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Posts posted by EzYDuziT

  1. Hi, i have just got into running my own server and i installed the DZMS system and everything seems fine apart from a few things small things which I'm sure is not actually that difficult to fix lol.


    So the missions spawn but the a.i seem to have super weapons that have rapid fire and kill instantly. Is there anyway of sorting this as even with a single shot gun they seem to be rapid fire and shoot like 50cals.


    Also when the a.i die all of their loot deletes so they have nothing on their body apart from a backpack. I'm sure everything seems to be correct in the settings for the loot to stay on dead bodies but it doesn't seem to be working :/


    and my final problem is, how do i reduce the number of a.i on a mission? i want 4 or 5 rather than the 10-15 that are currently spawning.


    If anyone can help with these problems that would be much appreciated.



  2. I am new to running a server and I have just set up this system. The missions are spawning ok but the a.i seem to have rapid fire on regardless of what gun they are using (they are all shooting like 50cals) how do I get them to fire normally?


    Also when they die they have nothing on their bodies apart from the back pack. Looking in the settings I have it all set up for them to have loot on them, well I assume I have.


    And as we are on this subject I might aswell add all my problems in 1 post. How do I reduce the amount of a.i at a mission? i only really want 4 or 5 and not the 10 - 15 i get at the moment.


    If anyone can help me out with any of these that would be appreciated. Thanks

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