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Posts posted by sfxunknown

  1. i need help with setting up my server, loot tables, the building loot scripts etc, we just need help making it so we can host an overpoch server, he have a gtx gaming server and we can tget it started

  2. ill see if i can get the heli pods to stay after restart, you might have just made my day zenithovman! is there any way i can get a towing script or any way to pick the pod up without having to use a heli? like with some servers you can pick quad bikes up and load them and drop them, could it possibly work with the pods as well? if so, it will help our server soooo much


    DLC heli pods can store items  ;)

  3. so we all know theres ATM's and other cool objects in the game that would be awesome for base building, such as storage crates/ containers. is it possible to make some scripts to craft them and place them in the game via epochs crafting. or maybe make a custom crafting menu in game via scroll menu? because we need large containers, ammo and gun crates, and to make a atm in base so you can hold your cash in there instead of having to go risk your neck in a city with sappers and players running around. i was thinking you can make the items/objects persistant in the game so they wont dissapear over restart including the gear inside. 


    i would know how to do this if i didnt drop my digitools class in high school lol. never knew i would need to learn how to script until i started to play arma 3... 

    so any ideas or info feel free to post them :)

  4. Our server recently went down and I was a admin for quite some time on it. If you're reading this and you need another server moderator for your ovoverpoch or epoch server, please message me. I can message you more details in PM. Thank you.

  5. age-18

    server admin experience- yes, currently a admin for a eu server [overpoch]

    scripting experience- yes, but not a whole lot, just messing around and adding scripts in the editor.

    epoch/overpoch?- i prefer overpoch over epoch because more weapons and vehicles etc

    experience on arma- about 3000 in total on my accounts, i am very framiliar with the maps, functions, bugs, and errors on most maps hosted in epoch mod.

    time played a day- about 6 hours or more, 2 at minimum depending on my schedule. 

    location- washington, united states pacific time 






    PM me if you need an admin and are interested. i can admin on two servers because of the time frame difference in the servers. i can connect to US and EU servers usually. 

  6. So the setting in epoch is post apocalyptic. So radiation has ruled over the land, maybe it made abnormal growth in spiders. It will be fucking terrifying. Or a flying creature of some sort that you know, doesn't blow u, or spawn ai to kill you.

  7. so ive been thinking, what if we could craft gun cabinets and ammo boxes. maybe borrow the ammo crate box from the vanilla arma 3 files, or edit the lootable closets with mirrors into gun cabinets. holds 10 guns and are visable through a glass window or even make a locker type gun cabinet with metal mesh. would be better if you can upgrade them into lockable gun cabinets as well. to craft it should be 10 salvage metal small, and to lock it, a small metal and a electronic componet? and the same for the ammo box, just ideas ladies and gents.

  8. so ive been thinking, what if we could craft gun cabinets and ammo boxes. maybe borrow the ammo crate box from the vanilla arma 3 files, or edit the lootable closets with mirrors into gun cabinets. holds 10 guns and are visable through a glass window or even make a locker type gun cabinet with metal mesh. would be better if you can upgrade them into lockable gun cabinets as well. to craft it should be 10 salvage metal small, and to lock it, a small metal and a electronic componet? and the same for the ammo box, just ideas ladies and gents.

  9. i never had cold issues, and yes you can make a sky base above land, i never tried, but i only tried over the ocean due to my imagination of making an oil rig type building. i never really built alot of bases in my time until i figured out the ,magic behind it.

  10. So i figured out how to make a sky base, if you are a admin using infistar admin tools, teleport to the ocean where you want to make your base. swim at the surface, spawn a concrete pier, then go on top of it, place wood floors down . delete the pier, and boom floating floors. then add whatever you want to it. if youre not an admin ask them to do this for you. post-30999-0-40425500-1429242956_thumb.j

  11. hours on arma 3= over 2000

    hours on arma  overpoch/epoch= about 620

    experience= arma 2, arma 3, dayz arma 2 & 3 , former server admin ion arma 3 overpoch, some scripting experience

    age= 18

    location/time-zone= washington, united states, pacific time

    time played a day= at least 6 hours a day. depending on my schedule that day. but minimum time played for a busy day is 4 hours.


    im a trustworthy person. message me if you're interested. 

  12. Hello, i am a former admin of a server me and some buddies hosted, it died out and it shut down due to financial problems. i am experienced with arma 3 almost entirely, 2000+ hours in total of arma 3 under my belt, and 500+ hours just on the epoch mod itself. i live in the us and can be active almost all the time. please contact me if you are interested in another server in game moderator. thank you.

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