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Posts posted by Calaveylon



    _hunger = ((EPOCH_playerHunger / 5000) * 100);

    _thirst = ((EPOCH_playerThirst / 2500) * 100);


    Not working for me  the hunger and thirst stay at 5000 and 2500



    ((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBar")displayCtrl 1000) ctrlSetText format["FPS: %1 | PLAYERS: %2 | HEALTH: %3%4 | KRYPTO: %5 | HUNGER: %6%4 | THIRST: %7%4 | GRIDREF: %8 | RESTART IN: %9:%10", round diag_fps, count playableUnits, ((damage player - 1) * -100), "%", EPOCH_playerCrypto, _hunger, _thirst, mapGridPosition player, _hours, _minutes, _count


    did not add a % symbol for me just added another 0 to the values. so hunger showed 50000 and thirst showed 25000


    can paste your entire code or upload the file

  2. Sorry guys, used a bad methodology on that one. 


    I fixed it now, so the script adds the Earplugs to every vehicle when you load in, rather than when you respawn.


    So now you can die and respawn with only one iteration of the addaction.


    Also, if you leave the server and re-connect, it still only shows one.


    Hopefully no more earplug spam.  :P  I updated the link above, and the link below. 




    a lot of files here some of which say what to change and others leave me guessing. explanation would be great maybe make your own topic or a video.

  3. 		((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBar")displayCtrl 1000)ctrlSetText format["DAMAGE: %1 | KRYPTO: %2 | HUNGER: %3 | THIRST: %4 | SOILED: %5 | GRIDREF: %6", damage player, EPOCH_playerCrypto, EPOCH_playerHunger, EPOCH_playerThirst, EPOCH_playerSoiled, mapGridPosition player, _counter];





    This what your after ??


    Sadboy1981 what I want is like sparrow 8332's picture. the % symbol and the thirst+hunger on 100%. sparrow wrote down some code but none of it worked for me

  4. Remove what you have in ur publicvariable.txt, replace it with this:


    5 "" !="EPOCH_(UP|SAVE|PAINT|MAINT)BUILD" !="EPOCH_(say3D|switchMove|storeCrypto|TEMPOBJ|packJack)_PVS"  !="EPOCH_(load|revive|dead|push)Player_PVS" !="EPOCH_(build|equipped)Item_PVS" !="EPOCH_GROUP_(Upgrade|Player|create|Delete|Invite)_PVS" !="EPOCH_(lock|pack)Storage_PVS" !="EPOCH_(unlock|lock|fill|repair)Vehicle_PVS" !="EPOCH_(knockDownTree|destroyTrash|MAKETRADEREQ|MAKETRADE|S_S_VEHICLES|MAKENPCTRADE|oneWayTP)" !="EPOCH_Loot(Animal|Container|Building)" !="EPAH_[a-z]{5,10}" !="IL_SetMass" !="IL_SetScore"

    Thank you Moody that worked for me

  5. nah i was just using that as an example to figure it out lol


    But yeah thanks for the help i appreciate it 



    I also moved the math for damage player up as well so I have 

    sleep 1;
    		_counter = _counter - 1;
    		_time = (round(240-(serverTime)/60));  //edit the '240' (60*4=240) to change the countdown timer if your server restarts are shorter or longer than 4 hour intervals
    		_hours = (floor(_time/60));
    		_minutes = (_time - (_hours * 60));
    		_hunger = ((EPOCH_playerHunger / 5000) * 100);
    		_thirst = ((EPOCH_playerThirst / 2500) * 100);
    		_damageP = ((damage player - 1) * -100);


    ((uiNamespace getVariable "osefStatusBar")displayCtrl 1000) ctrlSetText format["FPS: %1 | PLAYERS: %2 | HEALTH: %3%4 | KRYPTO: %5 | HUNGER: %6%4 | THIRST: %7%4 | GRIDREF: %8 | RESTART IN: %9:%10", round diag_fps, count playableUnits, _damageP, "%", EPOCH_playerCrypto, _hunger, _thirst, mapGridPosition player, _hours, _minutes, _counter];

    I will test when i get home just coding on the windows tablet until i get home lol


    Did you get it working cause none of that worked for me

  6. initMissions.sqf

    SEM_MissionTimerMin = 10;
    SEM_MissionTimerMax = 15;
    Multiple missions at the same time will come with the next update.

    Expect it to be released this or the next WE.

    Greez KiloSwiss



    Thank you KiloSwiss,

    I already changed those setting to


    SEM_MissionTimerMin = 5;

    SEM_MissionTimerMax = 10;


    They spawn faster on map but still not same time. Glad to hear will be added in next update.

    Your doing great stuff

  7. aLuWaOm.png


    This what your after ??

     I would love my bar to look like your unfortunately the coding you wrote did not work for me. The %2 and %4 just added a 0 to the end off the number and the coding to change thirst + hunger to 100 did not work they showed 5000-2500.

    Would be nice if you forked to make your own post.

  8. This is great finally got it working. Centered it to my screen and other people on server said it was way off. Turns out screen resolution is the culprit. I was thinking off adding align='center' in the statusBar.hpp but not sure where to add it and what i should remove.

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