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Posts posted by dajavu

  1. I realize this script does not work for servers that contain AH Epoch antihack. I also respect your not developing any further 5nine. So this question is for those that might read this and understand SQF coding.

    My question is there a way to make it work? Our other server has AH Epoch so I was looking at why it doesn't work.

    I have found it works fine on the server if I just change, in the epochAH.hpp file

    antihack_addActionCheck = true


    antihack_addActionCheck = false

    I also found from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction , Description of AddAction

    that in this mod AddAction is called out 8 times. All on the MPMission side.

    In the init_cab1.sqf, init_cab2.sqf, init_cab3.sqf for cab1,cab2,and cab3


    addcab = player addaction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Call for Taxi</t>",{

    if (cab1occupied) then {

    ["cabtext",["Currently occupied, please try again in moment"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;

    } else {

    ["cabtext",["Calling for cab, it should arrive shortly"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;

    getcab = "cab1";

    publicVariableServer "getcab";


    It is also called out in “player_join_cab.sqf”


                                    stopcab = _cab addaction ["<t color=#FF00FF'>Stop the cab!</t>",{(_this select 0) setVariable ["AskStopCab", true, true];},"",-99,false,false,"","];

                    } else {

                    cutText [chatter_welcome, "PLAIN DOWN",1];

                    isjustpassenger = false;

                    _cab setvariable ["gotin", true, true];

                    add1 = _cab addaction [format ["<t color=#00FF00'>Take me to %1</t>",_name1],{(_this select 0) setvariable ["cabdest", 1, true];},"",-94,false,true,"","];

                    add2 = _cab addaction [format ["<t color=#00FF00'>Take me to %1</t>",_name2],{(_this select 0) setvariable ["cabdest", 2, true];},"",-95,false,true,"","];

                    add3 = _cab addaction [format ["<t color=#00FF00'>Take me to %1</t>",_name3],{(_this select 0) setvariable ["cabdest", 3, true];},"",-96,false,true,"","];

                    add4 = _cab addaction [format ["<t color=#00FF00'>Take me to %1</t>",_name4],{(_this select 0) setvariable ["cabdest", 4, true];},"",-97,false,true,"","];


    First, I’m not much of a SQF coder but is there a way to recode this to not use addaction thereby making this mod usable for AH antihack? I’m thinking this is the only reason the mod is banning players with AH antihack.

    If not am I leaving myself vulnerable by making  antihack_addActionCheck = false

  2. Interesting glitch. If you call a taxi, then get in, then while in taxi you log off game, the taxi stays with the person that logs off until server restart. I.E. anyone else that calls a taxi gets the script that says "Please Wait and try again later the Taxi is occupied" or something to that effect. No one else can use it in this case.

  3. Got the files to work. All looks good but some players are complaining that they start the spawn in and after about 20 - 40 sec after parachute open they are automatically respawned where they opened their parachute and are parachuting in again with chute opened. Also have had some glitch and die where they glitched. Can't figure these out. Code looks good. Any one else with problems?


    Thanks for all your work KroSaver. I hope everyone realizes you didn't have to share any of your coding with anyone. So I for one much appreciate your sharing. The number of spawn points and the helo in is a great addon. Don't get discouraged, again nice work.

  4. You might look at this forum item for adding spawn points. Im looking at it now. It doesn't helo in but it gives you 2 or 3 more. I wish KroSaver would respond becuase I think this would be very interesting to helo in. There is a problem with the spawn_dialog which I think is really the spawn_dialog.hpp or has to do with the spawn.sqf. I'm have not done much coding with SQF, I have learned to add others stuff and can read a decently coded mod but not any good at creating code. That is my next step.



    Looks like post #87 tells you how to implement.

  5. Hard to tell but initially it looks like when you put in the "class markers" there are at least 7 markers. class Item0 - class Item6. The line immediately below the "class Markers" line is the number of "class Items" you have in that loop. You show "items = 3" it should be changed to "items = 7" if you have class Item0 - class Item6 if it were 0-7 then it would be "items = 8"   (no quotes). 


    class Markers


                                           items = 3;

                                           class Item 0


    Should be

    class Markers


                                           items = 7;                                         or what ever the number of class items you have in that loop.

                                           class Item 0


    also it is an absolute that the parens { } match up exactly so when you deleted the one in your video I think you needed to delete 2. Keep the same flow as it was before. Thats what the very light lines are telling you in the software your using. and that is why when you code you show the indented parens to match the indent of the one associated with that loop.

  6. Not working: Getting a "Resource spawn_dialog not found" message, when I go to the stand that is placed in spawn area and click on "Parachute Spawn". Also stand has a blank page in it, no writing or map or anything.

    I also can't see where you call out your dialog.hpp file.

  7. Two things;

    1) I agree static weather is a poor situation but the default is basically static weather called rain all the time or total wind so it would be nice to code changing weather. 

    2) I noticed that WeatherStaticForecast[] = {75.5,0,{0,0,0},0,{1,1}}; // Default: {75.5,0,{0,0,0},0,{0,0}}; // Clear day; {19,1,{1,1,40},1,{5,5}}; // Cold Foggy and the Format:

    {temp ,rain ,fog ,overcast ,wind } can anyone tell me why the Clear day has a 5,0 for rain and the Cold Foggy has only one digit. I thought a "scalar" was a unique digit yet this shows 2 digits with a comma.

    Is that a typo or what?

  8. Not sure either but I changed ours to {97,3,{0,0,5},0,{1,1}} and it is working fine so far. I notice in the .hpp file the coder states

    // Clear day;

                    {75.                        5,0,                         {0,0,0}                   ,0,                           {1,1}};

    // Cold Foggy Rainy Overcast Windy;

                     {19,                        1,                      {1,1,40},                1,                              {5,5}};

    Format: {temp <scalar>   ,rain <scalar>,   fog <array>,    overcast <scalar>,    wind <array>}


    Seems to me for a Clear Day the rain <scalar> means a single value. but under clear day it is a 5,0, which doesn't make sense. Looking at the Cold Foggy day the rain <scalar> is a single digit.

    so in mine I used the Cold Foggy example to set ours.

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