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Posts posted by Regicyde

  1. @Vampire - I appreciate the dismissive redirect.


    @axeman - thanks for the link, I had read the particular thread multiple times prior to posting my thread, but I didn't think my particular question had been answered - hence my question.  Tracking the perspectives on it, and I understand the opinion that it might be better to wait for 1.0.5 - but I was interested to hear what other HFB server renters are experiencing (ie, has HFB ignored them as well).


    @zzzTNTzzz - yeah roger, I should have clarified I'm not having issues with "how" to do it, but rather if people who use HFB have been able to, as no option exists as has been noted.


    Appreciate the speedy replies, regardless of their respective utility.

  2. So, HFB has no option to upgrade the server to be compatible with the subject line arma build.


    I opened multiple tickets, but its been over 9 days, and haven't heard anything, so I thought I'd see if anyone else is running with an HFB Server, and, if so, how have they upgraded to 112555, or been able to permit those that have upgraded their clients to join.


    Right now, if you have 112555, and attempt to join you get the "bad version: server rejected..."

    I've lost all but my most dedicated players (read, those with bases) because its a pain in the nuts to downgrade to 103718 from 112555 - and, I don't blame them for moving on as there are tonnes of servers.


    Any perspective would be appreciated.





  3. Hello again. Bumping this thread, regarding the fire built out over water. Currently, you cannot do any crafting that requires a fire if it is built over the water. You can cook meat though, and it will heat you up as normal. Additionally, the light given off normally, does not take place, so been though the fire is going, and it's inside a structure, there is not light. This goes the same for light poles. It does not light up the water or any of the surrounding structures.

    I am curious if there is some fix for this.

  4. Morning All,


    Been running an Epoch Server for over a year now.  Never had any messages show up other than my own MoTD and some BEC messages.


    Recently, and almost every hour, the following scroll along the bottom Left....I read the forum posts about deleting a plug-ins folder, but no one referenced these specific messages so I wanted to check.


    Why would these messages be popping up?  Where can I find the folder they are contained in?  How do I remove them?


    [2014-05-20 | 07:34:14]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: Carl Gustav/MAAWS by Slatts
    [2014-05-20 | 07:34:29]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: TPW MODS - enhanced realism/immersion for Arma 3 by tpw updated
    [2014-05-20 | 07:34:44]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: Ivory Aircraft updated releases
    [2014-05-20 | 07:34:59]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: Player and Vehicle IR Strobe
    [2014-05-20 | 07:35:14]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: M1A1 MBT Arma 2 port by Raid
    [2014-05-20 | 07:35:29]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: Famas pack by Purple updated
    [2014-05-20 | 07:35:44]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: Swedish Forces Pack for Arma 3 updated
    [2014-05-20 | 07:35:59]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: EricJ Weapons Pack RC27 released
    [2014-05-20 | 07:36:14]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: Armed Orca Custom Template by Soolie
    [2014-05-20 | 07:36:29]  RCon admin #2: (Global) ArmaHolic News: Benelli M4 Super 90 Pack by Purple updated


    I recently had to Perma-Ban a hacker that attempted to set the server online (he was online for about 15s before I perma-banned him).





  5. Incredibly noob question - but I'll drop it nonetheless.  I've installed it exactly according to instructions, server booted up fine, but there are no missions appearing.  Do I need to activate anything? Do I require an additional interface?


    Apologies, I must be missing something basic.







    Search for "Die Well"


    I run a Hardcore Survival Server - no help, no safezones, no AI (at this time).  I don't restock the traders, so players drive the economy by selling and bartering.


    I've added a few vehicles and weapons, but nothing unbalanced, and I encourage as much pvp as possible.  Check it out. 


    I've got some features going, mostly centered around base building.  Players group up or don't, kind of just let human nature create the drama for them.





  7. Hello all,

    Recently decided to build a base out over the water.

    I built a causeway 2000m out, and have the first floor complete up over the ocean.

    I had been airlifting built components from a land base, but decided to begin crafting at the new location, out over the water.

    2 questions:

    1) when I attempt to build metal poles, it tells me there needs to be a fire within 3 meters despite a fire being lit. Is this something I can fix? Or is the game assuming the fire is actually on the ocean floor.

    2) when I open a supply crate, the materials within simply vanish, rather than appearing on the metal flooring. I assume it has something to do with where the actual floor is...but when I drop items from my inventory, they appear with no issues.

    Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated. I hadn't been able to find anything on these forums beyond one comment about a base built in the sky having similar issues.


  8. Morning,


    Been running an EPOCH server for a few months.  No major issues to report of any kind that I didn't inflict on it myself.


    My question concerns my player log.  For every player that connects and actually enters the game world, I have 3 or 4 that only connect for a few seconds.


    The history looks like this (I've made up a generic name, GUID and IP)


    [2014-03-02 | 10:00:53]  Player #1 Generic Name ( connected
    [2014-03-02 | 10:00:53]  Refreshing players...
    [2014-03-02 | 10:00:55]  Player #1 Generic Name - GUID: 1234567890abc1112131415efg16171819hij202122 (unverified)
    [2014-03-02 | 10:00:55]  Verified GUID (1234567890abc1112131415efg16171819hij202122) of player #1 Generic Name
    [2014-03-02 | 10:00:56]  Player #1 Generic Name disconnected



    As I said, I have a solid server population so I'm curious if its just various players with client side problems? Player error? Choice?


    It happens often enough that I thought I'd ask the community.


    Feel free to yell if this is in the wrong thread.





  9. Subject line says it all.


    Objects were placed before req for a plot pole.  After the patch, in order to continue the base building, plot pole was put down.   Slowly, structures from before the patch and plot pole (so far) are disappearing....hasn't affected any structures placed after the patch (which have been up since the patch).



    I am curious if it is just some side effect to structures placed before the patch without a plot pole, or if there is some other issue.


    To confirm, I have edited my settings with a negative value to disable building decay etc etc. 


    Appreciate any info you can provide!




  10. I'm actually going through my server logs as well.  I just wish I was more savvy with the database (its and HFB Server) but I don't want to start deleting vehicles if there is a fix coming.  I'm just not sure there is such a fix in the works.


    Regarding the custom vehicles mentioned above - I run vanilla epoch, no upgrades of any kind and its only started after the patch.  Here's hoping someone can suggest something!

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