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Grahame last won the day on December 21 2020

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About Grahame

  • Birthday 11/03/1965

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    New York, NY

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  1. The year is 2025, six months after person or persons unknown unleashed the H7D3 virus on the world, killing a large proportion of the world's population and turning many of the "survivors" into mindless "zombies" - feral and infectious, very much alive and very, very hungry... Trying to create the feel of John Ringo's Black Tide Rising universe with less weaponry available, though if you want to chase Zs with a Saiga they are around. Knock yourself out. IP: Visit the EpochZ Community Forum or contact us on Discord. Required Mods Ryan's Zombies and Demons: currently using COS to spawn the Zs, though there are also native spawns around the map with more to come. Normal infected in urban areas are walkers, the spawns are fast Zombies so watch out. CBA_A3, CUP Weapons, CUP Units, CUP Vehicles: it's 2025 with 2025 weapons and vehicles. I've completely overhauled loots.h for CUP but not increased the loot spawn chances. CUP Terrains Core: for upcoming map changes and the ports of old Wicked AI missions. Tryk's Multi-Player Uniforms: lots more uniforms for the uniform junkies out there. This is the one that you want if you are downloading via Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779520435 RDS Civilian Vehicles: primarily for the deployable bicycle but you also get a load of old favourites including Thomas the Tractor and the excellent Yamaha TT650! Enhanced Movement Mod: Sneeki Breeki your way into a base with a buddy vaulting you over the wall, or just climb on a roof or through a window to avoid the infected! Hellenic Armed Forces Mod (HAFM): for all those nice Greek uniforms and vehicles. NI Arms All-in-One Mod: All the weapons and attachments from the mod are available at the traders and spawn as loot. Scripts A3EAI: with vehicle and helicopter patrols. AI patrols and spawns replace the default Epoch antagonists (apart from the Epoch UAVs and subsequent militia if you don;t shoot them down). The AI will interact with the Zs and vice versa. SEM, BlackEagl's and WAI Missions: all with weapons, equipment and loot customized for CUP and including SEM Convoy missions. And yes, there is the WAI Nuke mission. If no one's dealt with that before the timer expires run like hell DayZ style Helicopter Crash Sites: with reduced CUP-based loot. C-130 Supply Drops, guarded by AI and with CUP-based loot. Deployable and packable bicycles and unarmed mozzies, so long as you have a Tool Kit (available in starting gear) and the other build parts (just Vehicle Repair Parts for a bicycle). New buildables at your base including working Portable Lights, a Sink and Field Toilet (both are water sources), Razor Wire, Watch Tower, various Sandbag Walls, Fuel Pump, large and small Camo Nets, Loudspeakers, a Burn Barrel and an ATM. Black Market Traders in trader camps and elsewhere. HALO/Ground Spawns and you can select limited Starting Gear Halv's Repair and Reammo Script, rearm and repair your vehicles in the repair shops at gas stations @Sp4rkY's Extended Safe Zones with Vehicle Protection! Advanced Towing and Advanced Rappelling Features All players are BLUFOR, roaming, dynamic and mission AI are OPFOR, infected are RESISTANCE allowing the interaction between the Ai and infected - they will fight each other when spawned together. No building restrictions, build where ever you want 150m Jammer range 7-day base maintenance 48-hour vehicle locks 4 hour restarts, day/night cycle PvE or PvP, your choice (but remember the AI and Zs will be after you too) The only safe zones are the five marked on the map (north, south, east, west and central). Everywhere else on the map is a free-fire zone so stay frosty, and alert.
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