpp from 20 NPCs to 10 NPCs

  7. On 4/23/2015 at 3:25 AM, Suppe said:

    - (optional) Remove 1 Epoch Trader for every Blackmarket Trader you added (remove Epoch Trader: \Arma 3\@epochhive\epochconfig.hpp  ,search for NPCSlotsLimit)

    Hey Halv or Suppe,


    When you say this, in your tut install vanilla (i haven't created any extra traders than the ones you guys made) how many "Epoch" traders should I remove to keep

    server FPS up ie little less lag,

    thanx guys and btw great script :wub:

  8. Mgm is helping me to make use of PUIDs in RimBlock's script. Feel free to help me out.

    Many thanks and appreciation in advance for any help

    Not really a noob to scripting persay, i under stand how they work just don't understand full on how to write in SQL script.


    Original thread:

    "Ring Of Protection" script owned by RimBlock http://epochmod.com/forum/profile/12612-rimblock/


  9. 7 minutes ago, mgm said:

    below is a quick try.
    do this two modifications and give it a try. if it works, great.
    if it doesn't work, create a new thread and I will follow up in your own thread - don't want to hijack @RimBlock's thread here.

    STEP #1:

    find this line (the one copied below):
        _nearbyProtected = [];
    and replace it with the following:
        private    ["_uid", "_quickEscapeNow", "_imAllowed"]; _uid = (getPlayerUID player); _quickEscapeNow = false; _imAllowed = false; _nearbyProtected = [];



    STEP #2:
    find the original line (the one copied below):
                If ((_vehiclePlayer Distance _nearestProtected) < _deathRange) Then {Player Setdamage 1;};

    replace it with the following:
                If ((_vehiclePlayer Distance _nearestProtected) < _deathRange) then { { scopeName "allowedPUIDsGroupTraverseScope"; if (_uid == _x) then { diag_log format ["[TOMNJERRY] [client-side_compare_PUID.sqf] allowedPUIDs match found!"]; _imAllowed = true; breakOut "allowedPUIDsGroupTraverseScope"; } else {    }; } forEach TOMNJERRY_pvdb_allowedPUIDsTextStringArray; if(!_imAllowed) then { player setDamage 1; }; };


    Thanks mate. I can't test it right now cause I'm at work until sunday morning  (Brisbane, Aus time). But I'll have a go on Sunday and get back to you if it worked or if it failed.

    Thanks in advance for your time and effort to help me out buddy ;) its much appreciated :)

  10. 1 hour ago, mgm said:

    Last visited = 5 Oct 2015

    I don't think you're getting an answer from OP.


    Yes range is in meters.


    For adding PUID you will need to add the functionality yourself, search the forums, there are examples on saving and comparing PUIDs


    1 hour ago, mgm said:

    Last visited = 5 Oct 2015

    I don't think you're getting an answer from OP.


    Yes range is in meters.


    For adding PUID you will need to add the functionality yourself, search the forums, there are examples on saving and comparing PUIDs

    Thanks for the reply mgm. I'll have a hunt around the forums, if i can't find one I'll go with a protection dome script I found earlier that uses world locations

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