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Posts posted by jbox88

  1. Hi,


    I've had this working for about a week, but my server just went into production. Prior to going to production we applied infiStar and updated the "Run.sqf" to adjust the two settings necessary for towing. Unfortunately, it still seems as though admins are the only ones capable of towing. Any ideas? 


    /*  Remove Action Objs   */ _OAO = false; /* true or false */ /* needs to be  false  when using e.g. IgiLoad */
    /*  Check Attached Objs  */ _CAO = false; /* true or false */ /* needs to be  false  when using e.g. IgiLoad */
    Users report the script is loading for them upon joining the server as well. I'm really lost at this point and would really appreciate the help! 
  2. Hi All, 


    I'm still trying to get my hands around server setup & maintenance, so I apologize if it appears I'm wasting your time. 


    Firstly, I've applied what seems to be all necessary changes to init.SQF, mission.sqm and spawnpoints.sqf. I've uploaded them to my dropbox for convenience, but if someone prefers I can post the text here as well. 


    Second, I've tried hiding the default spawn crate (with teleports) outlined in this forum, but it seems I'm doing something wrong here as well. I've unpacked the "a3_epoch_server_settings" pbo and made changes to the config.cpp, outlined below. Note - the PBO is found under "@EpochHive\Addons" to my understanding.



    class Altis : Default

    worldSize = 20000;
    traderBlds[] = { "Land_Kiosk_blueking_F", "Land_FuelStation_Build_F", "Land_CarService_F", "Land_i_Garage_V1_F", "Land_i_Shed_Ind_F", "Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F" };
    containerPos[] = {
    { 8599.97, 24513.6, 0 },
    { 6282.61, 22654, 0 },
    { 3431.42, 22447.1, 0 },
    { 3524.53, 22718.1, 0 },
    { 3528.63, 22747.7, 0 },
    { 2185.4, 21454.6, 0 },
    { 2180.42, 21429.5, 0 },
    { 2105.21, 23439.7, 0 },
    { 2352.68, 19379.2, 0 },
    { 3022.73, 13520.1, 0 },
    { 2997.03, 13502.6, 0 },
    { 1940.41, 10095.8, 0 },
    { 7454.79, 9247.77, 0 },
    { 7485.66, 9255.52, 0 },
    { 12060.5, 6203.39, 0 },
    { 12059.2, 6183.42, 0 },
    { 14205.4, 7549.47, 0 },
    { 14373.1, 7688.5, 0 },
    { 14376.8, 7715.9, 0 },
    { 13115, 9491.82, 0 },
    { 13666, 11913.7, 0 },
    { 13682.8, 11890.2, 0 },
    { 15209.5, 14341.1, 0 },
    { 15326.2, 14361.6, 0 },
    { 15340.7, 14291.1, 0 },
    { 15351.3, 14278.1, 0 },
    { 15419.5, 14287.1, 0 },
    { 15951.8, 9707.72, 0 },
    { 22199.6, 5697.94, 0 },
    { 22279.2, 8641.17, 0 },
    { 26135.7, 19798.5, 0 },
    { 27908.6, 24460.4, 0 },
    { 23164.5, 24046.1, 0 },
    { 21016.3, 20024.2, 0 },
    { 18776.8, 18291.9, 0 },
    { 17361.2, 18792.1, 0 },
    { 17598.9, 18813.6, 0 },
    { 17560, 18928.3, 0 },
    { 17702.8, 19466.5, 0 }
    telePos[] = {
    { "Transport_C_EPOCH", { 23600.5, 18009, -50.233421 }, "", { 13326.5, 14515.2, -50.16426 } }, // Trader city 1
    { "Transport_W_EPOCH", { 23585.4, 18000.7, -50.233424 }, "", { 6192.46, 16834, -50.00154114 } }, // Trader city 2
    { "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 23615.5, 18000.9, -50.233423 }, "", { 18451.9, 14278.1, -50.00143814 } } // Trader city 3
    telePosCenter[] = {23600, 18009, -50}

    As always, any help is appreciated! 





  3. Just got everything working, I'm also new so if anyone has questions, please let me know (allow me to pass on the help I received). 


    @Moody - the InitMissions.sqf can be found within the SEM directory. After any edits are made, you'll need to repack everything into a .pbo file. To accomplish this, you need a simple PBO viewer, I leverage Arma PBO View, I don't have a link readily available, just google it. 



    Step 1: Open SEM directory

    Step 2: Within SEM directory, edit "InitMission.sqf" using Notepad ++

    Step 3: Within the "InitMissions.sqf" locate "_minMissionTime = 5" and change "5" to 1"

    Step 4: Within the "InitMissions.sqf" locate "_maxMissionTime = 10" and change "10" to "5"

    Step 5: Save all changes

    Step 6: Delete "SEM.pbo" from the root directory of the extracted SEM archive (e.g "F:\Arma 3 server files\customization\downloaded scripts\Simple-Epoch-Missions-master\Simple-Epoch-Missions-master")

    Step 7: Open the Arma pbo Viewer (Or w/e viewer you're leveraging) and select "Pack" or use hit key "ctrl + P"

    Step 8: Select the "SEM" folder you wish to pack (the one that contains your edits, assuming you have backups of the original)

    Step 9: A new "SEM.pbo" will be created in the root directory, copy the updated "SEM.pbo" into your server directory "@EpochHive\Addons"



    Note - Make backups of everything you're working on. Especially your entire server structure, otherwise you'll end up having to do complete wipes of your server and re-install the Epoch files as you're not sure where an issue is or something along those lines :). 


    Let me know if you need any further help. 



    @KSwiss - Thanks again for all the help, missions are looking really solid. The only suggestion I would have is showing the Mission Type on the map if possible. But note this is with limited testing, I'll likely have further feedback as I test the server. 

  4. Hi All,


    I'm having some difficulty with scripting and this has been the only place I've received any help thus far. This is a little random and I apologize, but would someone be willing to schedule some time to meet with me on TS to help walk a fellow gamer/software/hardware enthusiast through scripting? As always, I would greatly appreciate the help and respect your time. 


    If you're willing, please shoot me a PM. I would simply give our TS, but we have a few members that I rather not annoy you :P. 

  5. Hi All, 


    Few questions as I'm fairly new to all of this and would appreciate all the help! 


    I'm trying to apply this on top of the SEM mission loadout. Would I need to create a loadout folder in "missions" Or "MPMissions" with an init.sqf containing the loadout script in "Loadout" and another "init.sqf" in the root Missions directory containing "[] execVM"? And when I go to pack the PBO file; since I don't have anything in "Missions" directory correctly, would it just be the loadout and the new Missions init.sqf I pack? Or would I need to do this all with the "MPMissions" directory? And apply the loadout on top of the SEM init.sqf?


    Seems simple enough, but I've already broken enough "simple" things :P. Thanks for all the advise in advance, really appreciate everyone's time!  

  6. I'm fairly new to scripting, and certainly to hosting my own server, so any help is appreciated. 


    I've managed to apply the SEM mission files to my server, and I'm trying to apply custom load outs next. Which, thank you again to everyone on here for already being so helpful by providing easily accessible information. But, I've been looking into this and I'm still confused. 


    Within my "MPMissions" directory, I have "Init.sqf" from the SEM configuration. Can I simply add the loadout code to the same init.sqf there for it to work? Or when they say "simply put it in a init.sqf" are they referring to another location? And if I add it to the init.sqf within the MPMissions directory, do I have to recompile a PBO or something? 


    referring to loadout


    SEM mission reference (already applied) 


    Again, thank you everyone for the help thus far, I admit I'm fairly new at this and hope everyone will continue to assist as I work on building my experience :). 


    Best Regards,



  7. Sitting at 22 minutes with nothing happening, I have no starting parameters set, just the files copied over as follows:


    sem.pbo copied to "@epochHive/Addons"

    Sem (directory) copied to "@epochHive/Addons"

    Scripts.txt updated at "Arma3Config/Battleye"

    createverhicle.txt updated at "Arma3Config/Battleye"

    addweaponcargo.txt updated at "Arma3Config/Battleye"

    All files found within MPMissions have been copied and overwritten original files within server MPMissions


    To be safe, I've also copied in the Sem directory into the root directory. 


    Earlier I was kicked and made an edit to the scripts.txt, that no longer occurs, but I thought it was caused by the mission files actually loading. Any ideas? 

  8. Running into some trouble getting the missions working. I thought it was fairly straight forward, but given my limited experience and missions not started, I'm betting I'm doing something wrong and would appreciate assistance. 


    "Step 1.
    Copy the file "sem.pbo" into the "@epochhive/addons/" folder.
    1a. Copy the folder "@sem" into the root folder of Your ArmA3 dedicated server
    2b. Add the modfolder to Your server startup parameters: -mod=@Epoch;@epochhive;@sem
    Step 2.
    Use the pbos provided in this download, they already have the init.sqf included.
    Manually add the init.sqf inside the mission pbo file (epoch.altis.pbo, epoch.stratis.pbo or epoch.chernarus.pbo)"
    To kick it off, I'm first trying with a very basic setup, using default PBO files. I've copied over the "sem.pbo" into my server's "@epochhive/addons/" directory. In addition, my understand of step two was to simply copy over the file "epoch.Atlis.pbo" into the same directory "@epochhive/addons/". From the instructions, no start parameters should be necessary, but I've tried that with no success. So I tried with the parameter referencing "@sem", no success. I copied over the "Sem" directory into the root directory as I couldn't find an actual directory or file "@sem", tried again, no success. 
    I must be missing something, and it seems like I'm using a newer build based on most feedback provided here and other forums. At this point, I would greatly appreciate any help! 
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