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Posts posted by Galian

  1. Dont think there is an easy solution for this one, and I will explain myself.


    In order to get indestructible vehicles you will have to set either the vehicle allowdamage false or enablesimulation false, that is the easy part. But you need to find them and check if they are close enought to a jammer. Of course you can find the objects with the nearobjects command , either Jammers / vehicles or both, but you will have to check then forEach vehicle you find in the radius, if it is close enought to one of the jammers found. It can be done, yes, but might take a lot of computing on cliend side... probably yes.


    Keep in mind that both commands allowdamage and enablesimulation are local, so you need to execute them in every client on a multiplayer game.


    With all this info, and if I'm not wrong, in order to accomplish this, you need to make an algorithm like this one (this is pseudo code, dont copy this to a sqf file):


    while (alive player)


    _arrayvehicles = find all vehicles in radius (nearobjects command)

    _arrayJammers = find all jammers in radius (nearobjects command)



      check if _x is close to any of the items in _arrayjammers  (distance command), if so _x allowdamage false

    }forEach _arrayvehicles



    Probably someone in this forums will have a better idea, I m just quite new to arma programming.



  2. Lol...So u mean, i need to tell all my players, they need to first throw down flare so that the vehicle spawn correctly?


    If its a trader you set manualy, you can also put a heli_pad object by the trader and your vehicles will spawn there. Dont really remember the actual class, but you can find it in the map.h file inside epoch_settings PBO. 

  3. In my opinion the actual problem with Epoch is the challenge. I think it is not about zombies or anything else. A2 Epoch was so succesfull because over a challenging game (A2 Dayz) you added some incredible features, like construction, safes, traders, etc.. But the thing is that playing A2 epoch, you feel the challenge. Yes zombies were idiot, and it was really hard to get killed by one of them, but as you played the game, you understood that it was way better to sneak into a town to get what you needed, rather than start shooting. It was challenging not being seen by Zeds, and you didnt wanted to be detected by zeds because that told other players you were there.


    I think at this point of develpment, A3 Epoch is not really challenging. Yes it does has unlimited potencial, either with the actual antagonists, or with any other, but you should work on the challenge, on what makes a player want to be 4 hours in a row playing your game. Of course this is just an opinion.

  4. If you disable the doors, you should already have the door names.


    No really, the enabling/disabling of the door is done via "setVariable" command: 

    _container setVariable["bis_disabled_Door_1",1,true]; //change the 1/0 to enable or disable the door.

    For opening/closing doors, and after a lot of searching, I found this solution, in case anyone wants to use it:

    [_Container, 'Door_1_rot', 'Door_Handle_1_rot_1', 'Door_Handle_1_rot_2'] execVM "\A3\Structures_F\scripts\Door_close.sqf";

    As you see, this is done with the actual arma 3 code "\A3\Structures_F\scripts", and it works like a charm. Probably will be doable also just with animate command, and of course with those classes.


    If anyone has a doubt feel free to ask.

  5. Hello everyone, this might be a really simple question, but I have been trying some code for days, and I can't get it to work.


    They Idea I have is to have a container looked down (doors disabled) and open them with an action. (this way I think is much more realistic to provide the users with a some loot, instead of poping a loot box from nowhere in the middle of the zone). The idea is you open the box, and inside you find a GunRack that gets filled with the loot.


    I managed to make it work, and doors get enabled once the script has ended. But of course I need that box to get closed again and get its doors disabled after sometime, and I cant get this "animateDoor" to work in the container.


    I have tried all the options that I thought of:


    _container animateDoor ["Door1",0,false];

    _container animateDoor ["Door_1",0,false];

    _container animateDoor ["Door_1_1",0,false];


    no one seems to be working, so anyone know what exactly has to be done in order to close the doors?? (the disable works by the way)

  6. I m working on a Panthera Map. As Cubitron says, it can be used, but it doesnt come with the standard Epoch Package.


    If you wanna play Panthera, you need to create a Panthera3.h within the Epoch_settings.pbo and configure it (I would use the altis.h or stratis.h as an example)

  7. obviusly thats why its not working ... i still feel this is the wrong way to go for this tho.


    it should be done on the player and not bother the server with publicvariables unless you have to ...


    i can understand that apparently there is some kind of trend going around, about adding everything into a pbo file, however this is not always the answer and you will most likely have to edit something in the mission anyway.


    basicly what you are doing is taking a rocketship to the grocery ... its most likely a fast trip, sure ... but completly overkill and you will waste way too many resources on it aswell.


    Probably you are right, I was doing it on server side to perform some checks withing the database, and because it is only when a player is "reborn" so not really a big load to the server. But will think a way to improve this.


    Thx a lot for your help!

  8. I pass the player as "PublicVariableServer" parameter, I know it does arrive to the server because I can add a custom uniform to that player, and port him to a random spawn location, this all work fine.The only thing I cant get to work is the backpack.


    myF_PlayerLoadOut = [player];
    publicVariableServer "myF_PlayerLoadOut";
  9. Well the thing is that with both ways I get the class name for the backpack, but then it dont get to the player with the addBackpack



    I have checked also the "addbackpackcargo.txt" and there is this sentence: !"B_AssaultPack_(cbr|dgtl|khk|mcamo|ocamo|rgr|sgg)" so I guess it is not something about AH... getting me crazzy

    A simple question about backpacks, for a custom loadout. I have made a simple addon to make custom loadouts in server side, I pass the player as variable, and then the server does all the job. Everything is working and the player gets its custom loadout, everything but the backpack. This is my code:
    _Player = _this select 0; //I pass the player as a parameter in a publicvariableserver;
    //rest of the layout code here
    /Backpac Code
    diag_log "backpack selection";
    _BackPacks = ["B_AssaultPack_ocamo","B_AssaultPack_rgr"];
    _unitBP = _BackPacks select floor random count _BackPacks;
    _Player addBackpack _unitBP;
    diag_log "Backpack added";

    The thing is that in the rpt file I get both messages, but the backpack is not added to the player. Any clue what can be happening? My best guess right now is related to the AH, but I m not sure.


    Thanks for your help


  11. Hello everyone I m quite new to the Epoch administration/programming, but after reading a lot this forums, I managed to prepare a server with RHS classes for items and vehicles. Right now nearby everything is working, but I have a problem with the traders, and I m not sure if this is something about the Epoch on its own, or something related to RHS.


    The thing is that I managed to put RHS stuff in the traders, and players can  buy/sell anything, weapons, magazines. The problem comes with the vests and backpacks, and it is not because they can not purchase them, it is because even if a player is naked, if he tries to purchase a vest/backpack the game says "you dont have space" error. I have tried some things and found that if player has an empty backpack, and purchases a vest, the vest goes into the backpack, and then of course player can dress it, but neither backpacks or vests are putted in the player slot straight away, so a naked player for example, or a player without an empty backpack, can't buy them.


    Anyone having a similar problem or knows how to fix this?


    I dont really know if this is a bug of Epoch, or it is the intended way to work, so if its a bug, let me know and I will put this thread where it belongs.



  12. Hello everyone, I m quite new to the Epoch server administration, and of course as a newbie I m reading tons of information, and checking "billions" of lines of code, but after I managed to make a panthera3 map working with some custom programming I realized that no loot is spawning in the shouthern buildings, so my question is: is it possible to add those buildings somehow, so the epoch system recognizes them and pop loot in them? or should I do it with a custom loot script like the one on this forums?


    Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad english.

  13. Well my idea was just to drop weapons, as it is supposed to be a surrender script once you have been ambushed (of course for a role playing server).


    What I try to do is have more interaction between the players (kidnapping, robbery, etc...), and less Kill on Sight. So the thing is how would a player drop all his weapons in such situation?


    I thought about an addAction command, because seems fast and simple, but if it cant be done with Epoch, then is there a way to do it, key or what ever?



    @DirtySanchez sorry, as you have already noticed, I m a bit new to scripting world, but I dont know what is a Donkey Menu GUI, or how can it be used with a hotkey, can you be a little more specific.


    Thanks a lot for both replies

  14. I have a problem with RHS addon. The thing is, I can have it working, even in traders, but with the uniforms, no player can use them, they are no able to put them on. The weapons work ok.


    My guess is that as the players are CIV faction, and the uniforms are either East or West, that avoids anyone using them, am I right, and if so, is there a way to bypass this?

  15. Hello everyone, I m working in a very simple script to allow Epoch players to surrender and drop their reapons on the ground.


    I have managed to make it work in a SP mission with the following code:

    _myStuff = weapons player;
    _myMags = magazines player;
    // Drop all your stuff on ground.
    if (count (_myStuff+_myMags)>0) then 
    _box = createVehicle ["groundWeaponHolder", player modelToWorld [0,0.8,0], [], 0.5, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _box setDir floor (random 360);
    _box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
    player removeWeapon _x;
    } forEach _myStuff;
    _box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
    player removeItem _x; 
    } forEach _myMags;
    player reveal _box;

    The problem comes when I try to make it work in the dedicated epoch server. After searching I found that addAction is not allowed by the epoch system, so my question is: Is there a way to execute this script pressing a key?


    Thanks for your help, and excuse me if its a noobish question, I have been looking quite a bit now, and cant find a way to make this work.

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