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Posts posted by noswadm

  1. Greets all,


    I use A3EAI for my antagonist. In .2.5 I was able to turn off the antagonist completely. Now with the new update I have them set to 0 in the config.hpp, however drones and sappers are still appearing. Did I miss something in the release notes or I am missing a new setting that I need to adjusted. It really sucks being in a firefight and having a sapper or drone show up when I am not expecting it to.



  2. I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with rocket launchers appearing from the loot list.


    in the weapons area of my loot list I have it listed as:





    I have no problem with the ammo showing


    My BE filter looks as:




    Any idea as to why they are not appearing or any help is appreciated.....Thanks!

  3. Not sure if anyone else has this same issue, but I have noticed that if the server is empty upon restart, and no players connect for at least thirty minutes, but connect later, the dynamic town invasion notices never post. Now this isn't an issue on servers with a steady player base, but since our server is new this tends to happen consistently.


    I have this same issue. Nothing in my report. was wondering if there is a solution.

  4. After a couple of vid tuts I was almost there....had those exceptions on line 20 and 21. But loading screen got stuck at map. Will try them on line 21 and 22 and see if it that resolves it.


    Thank You!




    Well after I places those exceptions on lines 21 and 22 I am still gettig the same kick


    #20 "= compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "LSpawner\LSdeleter.sqf";
    execVM "LSpawner\Lootspawner.sqf";


    Anymore ideas?

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