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Posts posted by Joker_xGERx

  1. i configure my server without infistar = this guy sell hacks for player and Anti Cheat Tools for Server Admin. i am confused^^

    When i join Infistar Server my FPS usually 10 less the same full or empty


    Ok guys, as i said please don´t fire up this controversy again. This is no "who is the bad guy and who is the good boy" thread.

    Topic is: "Will the stock admin and anti hack tool bring similar functionality step by step with comming realseses?"

    ...and at the moment it seems like the answer is yes, but it takes time if i dont have missunderstanding ;)

  2. Joker mind posting the steps you did to resolve the no player damage and pbo work around?


    • I have addad a new folder "@myconfig" in the servers root (where the arma3server.exe is)
    • In this new folder i created a folder "addons"
    • Then copy the file "a3_epoch_server.pbo" from "@epochhive\addons" in the new created folder "@myconfig\addons"
    • Extract the file with PBO Manager and open the file "\compile\epoch_player\EPOCH_server_loadPlayer.sqf" with Notepad++
    • Search in this file as MisterT said for "_av allowDamage false;" and change it to "_av allowDamage true;"
    • Repack the a3_epoch_server folder back to the PBO file ("a3_epoch_server.pbo")
    • Add to your server startparameter @myconfig like this... -mod=@Epoch;@epochhive;@mycon
    • Have fun...

    Don´t know if is the best way but it works for me :)

  3. If you create another you will be fine. MSG your skype


    Finally, with a new folder and a copy of the original .pbo i got it working. Thanks a lot for your patience ;)

    Now the PvE party can start ;)


    Is it possible to make the ai a bit slower/less aggressive in attack? I tried to change combat mode from red to yellow but i can´t feel a difference.

  4. Yes i know it´s still under development and thats no problem so far. But the big question is how the Epoch Devs think about that? Does more functionality will implemented in coming versions or they are thinking the given functions are enough and admins don´t should have more options? Godmode/Vehicle God ....OK a lot of admins abuse but thats not my fault and for me it´s a good way to test AI scripts or discipline some rowdies on our PvE server.

  5. Hi,

    i know about the denegation of InfiSTAR admin tool and it seems like InfiSTAR often cause some problems with custom scripts.
    So my question is: Is there a option to get related functionality without InfiSTAR?

    As i see the stock admin tool does not have options like godmode, esp, repair, heal, revive, unlimit ammo ...


    Even in this testing phase and even on PvE servers a lot of those optios are very helpfull (sorry, it´s not my fault if some childish admins do abuse with that rights!).

    I know about the differences between InfiSTAR and Epoch Devs and i don´t want to fire up this controversy again. All i want to know is can i get similar functionality if i remove InfiSTAR with the stock Epoch admin tool or other 3rd party tool??



  6. Also did you create another @Myupdatedfile.   Remember Epoch uses a DLL crc check. So you have to add another @yourmod with the new pbo in it. Than add @yourmod to your server startup.


    in other words.


    compile pbo file. Create folder called @deeznuts, open that folder create another folder called addons

    drag the pbo you just made into @deeznuts\addons\ new.pbo


    On your STARTUP addd @Epoch;@EpochHive;@Deeznuts


    Get what Im saying?


    There is 10 ways to do this.


    OK, what you want to say is the game does not allow any changes on the .pbo´s in @epochhive because of verifying that files are original!?

    If i create a new folder i.e. @mychanges/addons and put in there a copy of the a3_epoch_server.pbo where i do my changes is there no conflict with the .pbo in the @epochhive folder? So i have one EPOCH_server_loadPlayer.sqf with the value of "false" and one with "true" :huh:

  7. Ok, what i do...

    • Unpack @epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server.pbo
    • Open compile/epoch_player/EPOCH_server_loadPlayer.sqf
    • Search for "_av allowDamage false;" and change it to "_av allowDamage true;"
    • Copy/Paste the a3_epoch_server Folder back to the .PBO
    • Start Server

    Server is starting up, when 1st player join the mission is loading and then the server crashes/shut down.

    23:52:49 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
    23:52:49 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_mp
    23:52:49 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_spawn
    23:52:49 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_mpexec
    23:52:49 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_getcfgdata
    23:52:50 Error: Object(3 : 0) not found
    23:52:50 "<infiSTAR.de> 118.261 - AntiHack loaded!"
    23:52:50 "infiSTAR.de 0.136 - run.sqf - AntiHack included!"
    23:52:50 "infiSTAR.de 0.136 - run.sqf - including AdminTools"
    23:52:50 "infiSTAR.de 0.136 - run.sqf - AdminTools included!"
    23:52:50 "#SEM: Start Simple Epoch Missions"
    23:52:50 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init
    23:52:50 "Epoch: Starting ArmA3 Epoch Server, Version"

    ...and then the server log ends.

  8. Joker here is a hint (couldnt wait 24 hours :P)




    _av allowDamage false;

    change to

    _av allowDamage true;



    If your still not sure private msg me.


    If i change the value _av allowDamage from false to true the server crashes when first player join :huh:

  9. That is a common issue. Make sure all your files are up to date. My AI shoot and cause damage.  Use google to find how to fix this common issue (A3 AI bullets cause no damage to players). If you cant figure it out within 24 hours. I will post you a fix. Happy searching.


    SideNote: I use stock epoch files and the A.I. spawn and kill fine. Are you using a different antihack than stock?


    The standard epoch AI cause damage and the AI fom works fine too. Seems like was the same problem, i tried to fix it with infos from that thread but i am a script noob :(

    And YES, i use a different AntiHack than stock! (...i know nobody wan´t to hear this here!)


    Does i have to update some stock files? I use Epoch and A3 1.36.128579

  10. Got it working, thanks for sharing this nice script!

    Just some wishes for comming versions if possible so far:


    - Zombies shoud be more active and spread out, more agressive. (Sometimey they are hanging around like a teenie boy group)

    - Zombies should not despawn immediately if player get in a vehicle or leave town. (Some timeout possible?)

    - Give Zombies a weapon like a hatchet or knifes (I like the idea with the wolfmask too ;) )

    - Higher the chance zombies spawn if a player is moving inside a town


    ...just some ideas from me :)

  11. What we are looking for is some stuff for PvE servers like AI patrols & helis, start equipment for new players, zombies, towing script...


    Also it would be fine if players can join more than one group, dont know if its possible.


    ...and it would be great if someone bring back the vehicle keys and door codes! :D

  12. Script.txt

     line start with    7 setDamage               add     !"_lockedTarget setDamage"

     line start with    7 enableFatigue           add    !"_zombie enableFatigue false;" 

    line start with     7 addEventHandler      add    !"_zombie addEventHandler"


    Thanks, added but every time if one player get damage from  a zombie all other players  get kicked...

    04.01.2015 14:52:35: xxxx ( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx31e19e54ebe81 - #0 0.809843 7:14 Epoch_Male_F
    04.01.2015 14:52:35: Joker_xGERx ( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc5d46db7e3dfc2 - #0 0.809843 7:14 Epoch_Male_F

    I have added in my setdamage.txt...

    5 "" !="Sapper_Charge_Ammo" !="Epoch_Sapper_F" !="Epoch_Male_F"

    ...but still get kicked :(


    Strange is, the player who get damage from zombie can stay on the server, but ALL other players get a kick in this moment.

  13. Don´t get it working ;(

    ...a lot of BE kicks...

    02.01.2015 13:48:03: xxx ( xxxx- #3 "GroundWeaponHolder" 3:0 [0,0,-185]
    02.01.2015 13:48:03: xxx ( xxxx- #4 "GroundWeaponHolder" 3:0 [0,0,-185]
    02.01.2015 14:06:54: xxx ( xxxx- #4 "Rabbit_EPOCH" 9:2 [17071,13492,3]
    02.01.2015 14:05:54: xxx ( xxxx- #1 "EPOCH_loadPlayer_PVS" = [<NULL-object>,0]
  14. In statusBar.hpp play with these values:

    class statusBarText {
    			idc = 1000;
    			x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 2.0;
    			y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.04;
    			w = 1.25;
    			h = 0.04;

    the x value is left and right.  A higher value moves it all further to the left


    the w value is how wide the bar is.  A higher value will give you more room to add stuff


    When you change the width you will also have to change the left/right values to keep it centered.  You'll just have to play with it until you get it how you want.


    Thank you very much! ...testing ;)

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