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Posts posted by sCorporation

  1. On 14.2.2016 at 7:03 PM, Ghostrider-DbD- said:

    You need to set up a "killed" event handler for the player and have that send a public variable to the server with the [_killed,_killer] as variables. Let me compare notes with viper after which we can release the results of our combined efforts to make my patch run under the default AH and ale infiStar.

    Sorry i didnt see page 8 so i will waiting :)

  2. I ve changed it in the fn_config.sqf but its not working :(

    // Server will keep as many missions up as ZCP_MaxMissions, And they will be randomly choosen from the following list
    // Location is ignored if not using static points. just put [0,0,0] then.
    // valid rewards -> Crypto , WeaponBox , BuildBox , Vehicle
    ZCP_CapPoints = [ // [name,[x,y,z],reward, varname,index]
    	["Cap Point Alpha",[3085.37,8775.07,0],"Crypto","alpha",0] ,
    	["Cap Point Bravo",[13374.545,16029.155,0],"WeaponBox","beta",1] ,
    	["Cap Point Charlie",[3085.37,8775.07,0],"BuildBox","charlie",2] ,
    	["Cap Point Delta",[3085.37,8775.07,0],"Vehicle","delta",3] 


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