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Posts posted by BaDg3R

  1. Open world survival mod set in the year 2035, Just two years after the mass extinction of billions of people. Those that remain are left with remnants of a once technological society. Try to survive, build, or explore your way through the harsh dynamic environment.


    ​shouldn't be any zombies in Epoch


    its 2 years after the mass extinction so that means no zeds right?

  2. I had a vanilla epoch server i now only host a Hardcore server.. gives players a chance to play HC 

    Im with people on making the files private even if my server cant be hosted. it will be alot better for the player base in general 


    its over to the devs to make it so only there partners can host an epoch server i.e Arctic servers gtx gaming.. and set people who have been part of the community and helped others that's what i think but see what the devs think

  3. I would agree if they shared the vision of the unofficial server devs, but they don't as far as I can see. You'd have 15 vanilla servers, which I think would die off like other vanilla servers before them. 

     But epoch is a MOD so people should enjoy playing vanilla? you would have more people wanting to join the 15-20 official servers instead of 1500 players on 1200 servers.


    i know non official hosts will see this and think its a bad idea.. but tbh like other game modes i.e KOTH they keep the files locked and you get a better player base on the 15-20 servers than you would do if every man and his dog had an KOTH server

  4. The lesser community's like ourselfs don't get any population as theres not that many new players on epoch.. but bring something new and you might get players for a week or 2 then get bored as there's no other players on the server.. i brought a hardcore server to the table.. its like Marmite thou.. love it or hate it.. 

  5. I have an Bornholm with only 3rd person disablede, since it take the fun out of PVP

    It doesn't take the fun out of it thou that's the thing! 


    People want 3rd person because its easy.. driving is easy.. would be soo good in real life wars and combat situations if we had 3rd person enabled... tanks would be so much easier to navigate around... 

  6. Just been informed by someone that the view distance is set at 1.6k by default.. and cannot be changed as that's what the epoch mod sets?


    I haven't messed with the view distance yet but is it true.. and can it be increased?

  7. UUK Is a new gaming community what currently has 2 Arma 3 Epoch Servers one hardcore and one normal. We Also have a GunGame Server and a team speak.


    We are looking for members from all over the globe.. our dedicated server is hosted in France so a great ping to all EU players and most of america get good pings too.


    We are also looking for new clans to come and play, give ideas and be part of our community.


    We are open to new ideas and always listen to the community weather it be one person who asks or five.


    We don't have a website yet.. but we are in the makings of one and should have it op and running in the upcoming weeks.


    If you want to know more info please don't hesitate to contact me through here or steam.


    Steam Username:- BaDg3R`      

    Teamspeak :-






    Possibly in wrong area sorry for any inconvenience caused

  8. @echo off
    :: Modify your folders etc!
    set armapath="C:\armaserver"
    set armaparams=" -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;@allinarmaterrainpack; -config=SC\config.cfg  -port=2302 -autoInit -loadMissionToMemory -profiles=SC -cfg=SC\basic.cfg -name=SC  -malloc=system
    set becpath="C:\armaserver"
    set serverexe=arma3server.exe
    echo KILL servers
    cd /d %armapath%
    taskkill /im %serverexe%
    echo Kill Bec.exe
    cd /d %becpath%
    taskkill /im bec1.exe
    timeout 2
    echo Restarting
    :: start the servers..
    cd /d %armapath%
    start "arma3" "arma3server.exe"  -mod=@Epoch;@EpochHive;@allinarmaterrainpack; -config=SC\config.cfg  -port=2302 -autoInit -loadMissionToMemory -profiles=SC -cfg=SC\basic.cfg -name=SC  -malloc=system
    echo Starting Bec
    timeout 5
    :: start bec
    cd /d %becpath%
    start "" bec1.exe -f Config.cfg
    echo Server Started
  9. <Scheduler>
    	<!-- Schedular to be shown all days in the week. -->
    	<!-- show text ingame every 10 min -->
    	<job id="0">
    		<cmd>say -1 Welcome to UUK's Epoch server. </cmd>	
    		<!-- show text ingame every 11 min -->
    	<job id="1">
    		<cmd>say -1 Join us on teamspeak! If you have any problems seek an Admin</cmd>	
    	<!-- show text ingame every 45 min -->
    	<job id="2">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server Will Restart at these times 00:00 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00 GMT.</cmd>
    	<job id="3">
    		<cmd>say -1 AI Missions will spawn at random times</cmd>
    	<!-- *** RESTARTS *** -->
    	<!-- 10 min to the 04:00 restart -->
    	<job id="4">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 10 minutes! </cmd>
    	<job id="5">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 5 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="6">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 2 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="7">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 1 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="8">
    		<cmd>say -1 Log out now! 30 seconds till Restart</cmd>
    	<!-- 04:00 restart -->
    	<job id="9">
        <!-- 10 min to the 08:00 restart -->
    	<job id="10">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 10 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="11">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 5 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="12">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 2 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="13">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 1 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="14">
    		<cmd>say -1 Log out now! 30 seconds till Restart</cmd>
        <!-- 08:00 restart -->
    	<job id="15">
        <!-- 10 min to the 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="16">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 10 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="17">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 5 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="18">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 2 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="19">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 1 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="20">
    		<cmd>say -1 Log out now! 30 seconds till Restart</cmd>
        <!-- 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="21">
        <!-- 10 min to the 16:00 restart -->
    	<job id="22">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 10 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="23">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 5 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="24">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 2 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="25">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 1 minute!</cmd>
    	<job id="26">
    		<cmd>say -1 Log out now! 30 seconds till Restart</cmd>
        <!-- 16:00 restart -->
    	<job id="27">
        <!-- 10 min to the 20:00 restart -->
    	<job id="28">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 10 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="29">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 5 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="30">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 2 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="31">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 1 minute!</cmd>
    	<job id="32">
    		<cmd>say -1 Log out now! 30 seconds till Restart</cmd>
        <!-- 20:00 restart -->
    	<job id="33">
        <!-- 10 min to the 00:00 restart -->
    	<job id="34">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 10 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="35">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 5 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="36">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 2 minutes!</cmd>
    	<job id="37">
    		<cmd>say -1 Server will Auto Restart in 1 minute!</cmd>
    	<job id="38">
    		<cmd>say -1 Log out now! 30 seconds till Restart</cmd>
        <!-- 12:00 restart -->
    	<job id="39">
    	<job id="40">
    		<cmd>say -1 Be sure to find a Radio as there maybe some chatter about Missions!</cmd>


    Works fine on my servers :)


    3rd time of posting this and it also works on other peoples whos used it 

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