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Posts posted by SinisterXylene

  1. Here is a list of scripts that dont seem to work: 


    Walking dead zombies - makes zombies only walk


    Admin menu


    I can't seem to find my client rpt, any idea where this might be?


    Also i don't think a client side problem would cause a server's scripts to not load would it?


    Thanks for the help.


    EDIT: Found my rpt, i will generate a new copy and upload when im done.

  2. Hi, i just updated my epoch server to an overpoch one, i have kept my server pbo and all my mission files, however some of my scripts don't work, i have noticed that the walking dead zombies script doesn't and my admin menu won't pop up either, any help would be appreciated, i have tried all i can think and nothing on the internet seems to solve my problem.


    Here is my RPT: http://pastebin.com/B94CgcM6




    EDIT: I also tried reinstalling the scripts however this didn't help either.

  3. Hi, i am trying to get my friends on my dayz server however when they try to search for my server using my ip they can't seem to find it.


    I am using ports:


    steamport = 2320;
    steamqueryport = 2321;
    Thanks for any help!
    EDIT: My server is being hosted from my pc and it is allowed through my firewall.
  4. Hmmmm maybe check what version of dayz launcher you brother is running and make sure you are on the same one? I had this problem and it was because my dayz launcher was out of date and it would not auto update. This is probably not the case but it's better to be safe than sorry

  5. Unfortunately the parameters didn't solve this.


    However, i did notice that it cant find files from my server pbo, which means it is not accessing it, and to me, the pbo looks fine:


    This is the folder it is inside of: http://gyazo.com/13462187b6da987f279767d4192936eb


    Here is my pbo packed: http://gyazo.com/ed0d3912a199082a348585c7c73cf4e8


    Here it is unpacked: http://gyazo.com/349b620464906c4742951e36c10955e8


    Thanks for the help!

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