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Posts posted by g0thic_ice_cream

  1. Oh yeah, found another problem with satchel charges. You can't sell them from gear, and it's also broken in the coin mod.

    Basically if you put this in z_at_sellItems.sqf:

            private ["_type","_name"];
                _type = _x select 1;
                _name = _x select 0;
                if (_type == "trade_items") then {_name = configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _name;};
                if (_type == "trade_weapons") then {_name = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _name;};

    Right above _localResult = [player,(_x select 0),1] call BIS_fnc_invRemove;

    Then change the above mentioned line to say _localResult = [player,_name,1] call BIS_fnc_invRemove;

    Then you can sell satchels again. For some stupid reason BIS_fnc_invRemove doesn't like the classname for satchels. You'll probably have to do the same thing in the script assigned to ZUPA_fnc_removeWeaponsAndMagazinesCargo and  ZUPA_fnc_removeWeaponsAndMagazinesCargo to get it to work from vehicles and backpacks if it's broken there. Haven't tested or changed those two yet...been too busy.

  2. Yeah, I can't reproduce that, so I'd need exact reproduction steps. It appears to work fine, except the money received will go to overflow if not enough gear slots. I'm tempted to try and split that between gear and backpack or cancel the trade if not enough slots, but it's just easier for people to switch to coins (and is easier to deal with overall for your players and server). As far as I see, no money ever gets put in your vehicle, so not sure how that is happening to begin with. What you might be seeing is the fact that you're getting overflow and just didn't notice you have more money than appears in your gear. So for instance you only had 2 gear slots, sold 5 briefs worth of stuff, you will only see the 2 briefs added. Once you move stuff out of your gear, the extra 3 will start filling the gear slots as slots become available. It's not actually duplicating briefs/money.

    I may or may not try to fix the overflow. It's not my mod so I'm not inclined to spend a whole lot of time on it since it's working OK on my servers :P What I put out at least fixes a lot of the problems with it.

  3. @zupa

    Can you tell me why when a player has 25-30 slots used in there backpack and they try to buy into backpack it does not let them?

    Get this message

    Total space succeeded: Mag=1, Tool=1, Side=5, Primary=10 slots and your bag capacity is 21 where you tried 1 slots.

    This is with a 50 slot coyote backpack as a example for the message. 30 slots used and 20 remain but it says your backpack is only a 21 slot and will not let you buy anything else into the backpack.

    If everyone else can try this out and tell me if it is like this for you also would be nice. I have talked to over 8 server owners that run this script and for everyone it is the same outcome. Once you have a backpack half full you cannot buy into it anymore.

    I fixed that and some other bugs with the code, I gave zupa what I fixed so he may have an update for that at some point. I figured I'd let him take a look and decide if he wanted to incorporate the changes.

    The main changes were separating out the vision toolbelt items (binoculars, rangefinders, night vision) because if your toolbelt is full, and those slots are filled it would think you had -2 slots available and would prevent all buying. There was also a section where its looking at the total items vs total space but it was using total space after it had been altered, so I added an extra variable to track the original total space determination.

    There's also a problem for people who don't use coins that I fixed in there too.

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