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Posts posted by Hummuluis

  1. Hi everyone,


    Just wanted to see if anyone had this issue, or might know how to fix it. Server is set to veteran, although crosshairs still appear. Only profile folder I found was in the server pbo, and didn't see anything related to the difficulty ranks.

  2. There's a couple of different ways to upgrade. I run a Vanilla Epoch server so I did the following steps.


    A. Create a new server

    B. Create a new database

    C. Use previous config/setting/etc files, and pull data from those to quickly update the new ones

    D. Export player/object/character data tables and imported them into the new database

    E. Delete all the old data once verified


    I did it this route, just in case I had to pull anything from the old database, or had to double check anything based on the old files. If you use add-on scripts, could get a bit more involved of course. Only took like 10 minutes since I had the game files loaded for a fresh server setup.

  3. Hello everyone,


    Been having some issues with getting BEC setup on a server. Maybe one of you have had this problem in the past. Below is a screenshot of the error after running the BEC.exe in cmd, along with the config file (which the IP got cut off, left it as Tried searching around for others that have had this, but couldn't find anything.




    Thanks again of time for any assistance.


    - - -

    # UPDATE - Fix Below


    STEP 1

    • Go under your \ServerFolder\Expansion\BattlEye directory
    • Use notepad or similar program to create a new document and save this as BEServer.cfg
    • Input the following into the BEServer.cfg and edit xxxx with your own desired rCon password
    RConPassword xxxx
    MaxPing 200

    STEP 2

    • Next go back under your \ServerFolder\ directory
    • Right click on DayZ_Epoch_instance_11_Chernarus.bat and choose edit (open in notepad)
    • Add the below line of code at the very end, and edit this to match your full BattlEye path

    The above will fix BEC and it'll run just fine. If you run BEC and receive cannot connect errors, there's an issue with step 2. When editing the .bat file, make sure to have a space at the very end before pasting in the line of code.

  4. Hello all,


    So I have a fresh Epoch server setup, and have been working on getting Sarge AI installed. I have followed the directions listed, though I'm stuck on a restriction error from BattlEye.


    Steps taken in order, as follows -


    1. Under MPMissions > DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus, I created a new 'addons' folder and moved SHK-POS, SARGE, and UPSMON into the folder.


    2. Edit init.sqf under MPMissions > DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus, nd add the provided lines at the very end.


    3. Edit description.ext and add the provided line at the very end.


    4. Use PBOViewer, and unpackaged dayz_server.pbo that's located under @DayZ_Epoch_Server > addons directory. Then make the provided changes to server_cleanup.fsm.


    5. Didn't touch SAR_config.sqf since those were set to false already.


    6. Edited scripts.txt under instance_11_Chernarus > BattlEye, and the lines provided were not listed there so I added both to this file.


    Restarted the server, and everything goes smoothly until you get to Requesting Server Authentication, which now takes between 60-120 seconds to load which without these changes, it normally went through instantly. Once that finally loads through, I get a BattlEye Restriction #0 and am kicked.


    Below is from the log, edited out the GUID and IP with xxxx.


    - - -


    21:00:04 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.177)
    21:00:04 Host identity created.
    21:00:42 Necro uses modified data file
    21:00:42 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Necro (xxxx) connected
    21:00:42 Player Necro connecting.
    21:00:42 Mission DayZ Epoch Chernarus read from directory.
    21:00:43 Player Necro connected (id=95305030).
    21:00:43 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Necro - GUID: xxxx (unverified)
    21:00:43 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (xxxx) of player #0 Necro
    21:00:46 Roles assigned.
    21:00:46 Reading mission ...
    21:00:54 Mission read.
    21:01:39 Game started.
    21:02:04 Player Necro kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #0
    21:02:04 Player Necro disconnected.

    Thank you in advance. I'm sure it's something simple I'm missing or may have done incorrect. Server works fine without Sarge AI. Only breaks when I make the edits.

  5. Hi everyone,


    I have a dedicated server running win server 2008, and have been trying to get an Epoch server setup on this box. Below are the steps I've taken, and will end where I'm stuck at.


    1. Downloaded Epoch server files, unzipped under a folder called 'Game Server'.

    2. Downloaded Epoch Client Files, unzipped under the 'Game Server' folder.

    3. Downloaded Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead to the server via Steam.

    4. Moved Arma 2 files and then Operation Arrowhead files from the respective Steam folders, to the 'Game Server' folder.

    5. Imported SQL file to the dayz_epoch database - using WAMP setup for MySQL/PHPMyAdmin.

    6. Edited config.cfg (changed the admin pass, nothing else until it's actually up).

    7. Edited HiveExt with the database information and other settings.

    8. Run the Chernarus batch file, boots up fine with :

    - Dedicated host created / BattlEye Initialized / Host Identity created


    Beyond this point, is where I'm stuck. I'm unable to connect to the server at all. It does not show up in Commander, or trying to remote connect within Arma. Not entirely sure what I might be missing. I've re-setup this about 4 times now along with trying different things.


    Thanks in advance.



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