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EliTe Alien

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Posts posted by EliTe Alien

  1. Hey, Ive got a problem with BEC,


    It starts and connects to the server no problem but the scheduler doesnt get loaded. Everything is in the default directories and it doesnt load it, I have set the full path to the files... Ill post my Config below,

    Before anyone says anything I know that BEC is in the same folder as the game.



    IP =
    Port = 2302
    BePath = C:\Users\Alfieee\Documents\DayZ Server\instance_11_Chernarus\BattlEye
    Admins = C:\Users\Alfieee\Documents\DayZ Server\Bec\Config\Admins.xml
    Commands = C:\Users\Alfieee\Documents\DayZ Server\Bec\Config\Commands.xml
    Scheduler = C:\Users\Alfieee\Documents\DayZ Server\Bec\Config\Scheduler.xml
    Ban = 3
    ConsoleHeight	= 45
    ConsoleWidth	= 160
    KickLobbyIdlers	= 400
    ChatChannelFiles = True
    Timeout = 180

    Any help is welcome :)

  2. Hello, After fixing recent issues with my server the players are not having trouble upgrading objects.

    When a player trys to upgrade an object within a plotpole they placed it comes up with an error saying you cant upgrade as there is a plot pole near by, Does anyone know what might be causing this? I have Plot4Life and PlotManagement installed, could one of the files in this be causing the error?


    Any help is welcome, thanks

  3. Hello, I have installed ESSv2 spawn script.


    The script its self isnt working properly... The player selects the loadout and then it just leaves the player in the debug unable to move or do anything... The option to select a spawn is not even shown.


    In the RPT the only error is this 

    20:22:40 Error in expression <tVariable["lastInventory",[]]);
    if (str(_inventory) != _previous) then {
    20:22:40   Error position: <_inventory) != _previous) then {
    20:22:40   Error Undefined variable in expression: _inventory
    20:22:40 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_updateObject.sqf, line 94

    This lasts for at least 200 lines.


    Please could someone help me 



  4. I have installed door management but when the player clicks to scan their eye it always fails, regardless to weather or not they are within their plot pole area... Any ideas whats causing this?

    Thanks <3

  5. Is this 

    player_player_buildingDowngrade = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf";

    Supposed to be 

    player_buildingDowngrade = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_buildingDowngrade.sqf";

    Or is it how it was before I changed it? Looks like player was repeated twice but I could be wrong

  6. Thanks :) BTW your english was fine :)... Ill attempt to install it when ive sorted this issue out.

    There is no script errors prior to this error. This is the error is get.

     6:50:01 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character Alfieee as no characterID

     This is the message after the message above.

     6:53:33   Error Undefined variable in expression: server_checkhackers
     6:53:36 Error in expression <[] spawn server_checkHackers;
    [] spawn server_cle>


  7. I have attempted to install plot management, I cant figure out step 7 though 

    **STEP 7 (Modifying player_build.sqf, player_upgrade.sqf, and player_buildingDowngrade.sqf)**<br>

    I cant find these files anywhere, I can only find player_build in the snap_pro files. None of the others can be found either mission or server side. I am NOT using PLOT FOR LIFE.


    Could I have some help please?


    Thanks <3

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