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Posts posted by mangos64

  1. Lol good attempt. Almost got it all working. Damage is the tricky part because of the load player.sqf in the epoch server side pbo. I'd start looking around there to figure out how to bypass the AllowDamage= false from ai; for players loading into the server from restarts. ;]

    Ive disabled that and have no problems at all about ai being killed in the trader city or being shot in side the spawn or trader city. Sorry i havnt come on ya ts in a bit. Been busy with things.

  2. In my init
    if (isServer) exitWith {
    EPOCH_localCleanup=compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "EPOCH_localCleanup.sqf";
    [] execVM "scripts\aispawn.sqf";
    This is Epoch_localCleanup.sqf  below but customized so it doesnt delete ai. 
    if !((_target in units group ailist) || if !((_target in units group group1) then{
    if(typename _this=="ARRAY")then{_target=_this select 0;};
    if(!isNull _target)then{_target addEventHandler["local",{if(_this select 1)then{private["_aa"];
    _aa=_this select 0;
    {_aa removeAllMPEventHandlers _x;}forEach["mpkilled","mphit","mprespawn"];
    {_aa removeAllEventHandlers _x;}
    diag_log ["deleting %1:,_aa ];
    deleteVehicle _aa;
    deleteGroup(group _aa);};}];};



    Thats what ive done but im think im doing something wrong :). 

  3. Exact same issue that I've been stressing but no one seems to be worried about it for some reason...really hope it get's fixed soon.

    I've also tried using Variant 2 and 3 to try and fix the issue, but I can't use them because I'm pretty sure the Hive calls ONLY work for what they are made for (multi char support & 999 calls)

    I feel your pain bro, Having the exact same issues at you, On post #262 adam said he fixed it with that link so ill try that and get back to you guys>

  4. Nothing there about unlocking in any of the tabs when I click propterties



    I also spotted this in the console if it helps with my issue.



    EDIT #2: 

    So I went ahead and decided to try variant #2 and I'm having the exact same problem. I'm wondering now that if I am not using the multicharacter mod may that be the reason this is happening?

    If so is there a fix for the humanity duping on variant 1?

    Getting this in varient 3 aswell


    2014-08-28 21:34:41 HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:101:76561198095336378:13: Immortal:<null>:|
    2014-08-28 21:34:41 HiveExt: [information] Method: 101 Params: 76561198095336378:13: Immortal:<null>:
  5. hey got an error....

    everything is working fine till you look to a wall or every modular item,


    then this error happens:

    Error in expression <rTarget];

    if(_isModular && (_playerUID == _ownerID)) then {

    if(_hasToolbox && ">

    Error position: <== _ownerID)) then {

    if(_hasToolbox && ">

    Error ==: Typ Array, expected number,string,Object,Side,Group,Text,Config entry,Display (dialog),Control,Team member,Task,Location

    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\Custom\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 236

     and you cant unlock anything anymore.


    i use the original fn_selfaction which was provided.... anyone have a fix for me ?

    Having the same problem as you ^^^^^^^

  6. If you guys get an error like this in your hive HiveExt: [Error] Error executing |CHILD:399:482:|. Make sure you dont double up on these things "  .


    My issue was I somehow ended up with this 


    INSERT INTO `dayz_cherno_24`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`) VALUES ('[""USSR_5Rnd_408"",1]', 999, '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 482);




    Notice the bits in the red.



    it should look like this



    INSERT INTO `dayz_cherno_24`.`traders_data` (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`) VALUES ('["USSR_5Rnd_408",1]', 999, '[1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[2,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 482);

  7. I think the thing is That all building parts are classed as vehicles. When that spawns them in it spawns them in order when they were first made. Eg i found a helicopter in the world and i put down the metel floor. I then land the chopper on the metel floor. Since the helicopter was made before the Floor the Helicopter will fall and crash into the ground. If you bought a helicopter from a trader after you put down a floor the floor would be created before the helicopter on server restart. This meaning the floor will be there and will catch the helicopter.




    I know in other versions of day z they had there own building table. But in epoch theres Object data which covers all vehicls and building objects.




    The method I showed is to make the helicopters Float in the air untill there shot or intreacted with. Its a quick fix and i think the dev included it in 

  8. Okay so basicly as far as I know it seems vehicles spawn before Building parts for example. I made a tower of floors and landed a heli. Then On restart the vehicle would fall because the floor has not spawned yet. This is also the issue for aircraft Carriers. 




    To fix it You can hop on our ts and ill help you which is ts1.fpsplayers.com:9988   and ask for mangos



    Or you can go through this which might be difficult because im terrible at explaining things



    at line 248 in your dayz server pbo in dayz_server\system open the file called Server_monitor.sqf



    Find this

    				if (!((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects)) then {
    					_object setvelocity [0,0,1];
    					_object call fnc_veh_ResetEH;	

    And change it to this

    				if (!((typeOf _object) in dayz_allowedObjects)) then {
    					//_object setvelocity [0,0,1];
    					_object call fnc_veh_ResetEH;	

    This will make it so all vehicles will stay floating until they have been touched.

  9. To adjust the amount of buildings you can use the compiles method in the post here go down the the secound method http://dayzepoch.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1673-how-to-cpc-indestructible-bases/?hl=buildings#entry11401 and go to the player_build.sqf and go to line 11



    Make it look like this if you want to increase the amount of buildings to 100 in a 30 m radius and so on 


    // disallow building if too many objects are found within 30m
    if((count ((position player) nearObjects ["All",100])) >= DZE_BuildingLimit) exitWith {TradeInprogress = false; cutText ["\n\nCannot build, too many objects witin 30m.", "PLAIN DOWN"];};




    If you want to have an infinite amount just do this and comment it out


    // disallow building if too many objects are found within 30m
    // if((count ((position player) nearObjects ["All",30])) >= DZE_BuildingLimit) exitWith {TradeInprogress = false; cutText ["\n\nCannot build, too many objects witin 30m.", "PLAIN DOWN"];};
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