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Posts posted by rashmandash

  1. ive wrote this script. And played with the params so they are maybe not the best.

    Every single person have to modify his params and folders. Like i said in the script.

    And u didnt help me as i ask the first time for a restart script...

    But it seams u have planty of knowleg about this thing.

    So if u have a better way to auto restart a server be gental and help me and all the other people and post the better way u have.

    ->otherwise pls stop spamming.

  2. @echo off

    :: Modify your folders etc!

    :: Parameter und Ordner hier ändern

    set armapath=    "C:\epoch"

    set armaparams=    C:\epoch\arma3server.exe -port=2302 "-config=C:\epoch\TADST\epoch\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\epoch\TADST\epoch\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\epoch\TADST\epoch" -name=epoch -netlog "-mod=@Epoch;@epochhive;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@mas_Vehicle;@mas_Weapons;@asm" -enableHT -cpucount=12 -exThreads=12 -maxMem=16384 -nosound -noCB -loadMissionToMemory -autoinit -high -malloc=tbbmalloc

    @set serverexe=    arma3server.exe

    set HCarmapath="C:\HC"

    set HCarmaparams=C:\HC\arma3server.exe -client -connect= -mod="@Epoch;" -nosound -cpucount=12 -exThreads=12 -maxMem=16384 -loadMissionToMemory

    @set HCserverexe=arma3server.exe



    echo Restarting Server

    :: start the servers..

    cd /d %armapath%

    start "" %serverexe% %armaparams%


    timeout 1


    echo Restarting HC

    :: start the servers..

    cd /d %HCarmapath%

    start "" %HCserverexe% %HCarmaparams%

    timeout 180


    echo KILL servers

    cd /d %armapath%

    taskkill /im %serverexe%

    timeout 3

    taskkill /f /im WerFault.exe

    timeout 60

    goto 1



    This is what ive build so fare. It works for me ond hopefully also for others.



    -create a bat file and name it restart.bat

    -edit ur path. and ur params

    -if u have no HC erase the HC lines.

    -This will restart the server every 4 hours at the point u hit the "restart.bat"

  3. @echo off
    :: Modify your folders etc!
    :: Parameter und Ordner hier ändern

    set armapath=    "C:\epoch"
    set armaparams=    C:\epoch\arma3server.exe -port=2302 "-config=C:\epoch\TADST\epoch\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\epoch\TADST\epoch\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\epoch\TADST\epoch" -name=epoch -netlog "-mod=@Epoch;@epochhive;@AllInArmaTerrainPack;@mas_Vehicle;@mas_Weapons;@asm" -enableHT -cpucount=12 -exThreads=12 -maxMem=16384 -nosound -noCB -loadMissionToMemory -autoinit -high -malloc=tbbmalloc
    @set serverexe=    arma3server.exe

    set HCarmapath="C:\HC"
    set HCarmaparams=C:\HC\arma3server.exe -client -connect= -mod="@Epoch;" -nosound -cpucount=12 -exThreads=12 -maxMem=16384 -loadMissionToMemory
    @set HCserverexe=arma3server.exe


    echo Restarting Server
    :: start the servers..
    cd /d %armapath%
    start "" %serverexe% %armaparams%
    timeout 1

    echo Restarting HC
    :: start the servers..
    cd /d %HCarmapath%
    start "" %HCserverexe% %HCarmaparams%
    timeout 180

    echo KILL servers
    cd /d %armapath%
    taskkill /im %serverexe%
    timeout 3
    taskkill /f /im WerFault.exe
    timeout 60

    goto 1

  4. Hi,

    i have some trouble with the auto restart. It would be grate if someone could explain me in general how it works. In the epochhive/epochconfig file i set the serverrestart to "true" and set the timer. After the time is over i get a Massage in the logs: "server restart now" but nothing happens. I've red somthing about the BEC but this service seems to be down. Another thing i've red is to use a scheduler in combination with a batch file. But there are so many out in the WWW. i do not know which i should use or how to.


    thanks for any help!!!



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