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Posts posted by Panadur

  1. Thank you for the answer Axle. So modding will not be allowed at start. That's ok for me.


    @cen: It doesn't matter if they know. The only thing that counts is, that the developers do not allow to modify the code. The code is their property, it is open source, which means that you can view the code, but this does not mean, that you are allowed to do what you want with the code. And i respect this.

  2. It would be really awesome if a developer could answer this please.


    I don't want to know if i can offer anything to others, i only want to know if bugfixing or modifying the files for my own server and missionfile , where my players from my community play the game, also means ditributing files. If yes, then this would violate the license, so we are not allowed to do this as long as the developers do not allow this. I do not want to give any changes or bugfixes to other people except for the developers team (if they want it)

  3. Hi,


    I hav a question about the CC-License used.


    NoDerivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.


    Does it mean, that we will be allowed to modify the server files and overwrite scripts from client files with modified versions in the mission file, as long as we do not offer a downloadlink for the modified files except for the automatic download of the missionfile f.e. for bug fixing or adding features? Or is this already distribution of the modified material?


    I'm just asking because i don't want to violate the license.

  4. I'm really sad to see Epoch goint this way. However i think i understand why this is happening. The only problem i see about this, is that DayZ Epoch is dying due to Poeple dont want to play Arma2 anymore because the Arma 3 engine is much better.

    Sure the overall quality of the servers will raise, because there is no possibility to change the files, but i'm affraid, that this will also cause many capable scripters to leave and search for another challenges.

  5. Those "fake" hive calls are what writer.pl is looking for. Windows version calls the extension hiveext.dll with the child-key, but on linux there is no such dll file because the output of the server is parsed by writer.pl. Writer.pl checks every single line of the logfile for the word CHILD: and if it is found, then the script tries to find out what number the child method uses and what data is appended and passes this to the correlating function. So if you remove the lines with the diag_log then the server wo'nt work anymore.

    writer.pl ist the linux version of hiveext.dll

  6. I also experienced that issue with the rollbacks, and it seems the problem is located with the cache folder. I modified my restart script to delete all cache entries for players at restarts. This solved the problem for me. However i'm not sure if this will solve the problem for you because i modified my writer.pl to my needs and also modified the server files as i use infistar and modified data base schema

  7. hmm i think i found an error..


    private ["_day_votes","_night_votes","_time","_vote","_day","_night"];
    _vote = _this select 1;
    _day_votes = 0;
    _night_votes = 0;
    _time = 30;

    if (_vote == 1) then {
        _day_votes = _day_votes + 1;

    if (_vote == 2) then{
        _night_votes = _night_votes + 1;
    while {true} do {
        _day = _day_votes;
        _night = _night_votes;
        [] spawn {
            waitUntil {_day > 5};
                set_day = [player,date,11];
                publicVariableServer "set_day"; //Send needed values to server.
                set_day = [];
        [] spawn {
            waitUntil {_night > 5};
                set_night = [player,date,21];
                publicVariableServer "set_day"; //Send needed values to server.
                set_night = [];
        sleep _time;

    i think it should send the variable set_night to server instead of set_day .

  8. Hi,

    i'm running Epoch on Debian Wheezy for testing purposes.

    I modified restarter and epoch.sh a little bit to meet my needs ( i prefer tmux instead of screen) with taskset to prevent sharing the cores with the other epoch server i run on the same machine. I'm running writer.pl on different cores than epoch and when i check core usage with htop i can see that epoch uses both cores that i set with taskset.


    This way i can see CPU usage, live log from epoch and can still work on the console.


    Epoch_1 is running on cores 7&8,

    Epoch_2 is running on cores 5&6

    writer.pl is running on cores 1&2

  9. With B3 you can replace BEC. It provides you messages, ingame commands for admins, a user database. There are also arma series plugins


    There are 3 plugins specifically for arma/battleye servers:

    arma2restarts - restarts the server with warnings before doing so and optionally renames all log files.

    arma2lobbykick - kicks players who stay in the lobby for too long

    arma2admin - can update the battleye script files while the server is running and perform mission restarts, changes etc

    They can be found at [email protected]:82ndab-Bravo17/b3-arma2plugins.git

    I didn't test them yet, and it is possible that they need a modification for use with Epoch linux. But as soon as i'm done with the whitelist plugin i'm working at, i will check also those plugins

  10. At least on the server im running for testing now, infinistar tries to call the extension and also calls hive functions that have been removed from the server files. It is not a big problem to modify the server and infistar files or even to intergrate new functions to writer.pl except for the lack of time :)

    But i also have problems with people getting kicked by infistar just after beeind spawned. This is why i wanted to know if anyone has already tried to integrate infistar or any other AH on the linux server.

    I would be happy if someone is already trying the same so we could maybe team up to get this done faster (Infistar is about 8500 lines of code and parts of the code are written in an obfuscating way so it sometimes is a pain to read the code and to understand what it does)

  11. You can also use Big Brother Bot for rcon on Linux. It is written in python and it is not a big deal to get it running on linux. There are also a few plugins for use with Arma2 and also a Banlistplugin that can be used ingame. The banlistplugin can be also used for whitelisting (not sure if you have to modify the plugin for that function).


  12. Hi,


    first i want to say, that you've done a great job porting the hive to a perl script. This way it is pretty easy to modify and add hive functions.

    At moment i'm porting our server and client files to the perl hive and it runs faster than on windows.

    However there is one thing i don't understand yet. What is the purpose of the Object_init_DATA Table?

  13. Same issue here. and i found this beeing caused by the hiveext.dll i think


    because of this



    2014-02-02 15:19:49 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 202 Params: 162301:0:Panadur:
    2014-02-02 15:19:49 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:202:162301:0:Panadur:|


    162301	113160774	11	2014-02-02 11:53:52	2014-02-02 15:18:19	[["ItemFlashlight","ItemKeyRed1939"],["ItemPainkiller","ItemBandage"]]	["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1",[[],[]],[[],[]]]	[87,[2808.9,2190.36,0.002]]	[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0,[55.66,52.504]]	1	35	2014-02-02 11:53:52	2014-02-02 11:53:52	0	0	79892	7	["","aidlpercmstpsnonwnondnon_player_idlesteady01",39,[]]	0	Survivor2_DZ	0	25064	0	450000

    My server is heavy modified and we extended the table character_data. But this should not cause the problem with this method, as the older versions also worked with that.

    And i already updated the hiveext.dll to that one from 1.0.4b


    any Ideas?

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