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Posts posted by KroSaver

  1. Got the files to work. All looks good but some players are complaining that they start the spawn in and after about 20 - 40 sec after parachute open they are automatically respawned where they opened their parachute and are parachuting in again with chute opened. Also have had some glitch and die where they glitched. Can't figure these out. Code looks good. Any one else with problems?


    Thanks for all your work KroSaver. I hope everyone realizes you didn't have to share any of your coding with anyone. So I for one much appreciate your sharing. The number of spawn points and the helo in is a great addon. Don't get discouraged, again nice work.


    I had problems with InfiStart, users who were not admins could not see Spawn Parachute panel.
    What you said to me I would not have found, it opened to see if your antihack gives problem with teleport users or have some other code that is activated by using the spawn system.
    Thank you.
  2. where does it say this in the instructions?



    scripts posted on forums like this, should always be written as easy as possible for the end user and with clear instructions on how to install.

    thats not exactly possible with this, when you have to edit mission.sqm and for advanced users im sure there are better not to mention easier alternatives to this.



    you can easily change this avoid the use of mission.sqm, you can spawn the console on the server and either pv the object to the clients or you can search for it near marker position "respawn_west".


    Because it does not engage in a more productive thing to criticize by simple instructions in the post of others?
    I wrote this script to my server and only what I wanted to share, who likes can install it and ask for help.
    By people like you do not want to post anything there.
  3. Have a read of Run.sqf as indestructible bases is on by default, so unless you changed it then i suspect that is why you can't break the walls.

    Search for _EpochIndestructible and change it to false

    Thank you very much.
    And there is some way to put that stuff can be destroyed and no?
  4. Hi,


    As I can put that Frecuency and metal and wood doors can be destroyed with a charges concentrated?
    I have been tested and put 10 charges concentrated to a pole and not harm.
    The version I use is EPOCH epoch
  5. Hi,


    I present my parachute spawn system.


    Description: 8 parachute spawns in altis and custom loadout.







    1- Go to you mpmissions folder and extract epoch.Altis.pbo with PBO MANAGER and paste forlder spawnsystem in root epoch.Altis


    2- Go to epoch.Altis folder, open mission.sqm and add this class:

    class Vehicles
    		class Item0
    			position[]={23600.76,3.1900001,17992.961};//Spawn camera EPOCH 0303 Altis
    			init="this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false; this allowDamage false; this addAction[""Parachute Spawn"",""spawnsystem\initspawn.sqf""]";

    If you already have the vehicles class within the class add add only:

    class Item0
    			position[]={23600.76,3.1900001,17992.961};//Spawn camera EPOCH 0303 Altis
    			init="this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false; this allowDamage false; this addAction[""Parachute Spawn"",""spawnsystem\initspawn.sqf""]";

    WARNING!!! Edit ItemsX + 1 in you class vehicles and put the following item number in Item0.


    3- In you description.ext add this line: #include "spawnsystem\dialog.hpp"


    4- Battleye filters, add in you scripts.txt this filters

    7 exec !="[] execVM "spawnsystem\spawn.sqf";" !="execVM "spawnsystem\initspawn.sqf";"
    7 createDialog !"createdialog "spawn_dialog";
    7 displayAddEventHandler !"(findDisplay 666) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"true\"];" 

    GITHUB: https://github.com/KroSaver/epochmod-spawn-system




    You've either added it to the wrong place or changed it and now it's broke.


    Do you have it sitting along side a3_epoch_server.pbo and a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo ?

    Have you made any changes ?


    @ KroSaver - This has already been answered, see Darth Rogues post


    Thanks for you reply.


    But I can not fix the error BattlEye apart my mistake is #13 and not #4.

  7. Hello,

    Is giving me an error that I do not understand it is:

    16.05.2015 03:43:19: KroSaver (xx.xx.xx.xxx:xxxx) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #13 " setParticleClass "ObjectDestructionFire1Smallx";
    _source01 attachto [_object,[0,0,0]];
    _source02 = "#particlesource" createVeh"

    and this:

    16.05.2015 03:51:29: KroSaver (xx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #13 "1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;
    _smoke1 attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"engine_effect_1"];
    _pos = getPos _smoke1;

    They would know a solution?


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